What if Brain Terry were Black?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Would Obama say if he had a son, he'd look like Brian Terry?

Would he blame Mexican racism for his death?

Would he say the killers "acted stupidly"?
As if you mouth breathers aren't.

Give Frank some slack. He finally found a forum that won't ban him for racism.

I got a permaban from the Mark Levin Show for asking "Would Terri Schiavo be dehydrating to death if she were anything other than a white Christian women, if she were black or Jewish or Hispanic, would she be allowed to die like that?"

Yeah, Im a racist
As if you mouth breathers aren't.

Give Frank some slack. He finally found a forum that won't ban him for racism.

I got a permaban from the Mark Levin Show for asking "Would Terri Schiavo be dehydrating to death if she were anything other than a white Christian women, if she were black or Jewish or Hispanic, would she be allowed to die like that?"

Yeah, Im a racist

From Levin? Really? WOW...
Would Obama say if he had a son, he'd look like Brian Terry?

Would he blame Mexican racism for his death?

Would he say the killers "acted stupidly"?

Why do you not care about the probable dead innocent Mexicans that were also killed with the guns that ATF supplied drug lords for years? IMO, their deaths are worse since they didn't sign on for a dangerous job such as being a border guard.
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Would Obama say if he had a son, he'd look like Brian Terry?

Would he blame Mexican racism for his death?

Would he say the killers "acted stupidly"?

Why do you not care about the probable dead innocent Mexicans that were also killed with the guns that ATF supplied drug lords for years? IMO, their deaths are worse since they didn't sign on for a dangerous job such as being a border guard.

Then you should be as outraged at Holder as I am... but you aren't because your a blind idealogue bent on defending the Obama's regime at all costs.

One more thing.... "Operation Fast & Furious" didnt track the weapons..... "Operation wide reciever" did.
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Would Obama say if he had a son, he'd look like Brian Terry?

Would he blame Mexican racism for his death?

Would he say the killers "acted stupidly"?

Why do you not care about the probable dead innocent Mexicans that were also killed with the guns that ATF supplied drug lords for years? IMO, their deaths are worse since they didn't sign on for a dangerous job such as being a border guard.

Then you should be as outraged at Holder as I am... but you aren't because your a blind idealogue bent on defending the Obama's regime at all costs.

One more thing.... "Operation Fast & Furious" didnt track the weapons..... "Operation wide reciever" did.
I haven't paid enough attention to Holder to form an opinion of him. I do know that both operations were fucking stupid beyond belief.
...the wingnuts have been pretty much the only ones talking about this--so if the victim is being neglected, it's because wingnuts are neglecting him. Sure, that not-Joe the not-plumber campaign video opens with Brian Terry...and within 30 seconds it launches into the insane anti-Holder tirade. Graham's column itself, ostensibly about Terry "becoming a footnote", uses him only as setup for cheap shots at the Democrats on the committee.

In their version of the tale, Brian Terry died because the DOJ let weapons get into the wrong hands. Thus we have to stop the DOJ's nefarious attempts...to keep weapons from falling into the wrong hands.

That's the problem. There has to be just enough focus on Brian Terry to whet the wingnuts' appetite for rage, but not so much that it highlights the internal incoherence of the whole thing. To make him a full-blown martyr would be to admit a fundamental premise of gun control.

No More Mister Nice Blog
Everyone remember how Cindy Sheehan was the media darling when Bush was office?

But this is what we get with Obama...

He'd be a dead black border agent..instead of a dead white one.

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