What is the Prescription? It depends on the Actions.


אחרית הימים
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2010
So what's your prescription, doctor?

Mine is for Israel to get out of OT and let everyone in the area have self-determination without interference.

My prescription is a back to the egg proposal and is for both the mind and body's ailments in this I/P event.

Israel is still in a state of war declared by the Arabs of Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinians who have no country and have admitted it is only virtual. An e-country, as it were ... a wish. Good. The Jews had their wish too and it has been fulfilled.

I digress. Even though the Palestinians were offered a country along with Israel in 1948, they refused the country, opting out to align with the Arab bordering countries to declare war on the fledgling State of Israel.

Now they started many wars and Israel has won those wars. Israel has maintained a peace with both Jordan and Egypt although the outlying areas of both are militant Palestinian havens. No, I'm not talking about the refugees who are kept in camps in order to keep the dream of there being a true Palestinian identity alive. Good for them. I understand this desire to keep their identity alive as well. Just in case they (along with their Arab brethren supporters in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and the non physically aligned Arab states wish to keep theirs alive.

When the Turkish Ottoman Empire faded, the French and British redrew the Arena in order to create countries out of massive partitions of non aligned lands.

This was also the state of the "Palestine Partition" of which ~78% was granted to Trans-Jordan by the British.

I don't see an outcry over in Jordan about the land that was 'stolen'. This is because it wasn't stolen. It was granted by Empiric reorder.

The partitioning brought the creation of the modern Arab world and the Republic of Turkey. The League of Nations granted France mandates over Syria and Lebanon and granted the United Kingdom mandates over Mesopotamia (later Iraq,) and Palestine, (later divided into Palestine and Transjordan). The Ottoman Empire's possessions on the Arabian Peninsula became the Kingdom of Hejaz and the Sultanate of Nejd (today Saudi Arabia), the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen, and the Arab States of the Persian Gulf.

Partitioning of the Ottoman Empire

This is why the Palestinians refuse to negotiate unless it is negotiations from a win position which is not negotiation and that's just not happening.

So, if the Palestinians and their other Arab war declarers want peace, they must first stop their declared war. Israel has no responsibility to take care of the Palestinians since they are still in a state of declared war even though they've lost the battles and have declared themselves the winners. Israel's peaceful borders are now outlaw badlands where the Palestinians and their other Arab supporters have setup base and war camps along with full tunnel systems and from which rockets are fired pretty consistently. Some seem to think that because these rockets don't kill people (well, as much as some would like) that they can minimize the attacks.

Prescription? I'm no doctor but I say this to all Palestinians and their Arab war declarers who ask what needs to be done.

Get to the negotiation table... and negotiate in good faith as a people who have lost the war and could have had their state simply by saying yes when the Jews said yes.

^Rx (negotiations from reality based positions.)

Or continue the still declared war which will likely result like the previous ones.

Which means much more dead on all sides of the divides.

^^ Dx (insanity, wish fulfillment or the Hand of G-d notwithstanding)

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So what's your prescription, doctor?

Mine is for Israel to get out of OT and let everyone in the area have self-determination without interference.

My prescription is a back to the egg proposal and is for both the mind and body's ailments in this I/P event.

Israel is still in a state of war declared by the Arabs of Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinians who have no country and have admitted it is only virtual. An e-country, as it were ... a wish. Good. The Jews had their wish too and it has been fulfilled.

I digress. Even though the Palestinians were offered a country along with Israel in 1948, they refused the country, opting out to align with the Arab bordering countries to declare war on the fledgling State of Israel.

Now they started many wars and Israel has won those wars. Israel has maintained a peace with both Jordan and Egypt although the outlying areas of both are militant Palestinian havens. No, I'm not talking about the refugees who are kept in camps in order to keep the dream of there being a true Palestinian identity alive. Good for them. I understand this desire to keep their identity alive as well. Just in case they (along with their Arab brethren supporters in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and the non physically aligned Arab states wish to keep theirs alive.

When the Turkish Ottoman Empire faded, the French and British redrew the Arena in order to create countries out of massive partitions of non aligned lands.

