what is the alt right?

Ah, the fountain of Ignorance springeth eternal:

There's no evidence for Gore or Truman, nor for Wallace if that's what the implication is supposed to be.

There is however plenty of evidence for:
  • Edward Jackson -- governor of Indiana;
  • Rice Means -- governor of Colorado;
  • Owen Brewster -- governor of Maine, later Congressman, fellow traveller/sychophant of Joe McCarthy;
  • Clarence Moreley -- Senator from Colorado;
  • George Baker -- Mayor of Portland Oregon
---- all Republicans, all Klan-backed... not to mention virtually the entire state of Indiana:

The neat thing about history is it's fixed. Doesn't change. And when some internet message board mythologist attempts to revise it, she is easily destroyed by factual evidence. It's like kryptonite.

Why, the question is begged, would a political party's own organization be running candidates against its own people? Why would it be targeting and persecuting interest groups (labor unions, immigrants, Jews, Blacks) that were its own constituents?

But wait -- there's more. NOW how much would you pay....

It's also a fact that the Klan opposed:
  • Jack Walton, governor of Oklahoma who tried to drive the Klan out after the Tulsa Race Riots;
  • Oscar Underwood, leading voice denouncing the Klan, when he tried to run for President;
  • Al Smith, for being a Catholic, when he also ran at the same time as Underwood;
  • Huey Long, Governor/Senator from Louisiana for his populist absence of the requisite racism;
  • Lyndon Johnson, via endorsing Goldwater in 1964
-- all Democrats.

Now why would a political party's own organization be opposing its own people, even working to get them removed from office? (Walton)

When KKK Imperial Wizard Hiram Evans threatened he would go campaign against Huey Long, Long declared -- in the Senate -- “Quote me as saying that that Imperial bastard will never set foot in Louisiana,” and suggested that the man risked receiving a taste of the Klan’s own treatment by leaving the state with “his toes turned up.”

And then there's Stetson Kennedy, Democrat governor candidate from Florida, who infiltrated the Klan and wrote an exposé, also worked with the writers of the wildly popular radio program "Superman" on a series in 1946 that made the image of the Klan into such a laughingstock that its secretive members quit in scores rather than suffer the embarrassment of being found out.

Now why would .... etc etc etc.

Mythologists just don't think things through. The wages of lying.

"There's no evidence for Gore or Truman, nor for Wallace if that's what the implication is supposed to be."

Gee.....I notice you didn't include Bill Clinton.

Did you vote for this rapist and racist?

Did you even MENTION Bill Clinton? No you didn't.

Strangely you also didn't mention Evel Knievel, Aimee Semple McPherson or Ringo Starr. I didn't include them either.

The lies never stop, do they.
"Did you even MENTION Bill Clinton? No you didn't."

Only a half dozen times.

Post #271
"This is what I just said --- a racist asshole. That makes "Liberal" impossible. You can't be a racist and Liberal at the same time. They're mutually exclusive."

"You can't be a racist and Liberal at the same time."
Actually, it's a requirement.


Sure....Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Your recitation of political truth reeks of the same skills that ended the career of Milli Vanilli.

I love proving you to be a fool and a liar.......i.e., a Liberal.

Post #277
BTW, you dunce.....how come you don't ask me to prove that Bill 'the rapist' Clinton is and has always been a racist....consistent with his position in the party of racism???

What are you afraid of?

Post #259
The Democrat/Liberal Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

Proof....I gave you several opportunities to deny that the icon of said party is and has always been a racist.
Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....inveterate racist and personification of the Democrat Party.

I *DID* challenge you to prove it. Yesterday if memory serves. And you bailed the fuck out. Ran away and hid under the proverbial table making low moaning noises until you thought it was safe to come out.

And once again there is no such thing as a "Democrat Party". Nothing by that name has ever existed. If it had, you would have had to show how it institutionally took on the personal/cultural mantle of "racism".

Time to go run and hide again.

Did you just claim the following?
""Did you even MENTION Bill Clinton? No you didn't."

Now you're trying to regain the face you never had?????

I *DID* challenge you to prove it. Yesterday if memory serves.

This destruction of a third-grade mentality has become a guilty pleasure.
I know I should refrain....but it's just too darn delicious.

You lie, and you're just sooooooo stupid.....can't even remember what you just lied about!!!!\



And nothing has changed....the most popular Democrat and former President has an unbroken record of racism throughout his entire political life.

:dunno: That could mean anybody.


The Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

This is clear and evident, as the most popular Democrat is the rapist and former President Bill Clinton.

He has an unbroken record of racism throughout his entire political life.

Why are you unable to dispute that?

You've made no case to "dispute". You didn't even specify who the fuck you were talking about.

I have no doubt the conversations inside your own head are fascinating but unless you actually specify your subject, you've made no point to "dispute". Nor have you made your case even if you've identified this mystery figure.


Proof....I gave you several opportunities to deny that the icon of said party is and has always been a racist.

You never even presented a case.

Strike three.

It would appear I was in error in describing your running away and hiding yesterday when challenged --- it was TWO DAYS ago.

"259"? "271"? "Fraid not Toots. These unanswered challenges go all the way back to 241.

