What is the most important political issue/problem


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
What is the most important political issue/problem that our nation faces today? If anything needs to be addressed as a priority what is it?

Give your top answer and I am going to compile a list for future questions.
The growing political divide in my country preventing us from reaching any real soloutions to our problems.
has anybody heard anything new about the helecopter shot down or the birth certificate ?
the thing is we need to think backwards... all politics is local.
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So far:

1) Disunity/incivility
2) Liberal Agenda (I was really hoping for specifics not vague "Them" type answers)
3) Nonsense completely unrelated to this topic
4) The Concentration of power vs power being kept closer to the people.
5) Unemployment
So far:

1) Disunity/incivility
2) Liberal Agenda (I was really hoping for specifics not vague "Them" type answers)
3) Nonsense completely unrelated to this topic
4) The Concentration of power vs power being kept closer to the people.
5) Unemployment

You gonna create a poll later with your results? Could be interesting...
I didn't expect anyone to say what I was thinking as I read the opening post but low and behold the first response was exactly what I was thinking.

The disunity between the two parties is what I see as the major problem we face. So many of the other problems could be addressed if the two parties would simply come to the table with open minds and seek to solve them.

Unfortunately they are all human and want to behave like morons.

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1) Disunity/incivility
2) Liberal Agenda (I was really hoping for specifics not vague "Them" type answers)
3) Nonsense completely unrelated to this topic
4) The Concentration of power vs power being kept closer to the people.
5) Unemployment
6) Corporitism

I'm going to add mine - Corruption whether through malice, negligence, ignorance, or pride.
What is the most important political issue/problem that our nation faces today? If anything needs to be addressed as a priority what is it?

Give your top answer and I am going to compile a list for future questions.

FINANCIALLY... We need to think backwards... All politics is local.
I didn't expect anyone to say what I was thinking as I read the opening post but low and behold the first response was exactly what I was thinking.

The disunity between the two parties is what I see as the major problem we face. So many of the other problems could be addressed if the two parties would simply come to the table with open minds and seek to solve them.

Unfortunately they are all human and want to behave like morons.


I agree that this is a problem, but I think the underlying source of the disunity is driving many other problems as well. I'm talking about the disintegrating limitations on government power.

When the things that government can impose on us are constrained and predictable, it doesn't matter so much if the 'opposition' gains power. There's only so much damage they can do. But when, as is the case now, those limits have been rendered meaningless by poor legal precedent, seeing someone who is diametrically opposed to your values gain power is a frightening prospect. They can radically impact your life.
Politicians forced to being puppets to the highest bidder for campaign dollars ought to be on the list too.

How can be of SERVICE to the PUBLIC when they are beholden to their benefactors? No, it's not the same as corruption... because it's legal and all of them have to do it to run for office. It's systematic.
The growing political divide in my country preventing us from reaching any real soloutions to our problems.

The GROWING political divide? Democrats were in the majority in congress for four years and had total dominance in the political structure of America for two years and now the left is worried about a political divide? It seems like any political divide would be good news. If it wasn't for the Tea Party giving some backbone to the republican party we wouldn't even be having a conversation about the most important aspect of the economy, out of control spending. Obama admits it and so does Harry Reid that federal spending is a problem. Why can't radical lefties understand it?

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