What is President Obama's current job???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
He is President NOW.. his paycheck comes from representing all of us.. NOT his party.
NOT his supporters but ALL of us including the starving Americans on Staten Island!
This picture.. SHOULD NOT BE happening with Obama as President running around trying to KEEP HIS JOB!
A) He should donate remaining campaign donations to Sandy relief!
B) He should be like Bush was at the center helping in 9/11.. he should be manning the post as President of all!

Seriously if he truly was President for us at least he could counter the NEGATIVES he is getting from being Campaigner-In-Chief!

obama's job today is the same as it was on day one. Running for reelection.
Absolutely right!
Actually that is even more correct as his listed Occupation before politician was community organizer meaning some
"community organizers generally assume that social change necessarily involves conflict and social struggle in order to generate collective power for the powerless. "
Community organizing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

AND who after organizing the "powerless" has the power of the organization?? The Organizer!
Well there you go!
Bro, don't you ever get bored of ranting and raving about one fucking man, ever? Obama should be paying you luxury fees for the Condo-space he has rented inside of your head. My gosh.
I wish I had a dollar for everytime Obama made this dude use CAPS.

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