This was also the state of the "Palestine Partition" of which ~78% was granted to Trans-Jordan by the British.

I don't see an outcry over in Jordan about the land that was 'stolen'. This is because it wasn't stolen. It was granted by Empiric reorder.

The partitioning brought the creation of the modern Arab world and the Republic of Turkey. The League of Nations granted France mandates over Syria and Lebanon and granted the United Kingdom mandates over Mesopotamia (later Iraq,) and Palestine, (later divided into Palestine and Transjordan). The Ottoman Empire's possessions on the Arabian Peninsula became the Kingdom of Hejaz and the Sultanate of Nejd (today Saudi Arabia), the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen, and the Arab States of the Persian Gulf.

Partitioning of the Ottoman Empire

This is why the Palestinians refuse to negotiate unless it is negotiations from a win position which is not negotiation and that's just not happening.

So, if the Palestinians and their other Arab war declarers want peace, they must first stop their declared war. Israel has no responsibility to take care of the Palestinians since they are still in a state of declared war even though they've lost the battles and have declared themselves the winners. Israel's peaceful borders are now outlaw badlands where the Palestinians and their other Arab supporters have setup base and war camps along with full tunnel systems and from which rockets are fired pretty consistently. Some seem to think that because these rockets don't kill people (well, as much as some would like) that they can minimize the attacks.

Prescription? I'm no doctor but I say this to all Palestinians and their Arab war declarers who ask what needs to be done.

Get to the negotiation table... and negotiate in good faith as a people who have lost the war and could have had their state simply by saying yes when the Jews said yes.

^Rx (negotiations from reality based positions.)

Or continue the still declared war which will likely result like the previous ones.

Which means much more more dead on all sides of the divides.

^^ Dx (insanity, wish fulfillment or the Hand of G-d notwithstanding)


they must first stop their declared war.

Indeed, the Palestinians started the war when they went to Europe and attacked the Zionists. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

My prescription is a back to the egg proposal and is for both the mind and body's ailments in this I/P event.

Israel is still in a state of war declared by the Arabs of Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinians who have no country and have admitted it is only virtual. An e-country, as it were ... a wish. Good. The Jews had their wish too and it has been fulfilled.

I digress. Even though the Palestinians were offered a country along with Israel in 1948, they refused the country, opting out to align with the Arab bordering countries to declare war on the fledgling State of Israel.

Now they started many wars and Israel has won those wars. Israel has maintained a peace with both Jordan and Egypt although the outlying areas of both are militant Palestinian havens. No, I'm not talking about the refugees who are kept in camps in order to keep the dream of there being a true Palestinian identity alive. Good for them. I understand this desire to keep their identity alive as well. Just in case they (along with their Arab brethren supporters in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and the non physically aligned Arab states wish to keep theirs alive.

When the Turkish Ottoman Empire faded, the French and British redrew the Arena in order to create countries out of massive partitions of non aligned lands.

This was also the state of the "Palestine Partition" of which ~78% was granted to Trans-Jordan by the British.

I don't see an outcry over in Jordan about the land that was 'stolen'. This is because it wasn't stolen. It was granted by Empiric reorder.

Partitioning of the Ottoman Empire

This is why the Palestinians refuse to negotiate unless it is negotiations from a win position which is not negotiation and that's just not happening.

So, if the Palestinians and their other Arab war declarers want peace, they must first stop their declared war. Israel has no responsibility to take care of the Palestinians since they are still in a state of declared war even though they've lost the battles and have declared themselves the winners. Israel's peaceful borders are now outlaw badlands where the Palestinians and their other Arab supporters have setup base and war camps along with full tunnel systems and from which rockets are fired pretty consistently. Some seem to think that because these rockets don't kill people (well, as much as some would like) that they can minimize the attacks.

Prescription? I'm no doctor but I say this to all Palestinians and their Arab war declarers who ask what needs to be done.

Get to the negotiation table... and negotiate in good faith as a people who have lost the war and could have had their state simply by saying yes when the Jews said yes.

