What did Clinton's National Security adviser steal from the Archives?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
President Nixon was dogged out of office by unrelenting "investigative reporters" who kept asking "what did he know and when did he know it" about a two bit burglary. President Clinton's National Security Adviser became a common thief risking his life and his career by stealing documents relating to Clinton's role in 9-11. Why would a high ranking influential former cabinet member risk his career and reputation to steal a couple of scraps of paper from the Archives? Was he insane or was he and his former boss implicated in a conspiracy relating to the 9-11 tragedy? The fix was in when Berger was arrested and he was allowed a quickie plea to a misdemeanor and avoided a trial and a prison sentence by the "justice dept". Berger surrendered his law license in 2007 to avoid questions about his theft. What did he take? There were no "investigative reporters" to ask the right questions. Whatever it was it must have been far more important than the lame conspiracies about building construction and explosives promoted by lame lefties.
It's border line insane and tinfoil hat nutty to rely on arcane conspiracy theories that rely on chemical analysis of composites of gigantic debris while disregarding genuine evidence that indicates a genuine coverup of a conspiracy that relates to a specific administration.

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