Last edited:
"There's no evidence for Gore or Truman, nor for Wallace if that's what the implication is supposed to be."

Gee.....I notice you didn't include Bill Clinton.

Did you vote for this rapist and racist?

Did you even MENTION Bill Clinton? No you didn't.

Strangely you also didn't mention Evel Knievel, Aimee Semple McPherson or Ringo Starr. I didn't include them either.

The lies never stop, do they.
"Did you even MENTION Bill Clinton? No you didn't."

Only a half dozen times.

Post #271
"This is what I just said --- a racist asshole. That makes "Liberal" impossible. You can't be a racist and Liberal at the same time. They're mutually exclusive."

"You can't be a racist and Liberal at the same time."
Actually, it's a requirement.


Sure....Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Your recitation of political truth reeks of the same skills that ended the career of Milli Vanilli.

I love proving you to be a fool and a liar.......i.e., a Liberal.

Post #277
BTW, you dunce.....how come you don't ask me to prove that Bill 'the rapist' Clinton is and has always been a racist....consistent with his position in the party of racism???

What are you afraid of?

Post #259
The Democrat/Liberal Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

Proof....I gave you several opportunities to deny that the icon of said party is and has always been a racist.
Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....inveterate racist and personification of the Democrat Party.

I *DID* challenge you to prove it. Yesterday if memory serves. And you bailed the fuck out. Ran away and hid under the proverbial table making low moaning noises until you thought it was safe to come out.

And once again there is no such thing as a "Democrat Party". Nothing by that name has ever existed. If it had, you would have had to show how it institutionally took on the personal/cultural mantle of "racism".

Time to go run and hide again.

Did you just claim the following?
""Did you even MENTION Bill Clinton? No you didn't."

Now you're trying to regain the face you never had?????

I *DID* challenge you to prove it. Yesterday if memory serves.

This destruction of a third-grade mentality has become a guilty pleasure.
I know I should refrain....but it's just too darn delicious.

You lie, and you're just sooooooo stupid.....can't even remember what you just lied about!!!!\



And nothing has changed....the most popular Democrat and former President has an unbroken record of racism throughout his entire political life.

:dunno: That could mean anybody.


The Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

This is clear and evident, as the most popular Democrat is the rapist and former President Bill Clinton.

He has an unbroken record of racism throughout his entire political life.

Why are you unable to dispute that?

You've made no case to "dispute". You didn't even specify who the fuck you were talking about.

I have no doubt the conversations inside your own head are fascinating but unless you actually specify your subject, you've made no point to "dispute". Nor have you made your case even if you've identified this mystery figure.


Proof....I gave you several opportunities to deny that the icon of said party is and has always been a racist.

You never even presented a case.

Strike three.

It would appear I was in error in describing your running away and hiding yesterday when challenged --- it was TWO DAYS ago.

"259"? "271"? "Fraid not Toots. These unanswered challenges go all the way back to 241.


Well.....let's rub your face in it again:
Post #271
"This is what I just said --- a racist asshole. That makes "Liberal" impossible. You can't be a racist and Liberal at the same time. They're mutually exclusive."

"You can't be a racist and Liberal at the same time."
Actually, it's a requirement.


Sure....Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Your recitation of political truth reeks of the same skills that ended the career of Milli Vanilli.

I love proving you to be a fool and a liar.......i.e., a Liberal.

Post #277
BTW, you dunce.....how come you don't ask me to prove that Bill 'the rapist' Clinton is and has always been a racist....consistent with his position in the party of racism???

What are you afraid of?

Post #259
The Democrat/Liberal Party is and has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

Proof....I gave you several opportunities to deny that the icon of said party is and has always been a racist.
Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....inveterate racist and personification of the Democrat Party.

Post #244
The Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

This is clear and evident, as the most popular Democrat is the rapist and former President Bill Clinton.

He has an unbroken record of racism throughout his entire political life.

Why are you unable to dispute that?

Yet you wrote 'Did you even MENTION Bill Clinton? No you didn't.'

  1. 1.
    refer to something briefly and without going into detail.
    "I haven't mentioned it to William yet"
    synonyms: allude to, refer to, touch on/upon; More
    • noun
  1. 1.
    a reference to someone or something.

I love it!!!!

Don't ever change.

I'd claim to have beaten you senseless...but it seems you began that way.

Pop quiz -- guess which of these posts is the oldest! What fun! :eusa_dance:



Just in case the time spent in eviscerating that poster.....that poseur....caused some to forget the significance of Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, in the discussion of the racist history...and present....of the Democrat Party.....let me remind all:

Not only was the Democrat Party the home of slavers, segregationists, the Jim Crow folks, and the KKK....but the folks who try to lie their way out of the stain that attaches to all Democrats by claiming that it all changed in the 1960's, and the Democrats reversed themselves....

Clinton proves otherwise.

His 40 or so years as Democrat, up to and including the fact that he is so popular to Democrats that he was given the keynote speech at Obama's 2012 convention....

...and for his entire political life he has been a racist.

It is undeniable....hence, the dope above tried to ignore my bringing him up....numerous times.

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