^Rx (negotiations from reality based positions.)

Or continue the still declared war which will likely result like the previous ones.

Which means much more more dead on all sides of the divides.

^^ Dx (insanity, wish fulfillment or the Hand of G-d notwithstanding)


they must first stop their declared war.

Indeed, the Palestinians started the war when they went to Europe and attacked the Zionists. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, it started when Palestinian Arabs kepts attacking Jews in Mandatory Palestine.

Your theory that the war started because European Jews immigrated to Mandatory Palestine is a MASSIVE load of Palestinian propaganda drek.

Remember, they were invited by the British and their immigration facilitated by them as well.

How many times must I dismantle your garbage 'logic' ?
My prescription is a back to the egg proposal and is for both the mind and body's ailments in this I/P event.

Israel is still in a state of war declared by the Arabs of Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinians who have no country and have admitted it is only virtual. An e-country, as it were ... a wish. Good. The Jews had their wish too and it has been fulfilled.

I digress. Even though the Palestinians were offered a country along with Israel in 1948, they refused the country, opting out to align with the Arab bordering countries to declare war on the fledgling State of Israel.

Now they started many wars and Israel has won those wars. Israel has maintained a peace with both Jordan and Egypt although the outlying areas of both are militant Palestinian havens. No, I'm not talking about the refugees who are kept in camps in order to keep the dream of there being a true Palestinian identity alive. Good for them. I understand this desire to keep their identity alive as well. Just in case they (along with their Arab brethren supporters in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and the non physically aligned Arab states wish to keep theirs alive.

When the Turkish Ottoman Empire faded, the French and British redrew the Arena in order to create countries out of massive partitions of non aligned lands.

This was also the state of the "Palestine Partition" of which ~78% was granted to Trans-Jordan by the British.

I don't see an outcry over in Jordan about the land that was 'stolen'. This is because it wasn't stolen. It was granted by Empiric reorder.

Partitioning of the Ottoman Empire

This is why the Palestinians refuse to negotiate unless it is negotiations from a win position which is not negotiation and that's just not happening.

So, if the Palestinians and their other Arab war declarers want peace, they must first stop their declared war. Israel has no responsibility to take care of the Palestinians since they are still in a state of declared war even though they've lost the battles and have declared themselves the winners. Israel's peaceful borders are now outlaw badlands where the Palestinians and their other Arab supporters have setup base and war camps along with full tunnel systems and from which rockets are fired pretty consistently. Some seem to think that because these rockets don't kill people (well, as much as some would like) that they can minimize the attacks.

Prescription? I'm no doctor but I say this to all Palestinians and their Arab war declarers who ask what needs to be done.

Get to the negotiation table... and negotiate in good faith as a people who have lost the war and could have had their state simply by saying yes when the Jews said yes.

^Rx (negotiations from reality based positions.)

Or continue the still declared war which will likely result like the previous ones.

Which means much more more dead on all sides of the divides.

^^ Dx (insanity, wish fulfillment or the Hand of G-d notwithstanding)


they must first stop their declared war.

Indeed, the Palestinians started the war when they went to Europe and attacked the Zionists. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, it started when Palestinian Arabs kepts attacking Jews in Mandatory Palestine.

Your theory that the war started because European Jews immigrated to Mandatory Palestine is a MASSIVE load of Palestinian propaganda drek.

Remember, they were invited by the British and their immigration facilitated by them as well.

How many times must I dismantle your garbage 'logic' ?

The Zionists mooched the power of Britain to create their Jewish state by expelling the natives.

That does not make it legitimate.
Indeed, the Palestinians started the war when they went to Europe and attacked the Zionists. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, it started when Palestinian Arabs kepts attacking Jews in Mandatory Palestine.

Your theory that the war started because European Jews immigrated to Mandatory Palestine is a MASSIVE load of Palestinian propaganda drek.

Remember, they were invited by the British and their immigration facilitated by them as well.

How many times must I dismantle your garbage 'logic' ?

The Zionists mooched the power of Britain to create their Jewish state by expelling the natives.

