What creates jobs?

Nosmo King

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2009
Buckle of the Rust Belt
There are some who think that coddling the rich will create jobs. That if those very rich had just a few more advantages, they would open their considerable purses and let the wealth flow like manna from heaven.

Do tax cuts create the opportunity for job growth? Does someone summering in the Hamptons glance at his 1040 and sudden decide to open a factory because his marginal rate has been cut from 39% to 35%?


Demand creates jobs. Customers with cash in their hands clamoring for the goods produced creates jobs. It creates economic expansion and thus job growth.

Should more money be concentrated among the very wealthy or should more consumers enjoy tax relief and therefore more disposable income?
There are some who think that coddling the rich will create jobs. That if those very rich had just a few more advantages, they would open their considerable purses and let the wealth flow like manna from heaven.

Do tax cuts create the opportunity for job growth? Does someone summering in the Hamptons glance at his 1040 and sudden decide to open a factory because his marginal rate has been cut from 39% to 35%?


Demand creates jobs. Customers with cash in their hands clamoring for the goods produced creates jobs. It creates economic expansion and thus job growth.

Should more money be concentrated among the very wealthy or should more consumers enjoy tax relief and therefore more disposable income?

Are rich people not consumers? I have to assume the person summering in the Hamptons is spending money.
There are some who think that coddling the rich will create jobs. That if those very rich had just a few more advantages, they would open their considerable purses and let the wealth flow like manna from heaven.

Do tax cuts create the opportunity for job growth? Does someone summering in the Hamptons glance at his 1040 and sudden decide to open a factory because his marginal rate has been cut from 39% to 35%?


Demand creates jobs. Customers with cash in their hands clamoring for the goods produced creates jobs. It creates economic expansion and thus job growth.

Should more money be concentrated among the very wealthy or should more consumers enjoy tax relief and therefore more disposable income?

Are rich people not consumers? I have to assume the person summering in the Hamptons is spending money.
How many rich are there compared to the numbers in the middle class and lower middle class? Could there be more poorer consumers than the very few who hold wealth?
Guys who create things other people want to buy create jobs.

You can demand all you want but if there's nobody there to produce, all your demand isn't worth a popcorn fart.
The only way to attain economic growth is by making sure there are enough consumers with disposable income. No rich guy is going to open a factory unless there is demand for his goods.
There are some who think that coddling the rich will create jobs. That if those very rich had just a few more advantages, they would open their considerable purses and let the wealth flow like manna from heaven.

Do tax cuts create the opportunity for job growth? Does someone summering in the Hamptons glance at his 1040 and sudden decide to open a factory because his marginal rate has been cut from 39% to 35%?


Demand creates jobs. Customers with cash in their hands clamoring for the goods produced creates jobs. It creates economic expansion and thus job growth.

Should more money be concentrated among the very wealthy or should more consumers enjoy tax relief and therefore more disposable income?


The market hardly cares if a company worth 1 billion is owned by one billionaire or 10,000 people with $100,000 investments
There are some who think that coddling the rich will create jobs. That if those very rich had just a few more advantages, they would open their considerable purses and let the wealth flow like manna from heaven.

Do tax cuts create the opportunity for job growth? Does someone summering in the Hamptons glance at his 1040 and sudden decide to open a factory because his marginal rate has been cut from 39% to 35%?


Demand creates jobs. Customers with cash in their hands clamoring for the goods produced creates jobs. It creates economic expansion and thus job growth.

Should more money be concentrated among the very wealthy or should more consumers enjoy tax relief and therefore more disposable income?

Oh, I agree with our pols....I say put EVERYONE on welfare. That will get everyone employed for sure!
There are some who think that coddling the rich will create jobs. That if those very rich had just a few more advantages, they would open their considerable purses and let the wealth flow like manna from heaven.

Do tax cuts create the opportunity for job growth? Does someone summering in the Hamptons glance at his 1040 and sudden decide to open a factory because his marginal rate has been cut from 39% to 35%?


Demand creates jobs. Customers with cash in their hands clamoring for the goods produced creates jobs. It creates economic expansion and thus job growth.

Should more money be concentrated among the very wealthy or should more consumers enjoy tax relief and therefore more disposable income?

Are rich people not consumers? I have to assume the person summering in the Hamptons is spending money.
How many rich are there compared to the numbers in the middle class and lower middle class? Could there be more poorer consumers than the very few who hold wealth?

