What NYT Journalists Did Not See on Their Syria 8-day Visit


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
This is the NYT article
What ‘Victory’ Looks Like: A Journey Through Shattered Syria

And this is was written in response:

On an 8-day visit, “NYT journalists given rare access to Syria found ruin, grief and generosity”. They also conveyed to the world through the worldwide influence and readership newspaper the New York Times, the destruction and suffering of people after war, that was reported and known to everyone. In addition to that the conveyed that Assad is in total control, justifications of Assad government, resilience and strength of Assad’s stronghold and the no-use of US sanctions.

On the other hand, the NYT journalists did not see the Iranian Islamic Shiite expansion to give the supreme leader of Iran more control on Syria society. In addition to its tens of thousands of troops, that takes their orders directly from Tehran, not from Assad.

They did not see Hezbollah and affiliates, and their drug trade even in schools, and its long arm and control on several Syrian cities and towns, including Bosra, and Al-Qusayr.

للمزيد: What NYT Journalists Did Not See on Their Syria 8-day Visit – Enab Baladi

It was an interesting read eventually.

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