What happened to repeal Obamacare?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
I guess the GOP has given up on it. When my mother in law, who is a die hard Republican, wants to look into getting "Obamacare", then I know the GOP has lost......again.
Why repeal it? It's slowly being revealed for the boondoggle it is and will implode upon itself. Just this week the associates at my husband's firm got their second rate increase in two years. Three years ago they paid NOTHING towards their employee sponsored heath care. You don't think they are going to remember who passed this BS?
Just wait for the drip drip drip of this to start HITTING people hard.

its already started. RATES went up and you need $5000 Deductible.

that is what WE the people is being FORCED to purchase by YOUR FEDERAL government or BE FINED. to me I call that Fascism
Why repeal it? It's slowly being revealed for the boondoggle it is and will implode upon itself. Just this week the associates at my husband's firm got their second rate increase in two years. Three years ago they paid NOTHING towards their employee sponsored heath care. You don't think they are going to remember who passed this BS?

For every case you give me, I can give you three stories of people who have benefited.

If the ACA is such a disaster, why haven't the GOP candidates bellowed it's evil? It is revealing.
The financial, cultural, and political elites run things. From the beginning it was always a stage show. I was always telling the right that from day one, but nobody was listening.

It's the same thing with abortion. Elitist right wing and conservative politicians actually love that fact that abortion is legal, and thus it will never be made illegal in the wrong places if you understand it's social ramifications. But I digress.

The fact is, this makes Americans pay more. It means more profit for drugs companies and the insurance industry, it increases government control and taxes, what's not to like for pols on the left and the right? For all the extremely wealthy investors and the controlling classes that fund the political elites, they will never have them weaken this mess, unless it is to replace it with a single paying system that contracts with private companies.

All they needed to do was give lip service to freedom and liberty until the attention span of America was distracted somewhere else, and until the MSM convinced them that the harm didn't outweigh the supposed benefit.

This is how the oligarchy works. You have no voice. Get used to it. It only gets worse from her on out.
Why repeal it? It's slowly being revealed for the boondoggle it is and will implode upon itself. Just this week the associates at my husband's firm got their second rate increase in two years. Three years ago they paid NOTHING towards their employee sponsored heath care. You don't think they are going to remember who passed this BS?

For every case you give me, I can give you three stories of people who have benefited.

If the ACA is such a disaster, why haven't the GOP candidates bellowed it's evil? It is revealing.

That's how redistribution works.
Why repeal it? It's slowly being revealed for the boondoggle it is and will implode upon itself. Just this week the associates at my husband's firm got their second rate increase in two years. Three years ago they paid NOTHING towards their employee sponsored heath care. You don't think they are going to remember who passed this BS?

For every case you give me, I can give you three stories of people who have benefited.

If the ACA is such a disaster, why haven't the GOP candidates bellowed it's evil? It is revealing.

Making up cases isn't real cases. Obamacare is shit, deep down you know it but you have to toe the party line. Here is a hard cold fact for you, hard working people don't want to pay for a bunch of lazy asshole's healthcare. That's just a fact
And you still have Trump.....:banana:

If he wins the GOP nomination, the Republican Party will go down in flames in 2016, as never seen before.
I just cannot wait!

Still, if he doesn't win the nomination, he will certainly run as third party. So, pick your poison. Staph....:badgrin:
I guess the GOP has given up on it. When my mother in law, who is a die hard Republican, wants to look into getting "Obamacare", then I know the GOP has lost......again.

We all lost when the GOP started pushing the idea in the first place.
Why repeal it? It's slowly being revealed for the boondoggle it is and will implode upon itself. Just this week the associates at my husband's firm got their second rate increase in two years. Three years ago they paid NOTHING towards their employee sponsored heath care. You don't think they are going to remember who passed this BS?
Yep and Medicare has been short changing provider refunds. They just lost a pretty big law suit and are going to be coughing up a ton of money here shortly.

Can you say broke??

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