What if Gore were president

Well Tpahl,
It is very easy to campaign on promises of smaller government and less spending , It is a whole different thing to be put in office and before you have a chance to act on any of those promises a gaggle of nutcases hijack 4 civilian airliners and attack the country with them . It is a joke to try to guess what Algore or anyone else would have done in President Bush's place .
I don't think you grasp the scope of what happened on September Eleventh , Two Thousand One . That's alright , neither does the entire Democrat party . President Bush has been lied about and second guessed by hacks since before he got into office , the criticism without viable alternatives is no help and is doing nothing but weakening our country . President Bush was left with a disaster waiting to happen after 8 years of policy that did nothing but weaken our country's defenses,it opened us up to attacks by dildoes such as Bin Laden . It is not the time to play these games ofguessing how Gore would have done this or that .
One would have to be incredibly naive to believe that Saddam was not a threat , he was also the perfect strategic target for our fight against terrorism . At a time in history such as this it is shamefull to play politics , we are at war , lives and our way of life are at stake . I back my President 100 percent , he will go down in history as a great leader with a huge set of balls for how he has handled what was thrown in his lap 8 months after coming into office .
Originally posted by sitarro
Well Tpahl,
It is very easy to campaign on promises of smaller government and less spending , It is a whole different thing to be put in office and before you have a chance to act on any of those promises a gaggle of nutcases hijack 4 civilian airliners and attack the country with them .

yes, it is obviously two totally different things. That is why I can not support Bush. I want someone that will create a smaller government regardless of what excuses he is given in the course of his term. A person who truly beleives in smaller government would recognize that it is not just a campaign promise to get elected, but rather a solution. I want a president who will not buckle under the slightest pressure and instead will stick to his promises and give us a smaller government. Badnarik is such a man.

It is a joke to try to guess what Algore or anyone else would have done in President Bush's place .

The article was kinda humorous. I will give you that. But the Browne was dead serious when he said,
"If Al Gore had been elected, conservatives would be screaming bloody murder right now – protesting all the big-government policies I've described above. They'd have every foreign-policy decision under a microscope, instead of blindly cheering whatever the president does.

Certianly not all conservatives are blindly cheering. Many our questioning him, but see Kerry as no better choice and so they quietly stay behind Bush. Hopefully more of these conservatives will start speaking their mind before November.

I don't think you grasp the scope of what happened on September Eleventh , Two Thousand One . That's alright , neither does the entire Democrat party.

Please do not assume that people that who have different views or responses to situations, do not fully understand the scope. I know perfectly well what happened. I just feel that more of the same is not the answer. You can disagree, but do not try to claim that I am stupid of ignorant.

President Bush has been lied about and second guessed by hacks since before he got into office , the criticism without viable alternatives is no help and is doing nothing but weakening our country.

Which is why Badnarik is not offering only critisms. In fact he is not really critising Bush directly at all. Instead he is drawing peoples attention to the founding fathers critisms of ideas that Bush has implmented. He is drawing attention to the supreme law of the land. The constitution.

In addition badnarik is offering viable alternatives. Obviously you disagree with some of them, But they are viable, and they certainly differ from all the other major candidates.

President Bush was left with a disaster waiting to happen after 8 years of policy that did nothing but weaken our country's defenses,it opened us up to attacks by dildoes such as Bin Laden.

It was more than 8 years of such policy. And Bush is doing nothing different than his predecessors to ensure that the next president is not left with a similar mess. He is invading countries and installing 'friendly' governments and supporting other 'friendly' governments just as the last 10 or so presidents have done. how long will these governments stay 'freindly' this time?

It is not the time to play these games of guessing how Gore would have done this or that. One would have to be incredibly naive to believe that Saddam was not a threat , he was also the perfect strategic target for our fight against terrorism .

It is not really a guessing. Gore was quite clear in what he wanted to do. Bush has followed many of Gores promises very closely. Saddam was a threat to many people. No one living in America however. He was quite content to have all the power he had over there and knew that messing with America would disrupt that. That is in fact one of the reasons he asked for our permission to invade Kuwait.

You are right about one thing though. He was the perfect strategic target for Bush's war on terrorism. And where he was not quite perfect, Bush lied to make it more perfect.

At a time in history such as this it is shamefull to play politics , we are at war , lives and our way of life are at stake . I back my President 100 percent , he will go down in history as a great leader with a huge set of balls for how he has handled what was thrown in his lap 8 months after coming into office .

If he has such a huge set of balls, why did he back down from all his campaign promises to give us a smaller federal government?

I am glad you back the president 100 percent. And since you beleive in him so strongly, I urge you to vote for him, give him money, and argue his cause as much as you can between now and November.

I however do not support him and will not donate money, time, or even argue his cause. And I won't do so because as you point out, lives are at stake. I beleive his policies will cost us more lives. I believe a policy of non intervention as our founding fathers urged us to take would be much more successful. Thankfully I can support a candidate that beleives this too without having to support a candidate that would take away my guns or my money in taxes.

Badnarik is against nation building, against income tax, and for the second amendment. All things Bush said he supported in 2000. Badnarik will not ignore these promises at the first sign of trouble. As some might put it... Because he has a huge set of balls. :)


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