What is the best way to kill people ...


Gold Member
Nov 17, 2012
What is the best way to kill people if you don't have a weapon? For example, you are in prison, so you don't get a gun or a knife. How do you kill your target? Does your target have to be smaller than you? Can it be bigger? How do you kill people?
What is the best way to kill people if you don't have a weapon? For example, you are in prison, so you don't get a gun or a knife. How do you kill your target? Does your target have to be smaller than you? Can it be bigger? How do you kill people?
Kill 'em with kindness is what I've always heard.
Kill them softly with a song.

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Best way to kill people?

Get them hooked on free stuff and they'll overstuff and explode. But liberals know that takes time so they hand out stuff only to the extent that their cherished victims remain alive enough to vote. Which isn't very much alive.
I send them in dry...

What is the best way to kill people if you don't have a weapon? For example, you are in prison, so you don't get a gun or a knife. How do you kill your target? Does your target have to be smaller than you? Can it be bigger? How do you kill people?

let the government turn liberal progressive

after a few years most will die of starvation

except for the elite of course
Strap a person to a table. Tape headphones on. Run Trump tapes non stop. The victim will expire within two hours.
What is the best way to kill people if you don't have a weapon? For example, you are in prison, so you don't get a gun or a knife. How do you kill your target? Does your target have to be smaller than you? Can it be bigger? How do you kill people?

Well. Folks in prison make weapons. The blades are called shanks.


Check out the variety of guns they made. 10 Most Terrifying Handmade Prison Weapons

The problem is that the greatest weapon has always been the mind. We are tool users. That is what we are. Tool users. We invent tools to do a job. We invent better tools when able. We sharpened sticks. We learned if you burned the stick it got even harder, and better. We added in flint that we had shaped.

Our ancestors hunted wooly mammoths with stone spears and the species is now extinct.

Yes. You can kill with your bare hands. Armed only with your mind. There are probably a million videos of that on YouTube.

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