What has Obama done to rally the stock market?


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
Absolutely nothing. I'm sick of liberals giving him credit for the meteoric rise in the stock market.
The question is what has Obama done to rally the Stock Markets? Hmmm.................................. Ahh.......................................Ummm...........................that..........................thing..........................................Ahhhhh.......................................Ummmm.......................He ahhhh...........................They ah...........................................Didn't he........................................................ ahhhhh.............................Ummmm...............................Ahhhh........................................Well uh............................. Ummm................... I think you get the idea.
2ook jobs in august lol that's why we've seen the market double. The truth is corporate balance sheets are doing fine but we haven't seen hiring.
LMAO 4 month high. Consumer confidence levels have been as dismal as it gets since Obama took office. Consumer confidence is certainly not the reason the markets have rallied.
that's why the market is at a five year high? Give me a break.
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2ook jobs in august lol that's why we've seen the market double. The truth is corporate balance sheets are doing fine but we haven't seen hiring.

LMAO 4 month high. Consumer confidence levels have been as dismal as it gets since Obama took office. Consumer confidence is certainly not the reason the markets have rallied.
that's why the market is at a five year high? Give me a break.

Not at all. Obama laid the ground work with his TARP 2, Stimulus, the GM assistance, cash for clunkers, the healthcare reform, his ability to beat the living shit out of the Republicans in the House, to keep us from defaulting.....It's quite a long list.

Learn how to use the quote function, moron.
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Are you serious? Three rounds of Fed pumping. oooooooooooooooh yeah.
Absolutely nothing. I'm sick of liberals giving him credit for the meteoric rise in the stock market.

Thanks for asking

When Obama took over, the market was in free fall. In the process of dropping from 14,000 to 6600. Investors could not get out of the market fast enough. The best description is sheer panic

Upon taking over, Obama made it clear that the Federal Government would stand behind the banks and auto companies. Through economic stimulus, the Government was the only entity willing to pump money INTO the economy

Within weeks of the stimulus, the market reversed and eventually doubled

Thanks President Obama
Absolutely nothing. I'm sick of liberals giving him credit for the meteoric rise in the stock market.

Thanks for asking

When Obama took over, the market was in free fall. In the process of dropping from 14,000 to 6600. Investors could not get out of the market fast enough. The best description is sheer panic

Upon taking over, Obama made it clear that the Federal Government would stand behind the banks and auto companies. Through economic stimulus, the Government was the only entity willing to pump money INTO the economy

Within weeks of the stimulus, the market reversed and eventually doubled

Thanks President Obama

Yep you are right. It is completely artificial.
2ook jobs in august lol that's why we've seen the market double. The truth is corporate balance sheets are doing fine but we haven't seen hiring.

LMAO 4 month high. Consumer confidence levels have been as dismal as it gets since Obama took office. Consumer confidence is certainly not the reason the markets have rallied.
that's why the market is at a five year high? Give me a break.

Not at all. Obama laid the ground work with his TARP 2, Stimulus, the GM assistance, cash for clunkers, the healthcare reform, his ability to beat the living shit out of the Republicans in the House, to keep us from defaulting.....It's quite a long list.

Learn how to use the quote function, moron.

Our credit rating has been downgraded....

Twice with Obama as President.
Just thought I could help out here. :clap2:
The market panicked under Bush

He had a deer in the headlights response to the economic collapse and the reaction of investors was GET OUT NOW

Obama made it clear the federal government would not allow the financial market to fail. Stimulus showed the federal government was willing to pump money into the economy while the private sector ran
that's why the market is at a five year high? Give me a break.

Not at all. Obama laid the ground work with his TARP 2, Stimulus, the GM assistance, cash for clunkers, the healthcare reform, his ability to beat the living shit out of the Republicans in the House, to keep us from defaulting.....It's quite a long list.

Learn how to use the quote function, moron.

Our credit rating has been downgraded....

Twice with Obama as President.
Just thought I could help out here. :clap2:

Yes it has

Showing the displeasure with Congress and it's unwillingness to do it's job Republucans have pushed us over the brink and then gloat for having done so
So, are we offically saying the president is not responsible for QE3? What do you think the president should do to help the stock market? Do we want government actively attempting to inflate the market?

My personal opinion, less is more.
What has Obama done to rally the stock market?
Run, along, Skippy.....

Sep 30, 2012

Rocko; Full-Of-Shit

"Stocks have more than doubled since the financial crisis and are closing in on a five-year high, but many Main Street investors have been absent from the party - especially those with the least saved.

"This is the most uncelebrated bull market in history," said Tony Ferreira, managing director at Cogent Research, which provides research and consulting for large fund managers."
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Absolutely nothing. I'm sick of liberals giving him credit for the meteoric rise in the stock market.

Why is that his job?

Where in the constitution does it give me power to manipulate the market?

It isnt his job Sparky.

Question is....why does he continually take credit fore something that is not his job and he has nothing to do with?

Stay with the program Sparky....you seem a bit lost in the discussion.

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