What exactly is the Democrats' reasoning when they oppose requiring voter ID as racism?

I understand that the real goal is twofold - to further the "non-Democrats are racist" narrative and to protect the suffrage of the solidly Democratic-voting illegal immigrant bloc. I'm still curious what their case is in their own words - how they actually justify it legally and rhetorically. I can't really seem to find much more than vague assertions and talking points though. Maybe somebody well versed in their platform (preferably at least a Democrat themselves if not connected to the issue in some active way) could explain it?
Rule # 1 to a Libtard is don't inconvenience the *******...
Signatures have worked for two hundred years.

Now, Republicans need to create some phony crisis to block legitimate voters

ID is required for just about everything, but YOu state that blacks are too lazy and stupid to get a ID that MOST WHITES take the time to get.... You are such a bigot, a LIAR, and just plain stupid for continuing to be bitch slapped with each of your post.... YOU can't have a smile like this...I GOT IT, smacking YOU! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::321:


I am saying that Republicans hate Anerica so much that they want to prevent anyone they consider unworthy from voting

They cannot help it really, they are not raised to love America like the rest of us. They are raised to protect and serve the one percent

Voter suppression is just one tool

No, you're NOT, you're calling blacks stupid and Lazy since they won't do what most whites have done!
Liberals are fine with requiring identification to vote. Just as long as everyone who is a citizen and is 18 years of age is provided with said ID free of charge and free of any inconvenience whatsoever.

The idea that there is in-person voter fraud is unsubstantiated. It feeds nutters who thrive on fear and mistrust.

NY state has FREE photo ID's that are given at the DMV...cost NOTHING, no reason THAT can't be done everywhere, you just NEED TO VERIFY who you are!
So lets get started.

Voter fraud in US is close to non existant.

Disenfranchising voters has a long and rich past. Do any of ye know why Selma did happen?

So the GOP party is trying to use old Selma tricks to stop people voting.

Here is a possible simple solution. If someone votes with no ID they put there finger in ink. Works everywhere else. It might also encourage people to vote.
The OP's statement is built on a great big fallacy that says "no voter i.d." is an issue belonging to the Democratic Party.

Republicans for the longest time were the loudest in their dissent of any kind of national i.d. cards, period. It's only in the last few years that they've abandoned that in their platform. It's just one of the many ways we can see how the GOP has veered hard right over the last decade.

The GOP's voter suppression tactics and attempts at weakening the Voting Rights Act have been clear and out in the open. Why have they begun doing this? Because they fear they can't win an election on the merits. The effects of the GOP's actions are felt by mostly poor, older black folks. That makes the GOP cynical at best and racist at the very worst.

Instead of using their imaginations to come up with ways to attract from that greatly expanding group of diverse voters out there, the GOP insists on repelling them away, giving them no other alternative than to vote for Democrats.

We're in 2015 America and it's no secret to anyone that the GOP has a race problem. They faced it in their 2012 fallout and called for ways to attract diversity. So far, they've only decided to step on every rake in the yard.

Requiring voter i.d. is a great big canard of an issue because voter fraud is not actually a problem. It's only a "scourge" to the kinds of people who hate to face actual statistics or facts. And the irony is that the one or two big cases of voter i.d. fraud in recent years were committed by conservatives.
Blacks don't seem to have any problem providing ID to buy alcohol, cigarettes, sign up for welfare, get a fishing license, board a plane or train, shall I continue?
Considering that whites get the most of all of that, guess they don't either.
Blacks don't seem to have any problem providing ID to buy alcohol, cigarettes, sign up for welfare, get a fishing license, board a plane or train, shall I continue?
Considering that whites get the most of all of that, guess they don't either.

So you admit blacks are as smart as whites, then why not get an ID like white's do to vote?...Is it like RightWingnut says, they're too fucking lazy?
Blacks don't seem to have any problem providing ID to buy alcohol, cigarettes, sign up for welfare, get a fishing license, board a plane or train, shall I continue?
the issue is NOT supplying ID, the ISSUE is needing a government issued photo ID.

and you are WRONG implying that alcohol, ciggies, welfare programs, etc etc etc REQUIRE a government issued photo ID as you all are requiring for US citizens to vote in their OWN DAMN COUNTRY.... for NO DAMN REASON....

what in the world is wrong with you guys? holy crap....the gvt issued photo id at the polling place DOES NOTHING to stop voter fraud....

SO WHAT in heaven's name is your REASONING for this measure?


“The SNAP/Food Stamp caseworker is required to verify your identity. 7 CFR 273.2(f). There are many ways, however, that you may verify your identity. A photo ID is only one way. You should not be denied SNAP/Food Stamps simply because you do not have a photo ID. To prove who you are, you can use such things as a work or school ID, an ID for health benefits, an ID from another social services program such as TANF, wage stubs, a birth certificate, or a voter registration card. The SNAP/Food Stamp caseworker can also verify your identity by calling a “collateral contact” who can confirm you who are. Shelter workers and employers are examples of possible collateral contacts. If you have no paper documentation of who you are, you should ask the SNAP/Food Stamp caseworker to call a collateral contact.

