What is the point of further debates.

... if you said hey do you support the KKK will you denounce them ? if you said hey denounce this group.. sure ..

But what does white supremacy mean it’s stupid Left wing perspective got cha question

white su·prem·a·cy


  1. the belief that white people are superior to those of all other races, especially the black race, and should therefore dominate society.
... if you said hey do you support the KKK will you denounce them ? if you said hey denounce this group.. sure ..

But what does white supremacy mean it’s stupid Left wing perspective got cha question

white su·prem·a·cy


  1. the belief that white people are superior to those of all other races, especially the black race, and should therefore dominate society.
And give us some names
Biden got his ass handed to him. He definitely shouldnt do that again if he is smart, but as Trump pointed out, he isnt smart. :laugh:
No, he held his own. He didn't answer too many questions, but he didn't collapse into a puddle either.
Just because he didnt shit his pants on stage, doesnt mean he had a good debate.
Trump couldn't call him Sleepy Joe any more.

Victory Biden.

He won because he didn't fall asleep?

You have low standards.
Biden won this debate. Joe is probably going to win the next two as well because the circus that has been going on for nearly 4 years was brought into sharp relief tonight. The blob is a sleazebag...he showed it tonight and likely turned off a great many people with his antics.

Really...does anyone care about Hunter Biden? But faced with a foundering economy, COVID 19, racial tension, etc... he wanted to talk about his opponent's son. WOW.

Anyway, I'm sure Joe is hoping for 2 more debates just like the one from tonight.
Someone needs to hack that friggin ear piece

Friggin anons ......slacking

Oh boy Trump could of really nailed sleepy joe a couple time but he missed the opportunity....and biden didn't really say anything substantial..I mean whoever was broadcasting into that Earpiece didn't really say anything substantial....
If the remaining debates will just descend into this type of shit show then what is the point.
We get to watch Biden get crushed 2 more times. That's the point
Biden clearly won. Trump painted "sleepy Joe" as not being able to go 1 1/2 hours without taking a nap.

The victory of low expectations.

So Biden can survive a contentious debate that lasted 90 minutes without taking a nap.

When asked if he would stack the Supreme Court Joe wouldn’t answer. We have to vote for him to see what he would do.

When asked about Hunter, Joe said all those allegations have bee proven false. That is a flat out lie. I still am wondering why the wife of the mayor of Moscow sent Hunter 3.5 million dollars?

Hunter Biden received $3.5M wire transfer from Russian billionaire: Senate report

Joe states he is the Democratic Party. I wonder how Kamala, AOC and Bernie feels about that statement.

I do feel Joe exceeded low expectations but I really don’t want a man as weak as Joe to be our next President.

I want a fighter on my side even if he is at times uncouth and obnoxious. Joe is not my man. Trump is.
Trump couldn't call him Sleepy Joe any more.

Victory Biden.
He won because he didn't fall asleep?

You have low standards.
Biden was expected to be suffering dementia, not know where he was and fall asleep every 15 minutes.

Well obviously Trumps campaign description of Biden was completely wrong.

So, I was correct?

in your opinion, he won because he didn't fall asleep?

Great reason to vote for him.

Biden was expected to be suffering dementia, not know where he was and fall asleep every 15 minutes.

Well obviously Trumps campaign description of Biden was completely wrong.
So, I was correct?

in your opinion, he won because he didn't fall asleep?

Great reason to vote for him.


I think he kicked Trumps ass. But because of low expectations Biden would come out the winner just by remembering where he was.
If the remaining debates will just descend into this type of shit show then what is the point.
What was the point of THIS debate? Was anyone stupid enough to imagine a different result?

Only dedicated Dems and Repubs would understand the stupidity of it.. No one KNOWS how to "stick to topics".. It's like Putin exploded an ADHD bomb at high altitude over Nebraska... Explains the daily crapfest here at USMB.. Now the LEADERSHIP of this country is useless as well..
He won because he didn't fall asleep?

You have low standards.

But that's all he needed to do, really.

Trump set standards so low, tried to define Biden in a certain way.

It reminds me of the 1980 election, where Carter tried to portray Reagan as a "horned monster" who was going to "Blow up the world". And then when the debate happened, Reagan came off as amiable.

Carter also screwed up by only agreeing to one debate.

Now, as a rule, the first debate is almost always a loss for the incumbant. Once you put a challenger on the same stage, he becomes a plausible alternative.

Trump did little to help himself in this debate, because he spent as much time arguing with Wallace as he did with Biden.
If the remaining debates will just descend into this type of shit show then what is the point.

Just like here at USMB.. I'm proud of y'all.. Picking two of the biggest trolls and liars to foist on America..

Trumps just "the great exaggerater"....
Either way we're still on the road to hell

I see PT Barnum and Elon Musk and whole host of trolls who are the supreme narcissists in his performance tonight. That's why I call him "The Greatest Troll on Earth".. ACTUALLY a VERY competent administrator.. But he's been fighting off attacks for 4 years and is was in full Troll mode tonight.. Kinda disappointing.. And if these 2 don't focus on ISSUES and America -- we are TOTALLY screw-ed...

As far as preparation to LEAD and get things done -- the choice is still Trump -- but seriously -- Kanye West made the ballot in Tennessee and I think I'd rather trust him to sort out this mongo clusterfuck..
As far as preparation to LEAD and get things done -- the choice is still Trump -- but seriously -- Kanye West made the ballot in Tennessee and I think I'd rather trust him to sort out this mongo clusterfuck..

I'm not sure how you get there. Trump took an okay economy, and managed to wrap the car around a lamp post. Forget the Democrat vs. Republican aspect of this... After 9/11, Katrina, even the 2008 Crash, Bush was able to rise above the partisan noise and get things done and even be willing to take a hit on his personal popularity to make things happen.

His behavior tonight is kind of indicitive of his whole regime. He's simply unable to put the good of the country over his own ego... Denouncing the Proud Boys should have been a no-brainer, he couldn't bring himself to do that.

Now, that said, I don't think Biden covered himself in glory. I saw a few places that if I had been there, I'd have snapped back. For instance, when he claimed there were no problems with his rallies, I would have said, "What about Herman Cain!!!!"

But Biden didn't need to.
No one came off looking good in this so called debate there should be bipartisan agreement on this.
"Bipartisan agreement" is politically correct code speech for extortion, torture, and murder-for-hire by Mafia hit men on the orders of Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic Party mob bosses.

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