What can we expect from a Republican president and ploitical majority?


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
The United States
Ok, Hypothetical question...

Lets say Republicans get the majority in the Senate. They retain the majority in the House. They regain the White House.

What happens next?

1) How long do they get to fix eveything? Obama was given a year to fix everything, and blaming Bush was no excuse. Therefore blaming Obama is no excuse.

2) How long before businesses start hiring? They won't hire as long as Obama is in office.

3) How long before I can afford health care? Obamacare is supposidly the reason I can't afford it now, and why premiums keep going up, up, and away.

4) When none of these things get fixed, can I then blame the Conservative Republicans?

5) What will be the excuse for not getting any of this done?

6) Would Roe Vs. Wade get overturned? How long do we wait?

7) Would gay marriage be outlawed? How long do we wait?

8) Would our border get secured? How long do we wait?
What can we expect from a Republican president and ploitical majority?

Some token cuts, a little number shuffling. New accounting system...and more importantly more of the same..EXPANSION OF GOVERNMENT.

We could also see a reduction in power grab regulations. But thats only a 50/50 prop.
Ok, Hypothetical question...

Lets say Republicans get the majority in the Senate. They retain the majority in the House. They regain the White House.

What happens next?

1) How long do they get to fix eveything? Obama was given a year to fix everything, and blaming Bush was no excuse. Therefore blaming Obama is no excuse.

2) How long before businesses start hiring? They won't hire as long as Obama is in office.

3) How long before I can afford health care? Obamacare is supposidly the reason I can't afford it now, and why premiums keep going up, up, and away.

4) When none of these things get fixed, can I then blame the Conservative Republicans?

5) What will be the excuse for not getting any of this done?

6) Would Roe Vs. Wade get overturned? How long do we wait?

7) Would gay marriage be outlawed? How long do we wait?

8) Would our border get secured? How long do we wait?

1. Obama thus far has had 3 years. Two of which he had complete control so I dunno where you came up with one year.

2. I've heard many people speculations that the hiring may begin right away. Just the thought of a more business friendly administration will probably spark some hiring right away as well as a spike in the markets.

3. Can't speak to your health issues.

4. If things don't get better you can bet your ass it will be their fault.

5. Don't know and don't care. I want solutions not excuses.

6. I seriously doubt that.

7. I think it will be left up to the states.

8. If we have complete control and don't lock the borders I will be severely let down. As far as how long I have no idea, I don't build fences for a living and I don't know the logistics for everything else needed.
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it

Can any Republican or conservative give me a real reason to vote for a Republican? Ideology is only applicable in classrooms, when it hits the real world it dies. I'm looking for a reason to vote for the Republican candidate, whom ever it turns out to be. Which candidate can accomplish the points I asked about? Any of them?
What can we expect from a Republican President and political majority? I'm hoping for a lot more sanity then what I've seen come out of the White House for the last 3 years.
can any republican or conservative give me a real reason to vote for a republican? Ideology is only applicable in classrooms, when it hits the real world it dies. I'm looking for a reason to vote for the republican candidate, whom ever it turns out to be. Which candidate can accomplish the points i asked about? Any of them?

the economy
Can any Republican or conservative give me a real reason to vote for a Republican? Ideology is only applicable in classrooms, when it hits the real world it dies. I'm looking for a reason to vote for the Republican candidate, whom ever it turns out to be. Which candidate can accomplish the points I asked about? Any of them?

The front runners certainly can accomplish those things. Obama clearly can not so what would be the point of voting for him?

If you like what he has done vote for him. If not don't. It's really that simple.

Shit can't get a whole lot worse so what's to lose by changing courses?

I believe the gop got the message of 2010. If not they will fail.

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