“Homeless households are not required to verify where they live. If you are living in a shelter, however, it may be helpful to bring a letter to the SNAP/Food Stamp office which is written by a shelter employee and says that you are living in the shelter.”
Blacks don't seem to have any problem providing ID to buy alcohol, cigarettes, sign up for welfare, get a fishing license, board a plane or train, shall I continue?
the issue is NOT supplying ID, the ISSUE is needing a government issued photo ID.

and you are WRONG implying that alcohol, ciggies, welfare programs, etc etc etc REQUIRE a government issued photo ID as you all are requiring for US citizens to vote in their OWN DAMN COUNTRY.... for NO DAMN REASON....

what in the world is wrong with you guys? holy crap....the gvt issued photo id at the polling place DOES NOTHING to stop voter fraud....

SO WHAT in heaven's name is your REASONING for this measure?


Is the government racist for requiring black people to provide proof of citizenship in order to obtain a passport? To provide a government issued photo ID to board a plane? Why do you people talk out of both sides of your mouths? I think we know, because it pokes holes in the liberal narrative that voter ID laws are racist.
Voter ID is the least of it. Reducing the number of voting places, reducing hours, making it harder to vote period and then boasting that the GOP will win elections with these disgusting, anti American and rotten tactics and those comments coming from the GOP leadership. Things you come to expect from the GOP. Right?
And of course non of that is true as always,just more false talking points from the boards top bull shitter.
I understand that the real goal is twofold - to further the "non-Democrats are racist" narrative and to protect the suffrage of the solidly Democratic-voting illegal immigrant bloc. I'm still curious what their case is in their own words - how they actually justify it legally and rhetorically. I can't really seem to find much more than vague assertions and talking points though. Maybe somebody well versed in their platform (preferably at least a Democrat themselves if not connected to the issue in some active way) could explain it?
Issue ID to all Americans, like other nations do for their citizens, and then ask for it. It isn't complicated. Cart after the horse, not before.
Blacks don't seem to have any problem providing ID to buy alcohol, cigarettes, sign up for welfare, get a fishing license, board a plane or train, shall I continue?
the issue is NOT supplying ID, the ISSUE is needing a government issued photo ID.

and you are WRONG implying that alcohol, ciggies, welfare programs, etc etc etc REQUIRE a government issued photo ID as you all are requiring for US citizens to vote in their OWN DAMN COUNTRY.... for NO DAMN REASON....

what in the world is wrong with you guys? holy crap....the gvt issued photo id at the polling place DOES NOTHING to stop voter fraud....

SO WHAT in heaven's name is your REASONING for this measure?


Is the government racist for requiring black people to provide proof of citizenship in order to obtain a passport? To provide a government issued photo ID to board a plane? Why do you people talk out of both sides of your mouths? I think we know, because it pokes holes in the liberal narrative that voter ID laws are racist.
I never mentioned racism.

How many poor senior citizens in minority neighborhoods fly on airplanes and need a passport?
Blacks don't seem to have any problem providing ID to buy alcohol, cigarettes, sign up for welfare, get a fishing license, board a plane or train, shall I continue?
the issue is NOT supplying ID, the ISSUE is needing a government issued photo ID.

and you are WRONG implying that alcohol, ciggies, welfare programs, etc etc etc REQUIRE a government issued photo ID as you all are requiring for US citizens to vote in their OWN DAMN COUNTRY.... for NO DAMN REASON....

what in the world is wrong with you guys? holy crap....the gvt issued photo id at the polling place DOES NOTHING to stop voter fraud....

SO WHAT in heaven's name is your REASONING for this measure?


Is the government racist for requiring black people to provide proof of citizenship in order to obtain a passport? To provide a government issued photo ID to board a plane? Why do you people talk out of both sides of your mouths? I think we know, because it pokes holes in the liberal narrative that voter ID laws are racist.
I never mentioned racism.

How many poor senior citizens in minority neighborhoods fly on airplanes and need a passport?

Is that a racist stereotype you just flung out there?
I understand that the real goal is twofold - to further the "non-Democrats are racist" narrative and to protect the suffrage of the solidly Democratic-voting illegal immigrant bloc. I'm still curious what their case is in their own words - how they actually justify it legally and rhetorically. I can't really seem to find much more than vague assertions and talking points though. Maybe somebody well versed in their platform (preferably at least a Democrat themselves if not connected to the issue in some active way) could explain it?
What exactly is the Voter ID proponents reasoning for Voter ID when it is ineffective against stopping or preventing fraud?

The failure of Voter ID to accomplish what its proponents claim it is for strongly suggests there is an entirely different motive behind it.

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