What Legislation Do We Need to get Work Refusniks off the Couch?

That’s not why there is a worker shortage. Young people are refusing to get jobs because they aren’t “up to their level.”

When I graduated from college into the recession of 1981, I ran a f’in xerox machine. The way I was brought up, ANY job is better than no job.

Maybe in your world
In my world, I see young people working and finally getting a respectable wage
You can't have more than $3000 dollars in assets, savings, retirement accounts, property, to qualify for welfare, and if only one parent works, you can't have a second car, the second car would go towards your asset amount...

I do not think that couple friends you know who you claim are not working because the jobs are BELOW them, can collect welfare because if they did hold such good jobs before, they likely have more than $3000 in assets.
I didn’t say they had good jobs before. They always had lower-earning jobs. But now they have found ways to get government programs to provide for them, and they refuse to work at all. I even know a man who is getting his rent paid in full, and doesn’t have a job.,
I didn’t say they had good jobs before. They always had lower-earning jobs. But now they have found ways to get government programs to provide for them, and they refuse to work at all. I even know a man who is getting his rent paid in full, and doesn’t have a job.,

What programs are these and where can I sign up?
Can you give us the medical history of everyone you condemn?
Excuses, excuses for the those who choose not to work.

This is why our country is in such decline. Liberals making excuses for people who won’t work a job.
I didn’t say they had good jobs before. They always had lower-earning jobs. But now they have found ways to get government programs to provide for them, and they refuse to work at all. I even know a man who is getting his rent paid in full, and doesn’t have a job.,

Do you know anyone that is not a freeloader?

In this one thread you have mentioned more freeloaders that you know right now than I have known my entire life.
All my kids work as well as their friends do.

When I was a kid and my sons were young, you had to beg for a Summer Job and were lucky to get one.
Employers had a take it or leave it attitude and offered minimum wage with uncertain working hours.

Today I see kids being able to pick and choose the jobs they want and get well paid
Excuses, excuses for the those who choose not to work.

This is why our country is in such decline. Liberals making excuses for people who won’t work a job.
I can tell you do not know these people personally nor do you know their medical history...You are just ranting about people who are not carbon copies of yourself. I'll tell the beggar with one arm Monday when I go to work to stop being a worthless bum insulting people like Lisa with their presence.
Why can't they find a job and pay their debt?

The majority have found a job. Here is my issue though..............Banks run into a rough spot and we crater the interest rates to boost their bottom lines.

People who graduate don't automatically have lots of money. They do pay on their loans but these are high interest rate loans despite others getting money for nearly free.

It was argued to lower the rates on these loans but it went nowhere. Now we are here.
The answer is NOT increasing the minimum wage, as I see signs all over the place offering $17 and $18 an hour to run a cash register or restock clothes on shelves. The answer is to stop giving taxpayer money away to people able to work and who simply feel jobs are beneath them.

1. Any adult not working a full-time job and living with a parent in a six-figure household should be exempt welfare-type benefits:

a) I know a young mother, now divorced, who moved in with her mother (a GS 14), who not only gets child support for her two children, as she should, she also gets food stamps, Medicaid for her kids, and a host of other benefits. She works one day a week, as a fill-in receptionist for a vet.

b) I also know a woman in her 50s, who lives with her parents, both of whom are retired government professionals with a six-figure pension. She too gets food stamps, and works two afternoons a week at the library.

2. Any parent in a two-parent household, where neither is working, should get no welfare. I know a couple (with kids) where both refuse to get a job, saying what’s available is beneath them, and they are getting rent relief, food stamps, Medicaid, and so forth.
A lot of people are gaming the system. The left would have you believe that either this is a miniscule problem or that the people who do this are poor and need the money anyway, like it's their version of universal basic income.

I've been in management for decades and have seen numerous people who try to get disability from the government. They seem perfectly fine to work while applying to the government saying they are too disabled to work. Many often get approved and get a large lump sum retroactive payment of thousands and thousands of dollars.

I also knew someone who was an investigator for a worker's comp company and you wouldn't believe all of the people he staked out who were collecting worker's comp and did all kinds of physical activities while claiming they just couldn't work.
When I was a kid and my sons were young, you had to beg for a Summer Job and were lucky to get one.
Employers had a take it or leave it attitude and offered minimum wage with uncertain working hours.

Today I see kids being able to pick and choose the jobs they want and get well paid
I hired people and made my sons go to work with me because getting people to work was always a problem even in the 1990s-2010.
I can tell you do not know these people personally nor do you know their medical history...You are just ranting about people who are not carbon copies of yourself. I'll tell the beggar with one arm Monday when I go to work to stop being a worthless bum insulting people like Lisa with their presence.

How do we know they are not carbon copies of her?

Does she work?

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