What is Amnesty?

What are the crucial features that would make Trumps plan an amnesty?

  • Allowing them to remain in the country without a "touchback"

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Allowing them to remain in the country at all EVEN WITH a "touchback"

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Allowing them to remain without paying past fines or taxes

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • Allowing them to get a shortcut to citizenship ahead of LEGAL immigrants

    Votes: 7 77.8%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The libtards and Neocon owned corporate networks are crowing that Trump is 'softening his stance' on illegals in the country.

Now my understanding of Trumps position is that he was going to make all of them leave the country and that those long here with American citizens for children who have been here five, ten or more years would have to do a 'touchback' and go to their home country and apply for a work visa or guest card of some kind from there.

Once duly registered into the system as applying to stay, they could return to their homes and jobs, etc. They would have to pay all back taxes and fines and would not be put on a 'road to citizenship' like McCain, Rubio, Jeb! and Romney wanted to do.

But some people seem to think that the only way to avoid this being an amnesty is to round them all up and pack them in cattle carts and ship them to the border and dumped without a single exception, ignoring the fact that many of the children will be American citizens and also ignoring the simple truth that we ass a nation are also partly responsible for having allowed our government to tolerate this invasion into our country for twenty years and more.

The dictionary defines amnesty as:
n, pl -ties
1. a general pardon, esp for offences against a government
2. a period during which a law is suspended to allow offenders to admit their crime without fear of prosecution
3. (Law) law a pardon granted by the Crown or Executive and effected by statute
vb, -ties, -tying or -tied
(tr) to overlook or forget (an offence)

Now no one is going to be pardoned. No one is forgiving a damned thing or overlooking it any more under the thin details that Trump is considering.

But most importantly THERE IS NO PATH TO CITIZENSHIP. They will have to take the regular application process to do that and that takes a long time. Trump has also said he wants to reform our immigration system to make it more efficient and timely, but he wants it to be set up to benefit AMERICAN WORKERS and not corporate profits.

From what I see, Trump is still within the very rough lines of what he has proposed from the start, but as it comes closer to the details he finds reasonable the corporate shills wills trt to cheerfully denounce anything he does as a flip flop and an amnesty, when their self serving past record is almost across the border in favor of a shorter path to citizenship for illegals and to look the other way as corporations enrich themselves by importing an increasing number of black market laborers.

Trumps plan, as given thus far, is a HUGE IMPROVEMENT and, in the words of Ronald Reagan, the 80% conservative is not a 20% enemy.
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Look, let me lay it out for you.

Every last illegal immigrant in America is going to stay. Especially if they have anchor children who, by virtue of being born here, are citizens.

It is an invasion, and nobody cares, because America is a not a country governed by laws. It is one vast corporate playground ruled by Jews.
Look, let me lay it out for you.

Every last illegal immigrant in America is going to stay. Especially if they have anchor children who, by virtue of being born here, are citizens.

It is an invasion, and nobody cares, because America is a not a country governed by laws. It is one vast corporate playground ruled by Jews.

Khazarian Jews and they are just a front. It's the jesuits and the vatican that are behind the illegal immigration because most are from Mexico and South America are catholic.The Kharzarians and the vatican are the hidden hand. That old phrase "All roads lead to Rome" is 100 percent true.
It doesn't matter if we let people walk across our border and just stay here. We need the workers and we need people from different cultures to keep our communities from becoming too homogenized. Foreigners aren't any more dangerous than the assholes that already live here so I say fuck it, let em all in and let em stay.
Is "touchback" some new buzzword you dumbass rubes heard from your handlers? Do you believe in it as a feasible solution to... well... anything?

Oh STFU, ya stupid prick....do you EVER add anything meaningful to a thread? If so, I have yet to come across it.
No answer of course. Not that I expected one. :rolleyes:
It doesn't matter if we let people walk across our border and just stay here. We need the workers and we need people from different cultures to keep our communities from becoming too homogenized. Foreigners aren't any more dangerous than the assholes that already live here so I say fuck it, let em all in and let em stay.