That does not make it legitimate.

P.F.? By your very words it does give it legitimacy.

Britain had that power that the Zionists mooched. So far, the Palestinians have been poor moochers considering they were also offered mooch-able land.

My prescription is a back to the egg proposal and is for both the mind and body's ailments in this I/P event.

Israel is still in a state of war declared by the Arabs of Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinians who have no country and have admitted it is only virtual. An e-country, as it were ... a wish. Good. The Jews had their wish too and it has been fulfilled.

I digress. Even though the Palestinians were offered a country along with Israel in 1948, they refused the country, opting out to align with the Arab bordering countries to declare war on the fledgling State of Israel.

Now they started many wars and Israel has won those wars. Israel has maintained a peace with both Jordan and Egypt although the outlying areas of both are militant Palestinian havens. No, I'm not talking about the refugees who are kept in camps in order to keep the dream of there being a true Palestinian identity alive. Good for them. I understand this desire to keep their identity alive as well. Just in case they (along with their Arab brethren supporters in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and the non physically aligned Arab states wish to keep theirs alive.

When the Turkish Ottoman Empire faded, the French and British redrew the Arena in order to create countries out of massive partitions of non aligned lands.

This was also the state of the "Palestine Partition" of which ~78% was granted to Trans-Jordan by the British.

I don't see an outcry over in Jordan about the land that was 'stolen'. This is because it wasn't stolen. It was granted by Empiric reorder.

Partitioning of the Ottoman Empire

This is why the Palestinians refuse to negotiate unless it is negotiations from a win position which is not negotiation and that's just not happening.

So, if the Palestinians and their other Arab war declarers want peace, they must first stop their declared war. Israel has no responsibility to take care of the Palestinians since they are still in a state of declared war even though they've lost the battles and have declared themselves the winners. Israel's peaceful borders are now outlaw badlands where the Palestinians and their other Arab supporters have setup base and war camps along with full tunnel systems and from which rockets are fired pretty consistently. Some seem to think that because these rockets don't kill people (well, as much as some would like) that they can minimize the attacks.

Prescription? I'm no doctor but I say this to all Palestinians and their Arab war declarers who ask what needs to be done.

Get to the negotiation table... and negotiate in good faith as a people who have lost the war and could have had their state simply by saying yes when the Jews said yes.

^Rx (negotiations from reality based positions.)

Or continue the still declared war which will likely result like the previous ones.

Which means much more more dead on all sides of the divides.

^^ Dx (insanity, wish fulfillment or the Hand of G-d notwithstanding)


they must first stop their declared war.

Indeed, the Palestinians started the war when they went to Europe and attacked the Zionists. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Try back in 632 C.E. when they mass murdered the Jewish tribe in Medina, that is when the Israeli/Palestinian problems first started and I have seen no evidence to the contrary from you or any other ISLAMONAZI SUPPORTER
Indeed, the Palestinians started the war when they went to Europe and attacked the Zionists. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, it started when Palestinian Arabs kepts attacking Jews in Mandatory Palestine.

Your theory that the war started because European Jews immigrated to Mandatory Palestine is a MASSIVE load of Palestinian propaganda drek.

Remember, they were invited by the British and their immigration facilitated by them as well.

How many times must I dismantle your garbage 'logic' ?

The Zionists mooched the power of Britain to create their Jewish state by expelling the natives.

That does not make it legitimate.

The British had no power after 1919 when they were still recovering from WW1, then again in 1945 when they were recovering from WW2. The Palestinian arab muslims started the war when their leader had the tribe of Jews wiped out in Medina and declared them enemies of islam to be killed on sight
Get to the negotiation table... and negotiate in good faith as a people who have lost the war

That will never happen Ropey. muslims will never admit they lost any war. They'll keep fighting because the war is not over. It'll never be over for the muslim
Israel realizes that it is in a dangerous neighborhood and it's dealt with Muslim peace before. The term "Hudna" is a term that was created as a method to allow the one way mentality of Islam a respite from attacking the unbelievers. ;)

Yes, this is the terms set in an understandable true Islamic believer's mind and the proof of it is not only how it is worded, but that it was accepted as a cessation of hostilities for a time.

