What happened to that landslide?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Just a couple weeks ago you liberals were insisting Obama was gonna win in a landslide. What happened?

Of course in 2008 you claimed the Republican party was dead for years to come as well and we saw how well that turned out.
I'm a Liberal, and I've yet to see even ONE poll that ever showed Obama winning by a landslide.

BTW, the Republican party IS dead. It just doesn't know it yet.
Just a couple weeks ago you liberals were insisting Obama was gonna win in a landslide. What happened?

Of course in 2008 you claimed the Republican party was dead for years to come as well and we saw how well that turned out.

This is November? Obama will win by more than 7 points.
Just a couple weeks ago you liberals were insisting Obama was gonna win in a landslide. What happened?
The Election hasn't happened, yet.

Gimme a "DUH!"


Stupid Fuckin' Teabaggers
I'm a Liberal, and I've yet to see even ONE poll that ever showed Obama winning by a landslide.

BTW, the Republican party IS dead. It just doesn't know it yet.

If the Republican party is dead that would mean that the democratic party is also dead since they are both of the same body with two separate heads.
Just a couple weeks ago you liberals were insisting Obama was gonna win in a landslide. What happened?

Of course in 2008 you claimed the Republican party was dead for years to come as well and we saw how well that turned out.

Nothing happened. The election is 6 months away. :cuckoo:
What happened?
Ohh about the same thing as happened to those who thought Palin would win in a landslide.
I'm a Liberal, and I've yet to see even ONE poll that ever showed Obama winning by a landslide.

BTW, the Republican party IS dead. It just doesn't know it yet.

If the Republican party is dead that would mean that the democratic party is also dead since they are both of the same body with two separate heads.

Somewhat true; however, the Democrat head has enough sense to evolve. The Republican head will decay and drop off.
My take on the upcoming elections is this...the far left will vote for Obama...the far right will vote for Romney...it's going to be moderates and Independents that will decide the contest. Those people are going to be standing in a voting booth asking themselves whether Barry or Mitt is going to be best for "them". Unless Obama can address the deficit and jobs in the next six months and show that he has a plan going forward to fix things...why would those moderates and Independents believe that HE has the solution?

Bottom line is this...being President is more than just giving speeches to hand picked crowds that you promise the world to in return for their adoration. It's about making tough choices. Barack Obama doesn't like to make tough choices. When he was a Senator back in Illinois he used to vote "present" on the toughies. THAT should have been a dead give-a-way about what kind of a President he would be but we ignored that and focused instead on nebulous concepts of "Hope & Change".

We now KNOW that Barry isn't the guy who's going to tackle entitlement reform. So if he can't fix the thing that is really killing our country then why give him another four years?
My take on the upcoming elections is this...the far left will vote for Obama...the far right will vote for Romney...it's going to be moderates and Independents that will decide the contest.
....Not to mention.....​

"If the election were held today, Obama would win the veteran vote by as much as seven points over Romney, higher than his margin in the general population."


Right HERE,
Obama will win by a landslide.

At least 325 Electoral votes with 270 required to win

Of course it could get much worse for Romney if he doesn't catch fire soon

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