You must be a troll because no one can be that fucking stupid on purpose....
It doesn't matter if we let people walk across our border and just stay here. We need the workers and we need people from different cultures to keep our communities from becoming too homogenized. Foreigners aren't any more dangerous than the assholes that already live here so I say fuck it, let em all in and let em stay.

You must be a troll because no one can be that fucking stupid on purpose....
I am NOT a troll. And please explain why that is "fucking stupid"
Is "touchback" some new buzzword you dumbass rubes heard from your handlers? Do you believe in it as a feasible solution to... well... anything?

Oh STFU, ya stupid prick....do you EVER add anything meaningful to a thread? If so, I have yet to come across it.
No answer of course. Not that I expected one. :rolleyes:

Answer what? You bring nothing to the table.....never have. I don't participate in the elections of this banana republic because I am an American as opposed to that of a corporate entity known as a "U.S citizen" and there is a huge difference. You are supporting a communist/globalist pile of shit that is being supported by the same banking oligarchs that is killing this country with a worthless fiat currency...so with that being said? You don't have ANY fucking room to criticize ANYONE that hopes for an alternative. I know more than you....infinitely more.
It doesn't matter if we let people walk across our border and just stay here. We need the workers and we need people from different cultures to keep our communities from becoming too homogenized. Foreigners aren't any more dangerous than the assholes that already live here so I say fuck it, let em all in and let em stay.

You must be a troll because no one can be that fucking stupid on purpose....
I am NOT a troll. And please explain why that is "fucking stupid"

We have true unemployment at 21 percent......illegals suck off the public teat while working under the table. They have been used to drive down wages since the border has been unprotected with very little done to keep them from squirting out an anchor baby that WE end up paying for....and if you don't know that? Then I stand by my contention that you are fucking stupid. If you need more clarification as to how low your ability to think critically is? Let me know........
I've heard those excuses before and they don't hold water. Most Americans won't take those jobs anyway and businesses keep more of their profits when wages are kept low. Besides, the white working class is largely addicted to opiates like Oxy Contin and to crystal methamphetamine. I'm a contractor and I don't even hire whites anymore because they show up late, work too slow and leave early.
We have true unemployment at 21 percent........
For that to be true, there would have to be roughly 32 million people who could start a job now if offered and who have done something to get a job in the last four weeks, but who were not counted in the Labor Force survey. What is your support for that claim?
Is "touchback" some new buzzword you dumbass rubes heard from your handlers? Do you believe in it as a feasible solution to... well... anything?

The feasible solution is to get their asses out of here, offer the jobs they do to the freeloading social welfare leeches, cut off the handouts if they refuse, and place armed personnel at the border to handle those trying to sneak back in. You solve many problems. The illegals are gone and a way to keep them out is put in place. You offer jobs to those that say they can't find one and they either work that job or the freebies go away. One action covers multiple problems.
I've heard those excuses before and they don't hold water. Most Americans won't take those jobs anyway and businesses keep more of their profits when wages are kept low. Besides, the white working class is largely addicted to opiates like Oxy Contin and to crystal methamphetamine. I'm a contractor and I don't even hire whites anymore because they show up late, work too slow and leave early.

More claims you can't prove?

For those Americans freeloading on social welfare, they'd have two options. Take it and earn your way or no more freebies.
For those Americans freeloading on social welfare, they'd have two options. Take it and earn your way or no more freebies.
Are retired veterans free loaders in your mind?

Are Social Security retirees free loaders too?

Those two groups together are most of our federal budget along with interest on the debt.
For those Americans freeloading on social welfare, they'd have two options. Take it and earn your way or no more freebies.
Are retired veterans free loaders in your mind?

Are Social Security retirees free loaders too?

Those two groups together are most of our federal budget along with interest on the debt.

Veterans have EARNED it.

SS retirees up to the point they get what they put in are getting back what they were required to pay. After that, it become redistribution of wealth.

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