From its beginnings:

Treaty of Hudaybiyyah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^From it's basic roots.

And as it applies to the Israeli/Palestine (Arab Muslim)

Hudna - Reut Institute

Indeed, the Palestinians started the war when they went to Europe and attacked the Zionists. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

what a joke you are, Mr tin----it began in the seventh century----in Arabia when a lump of excrement born in mecca------declared himself the HOLY LUMP and enacted a comprehensive genocide of
jews and murdered and raped (declaring murder and rape a holy act pleasing to the "god of the
cesspool'")-------and stole the lands of the jews and had a good and "holy" time raping and enslaving and
murdering in the obscene manner that delights the filthy sluts of the ummah. Since that time the followers of the "holy lump" raped and murdered and pillaged their way thru much of the globe---
including Palestine and regularly attacked jews with their filth-----for the past 1400 years
Israel realizes that it is in a dangerous neighborhood and it's dealt with Muslim peace before. The term "Hudna" is a term that was created as a method to allow the one way mentality of Islam a respite from attacking the unbelievers. ;)

Yes, this is the terms set in an understandable true Islamic believer's mind and the proof of it is not only how it is worded, but that it was accepted as a cessation of hostilities for a time.

From its beginnings:

Treaty of Hudaybiyyah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^From it's basic roots.

And as it applies to the Israeli/Palestine (Arab Muslim)

Hudna - Reut Institute

"For a time".... The muslims extremists are on the move

Israel realizes that it is in a dangerous neighborhood and it's dealt with Muslim peace before. The term "Hudna" is a term that was created as a method to allow the one way mentality of Islam a respite from attacking the unbelievers. ;)

Yes, this is the terms set in an understandable true Islamic believer's mind and the proof of it is not only how it is worded, but that it was accepted as a cessation of hostilities for a time.

From its beginnings:

Treaty of Hudaybiyyah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^From it's basic roots.

And as it applies to the Israeli/Palestine (Arab Muslim)

Hudna - Reut Institute

"For a time".... The muslims extremists are on the move


And so it has been with all the major hudna. Usually an incident occurs where foul is called and a new attack is begun.

Then there's the completely tactical hudna. The short term one that is used in order to rearm and re-attack with a new vengeance.

The negotiations (if they occur) must be very involved with the minutiae of the hudna.
Israel realizes that it is in a dangerous neighborhood and it's dealt with Muslim peace before. The term "Hudna" is a term that was created as a method to allow the one way mentality of Islam a respite from attacking the unbelievers. ;)

Yes, this is the terms set in an understandable true Islamic believer's mind and the proof of it is not only how it is worded, but that it was accepted as a cessation of hostilities for a time.

From its beginnings:

Treaty of Hudaybiyyah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^From it's basic roots.

And as it applies to the Israeli/Palestine (Arab Muslim)

Hudna - Reut Institute

"For a time".... The muslims extremists are on the move


And so it has been with all the major hudna. Usually an incident occurs where foul is called and a new attack is begun.

Then there's the completely tactical hudna. The short term one that is used in order to rearm and re-attack with a new vengeance.

The negotiations (if they occur) must be very involved with the minutiae of the hudna.

Who's the negotiation partner? Fatah or Hamas? the entire muslim world as a whole? Who?
"For a time".... The muslims extremists are on the move


And so it has been with all the major hudna. Usually an incident occurs where foul is called and a new attack is begun.

Then there's the completely tactical hudna. The short term one that is used in order to rearm and re-attack with a new vengeance.

The negotiations (if they occur) must be very involved with the minutiae of the hudna.

Who's the negotiation partner? Fatah or Hamas? the entire muslim world as a whole? Who?

I see a lot of death before Israel gets to the negotiation table, and that negotiation table may well be the Judgement of G-d.

I wish I didn't forsee this and I pray that a moderate approach is found but I don't see it happening.

I was asked what the prescription was but that in no way presupposes that the patient(s) will take their medication.


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