Of course, but you made a distinction between rich people and consumers and then used an example of some rich person spending their summer in the Hamptons as if that was a bad thing. Though I do agree with your conclusion that we need tax relief for consumers, I simply apply that to all consumers alike. Rich, poor, middle class, and everyone else.
Guys who create things other people want to buy create jobs.

You can demand all you want but if there's nobody there to produce, all your demand isn't worth a popcorn fart.
The only way to attain economic growth is by making sure there are enough consumers with disposable income.

If people were taxed less they'd have more disposable income to purchase goods...
Are rich people not consumers?

They consume far less out of each $1 they earn than the middle class and poor.

If a normal middle class family owns 2 cars - and I'm a rich person making 1000 times as much money as the middle class family - does that mean I'll probably buy 2000 cars? No. 20 maybe. Not 2000. Clearly a $1 in the hands of someone who isn't wealthy is much more likely to be spent into the economy.
There are some who think that coddling the rich will create jobs. That if those very rich had just a few more advantages, they would open their considerable purses and let the wealth flow like manna from heaven.

Do tax cuts create the opportunity for job growth? Does someone summering in the Hamptons glance at his 1040 and sudden decide to open a factory because his marginal rate has been cut from 39% to 35%?


Demand creates jobs. Customers with cash in their hands clamoring for the goods produced creates jobs. It creates economic expansion and thus job growth.

Should more money be concentrated among the very wealthy or should more consumers enjoy tax relief and therefore more disposable income?

Evidently Dear Ruler thinks sidewalks create jobs. He has spent millions of stimulus dollars in Oklahoma City building sidewalks where none ever existed. Evidently there was a demand for them, because he's built them everywhere. In fact, there must have been a demand to replace existing sidewalks to, because many old ones were ripped up and replaced.
Are rich people not consumers?

They consume far less out of each $1 they earn than the middle class and poor.

If a normal middle class family owns 2 cars - and I'm a rich person making 1000 times as much money as the middle class family - does that mean I'll probably buy 2000 cars? No. 20 maybe. Not 2000. Clearly a $1 in the hands of someone who isn't wealthy is much more likely to be spent into the economy.

Even if what you said were relevant, which I would say it's not, then what happens to the rest of the rich person's money? It's saved. This is also good for the economy.
Even if what you said were relevant, which I would say it's not, then what happens to the rest of the rich person's money? It's saved. This is also good for the economy.

Not when it sits in a fucking bank vault or reserve account and isn't loaned out. Been paying attention to the economy lately? The banks aren't lending.
Guys who create things other people want to buy create jobs.

You can demand all you want but if there's nobody there to produce, all your demand isn't worth a popcorn fart.
The only way to attain economic growth is by making sure there are enough consumers with disposable income.

If people were taxed less they'd have more disposable income to purchase goods...

You'd thing that stating the obvious to the clueless would.......well.......give them a clue, but alas!
Even if what you said were relevant, which I would say it's not, then what happens to the rest of the rich person's money? It's saved. This is also good for the economy.

Not when it sits in a fucking bank vault or reserve account and isn't loaned out. Been paying attention to the economy lately? The banks aren't lending.

Yes, we're in the midst of a correction, though there's evidence to suggest that we've inflated our way into another false-boom, and the banks are being more cautious. That still doesn't mean savings aren't good for the economy. It simply means people are forgoing present consumption in favor of future consumption, and banks aren't going to sit on that money indefinitely.
Guys who create things other people want to buy create jobs.

You can demand all you want but if there's nobody there to produce, all your demand isn't worth a popcorn fart.
The only way to attain economic growth is by making sure there are enough consumers with disposable income. No rich guy is going to open a factory unless there is demand for his goods.
Yeah...I knew that this was where we were going....Covetousness and calls for expropriation and redistribution.

Well guess what, Scooter?...There was no demand for things like hula hoops, the Frisbee and the hackey sack until some entrepreneur took a chance and produced.

Like I said, demand all you want, but if there's nobody around with the gonads to take a chance and produce, or if the economic environment is too filled with envious little looters to make any effort worthwhile, then all the demand in the world couldn't fill a little brown paper sack.
Even if what you said were relevant, which I would say it's not, then what happens to the rest of the rich person's money? It's saved. This is also good for the economy.

Not when it sits in a fucking bank vault or reserve account and isn't loaned out. Been paying attention to the economy lately? The banks aren't lending.

All that proves is that the demand-side neo-Keynesian socialist know-it-alls really don't know jack shit.

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