What do you think about practical communism?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
I dont mean marxist theory or cultural marxism but how it was in practice in the Soviet Union and how it was and still is in Far East like China or North Korea. I think they didnt had mass Immigration. Well Russia always had more then only Whites, but also under the tzar, but those are traditional minorities from the russian empire like central asians etc. but they didnt had mass migration from other parts of the world which are newcomers. They also didnt had homosexuality or transgenders. And their understanding of women rights or feminism was "chivalry" to this day in Russia from communist times the 8.march international womens day is celebrated but men gift flowers to females and such it is "chivalrous" not the feminazi type of the west. China and North Korea are pretty much Nationalist and xenophobic to outsiders. Also they put high value on work and progress. So was the Soviet Union.
I dont mean marxist theory or cultural marxism but how it was in practice in the Soviet Union and how it was and still is in Far East like China or North Korea. I think they didnt had mass Immigration. Well Russia always had more then only Whites, but also under the tzar, but those are traditional minorities from the russian empire like central asians etc. but they didnt had mass migration from other parts of the world which are newcomers. They also didnt had homosexuality or transgenders. And their understanding of women rights or feminism was "chivalry" to this day in Russia from communist times the 8.march international womens day is celebrated but men gift flowers to females and such it is "chivalrous" not the feminazi type of the west. China and North Korea are pretty much Nationalist and xenophobic to outsiders. Also they put high value on work and progress. So was the Soviet Union.

There is nothing wrong with choosing to be under such a system if it represents you.
What goes wrong is not having due process, checks and balances on power,
and democratic means of redressing grievances to defend oneself against abuses.

As long as you build in some system of defense, conflict resolutions, and democratic process,
anything you choose can be made to work. Just be careful what type of government you
ask for!
I dont mean marxist theory or cultural marxism but how it was in practice in the Soviet Union and how it was and still is in Far East like China or North Korea. I think they didnt had mass Immigration. Well Russia always had more then only Whites, but also under the tzar, but those are traditional minorities from the russian empire like central asians etc. but they didnt had mass migration from other parts of the world which are newcomers. They also didnt had homosexuality or transgenders. And their understanding of women rights or feminism was "chivalry" to this day in Russia from communist times the 8.march international womens day is celebrated but men gift flowers to females and such it is "chivalrous" not the feminazi type of the west. China and North Korea are pretty much Nationalist and xenophobic to outsiders. Also they put high value on work and progress. So was the Soviet Union.

There is nothing wrong with choosing to be under such a system if it represents you.
What goes wrong is not having due process, checks and balances on power,
and democratic means of redressing grievances to defend oneself against abuses.

As long as you build in some system of defense, conflict resolutions, and democratic process,
anything you choose can be made to work. Just be careful what type of government you
ask for!

checks & balances on executive abuses of power isn't working in the US so, are we under communist rule?

I think we should be because we have shit right now.

We asked for the wrong form of government, according to your post.
Aktuell stirbt eine von zehn Personen beim Versuch, über das Mittelmeer nach Europa zu fliehen. Die Arbeit ziviler SeenotretterInnen wird hingegen kriminalisiert. Die EU hat ihre Humanität damit an den Außengrenzen geopfert.
Statt das Massensterben im Mittelmeer zuzulassen, sollten Fluchtursachen effektiv bekämpft werden. Das bedeutet militärische Konflikte zu verhindern, statt sie durch Waffenexporte zu fördern.
Wer links will, muss auch links wählen: Waffenexporte verbieten - Menschen retten. Und das konsequent.✊
Am ❌26. Mai mit »KPÖ PLUS - European Left« für eine linke Stimme in Europa.

They say that because of war mongering and weapon trafficking from EU countries, and such there is war in the third world and many people die trying to cross via the meditteranean sea to Europe. Notice they didnt said "we want europe flooded with refugees from third world" they said "stop weapon trafficking and do something at place to help the refugees and rebuilt their countries." Seems like a fair and humanistic point.
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checks & balances on executive abuses of power isn't working in the US so, are we under communist rule?

I think we should be because we have shit right now.

We asked for the wrong form of government, according to your post.

Dunno what you are talking about. Of course, there's no such a thing as a perfect democracy. After all nothing is perfect, especially the creations of human mind (like laws, weapons of mass destruction, widely accepted societal norms, social taboos, various economic systems, you name it) which are by definition inherently flawed, but still your country is miles ahead of Russia in terms of human rights, checks and balances on power, the distribution of recources among the population, while here (I am russian as you may have already guessed), in Putin's Russia, one person has access to virtually unlimited power and is not going to give it away just because someone wants him to.

What is worse, he has surrounded himself with a bunch of self-serving and corrupt government officials and industrial "tycoons" (most of them are his childhood friends and tycoons only in name but in reality they are nothing more than pathetic thieves who unlawfully seized some of the biggest soviet industrial plants after the collapse of the USSR) officially despising the west in every possible way but unofficially planning to leave Russia when shit hits the fan - they purchase incredibly expensive reall estate abroad ( in Spain, Italy, the UK and the USA) instead of putting money into Russia's basically non-existent economy. They and their kids have dual citizenship and can even vote in the western countries...

You should be proud of your country, son , you can't even begin to imagine what "the wrong form of government" really is.
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Communism can only work in isolated, small agrarian communities, where opt-in is completely and totally voluntary.

Totally agree with you. Some of the polynesian tribes had this kind of system in the 20th century, according to Jascue Fresko. There weren't even words for "job" or "money" in their respective native languages. Who knows, they might be still around.

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