What ballot choices would you like to see?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

Granted, many here will look for the (D) or the (R) on the presidential ballot in 2016 and vote accordingly.

But for those who really aren't committed, who would you like to see running against each other?

Which combination would offer the most constructive, thought-provoking, level-headed debate?

Me, I'd like to see Webb vs. Jeb.


The more the partisan ideologues dislike an idea, the more I'm sure I'm on target.


Or you haven't thought it through.

Okay, I don't think we need to spend much time on discussing why Jeb is an idiot. The Bush family brings us wars and recessions, and frankly, who needs more of that.

Webb's career has been - resigning as Reagan's Navy Secretary because he wouldn't cut the Navy's bloated budget.

Running for Senate in VA, being rude to President Bush at a reception, and then doing six years of really, nothing.

Here's the real problem with Webb. He really, honestly thinks that the biggest problem Democrats have is that they aren't trying hard enough to work iwth Republicans.

When the reality is, the Republicans would rather burn down the country than work with the Democrats, even on things they previously supported.
Rick Perry said he was going to be better prepared this time so that should be fun to watch.

Mike Huckleberry and his buddy Ted (poopy pants draft dodger, poacher, child molester, all around bucket of slime) Nugent stumping for him.

The guy who wants lower rents, another 999-type idiot and, even though she's too lazy to actually work for a living, it would be fun if $imple$arah ran again.

Question - did Michelle Bachmann quit congress to free up her Brains Blazing campaign to run again?
What ballot choices would you like to see?

Niccolo Machiavelli
Alfred E Newman
Bozo the Clown
Donald Duck (the great Orator)
Elmer Fudd
Ivan the Terrible
Vlad the Impaler

At least we'll know what they're up to.......
What ballot choices would you like to see?

Niccolo Machiavelli
Alfred E Newman
Bozo the Clown
Donald Duck (the great Orator)
Elmer Fudd
Ivan the Terrible
Vlad the Impaler

At least we'll know what they're up to.......

Are they all running for reelection?

Granted, many here will look for the (D) or the (R) on the presidential ballot in 2016 and vote accordingly.

But for those who really aren't committed, who would you like to see running against each other?

Which combination would offer the most constructive, thought-provoking, level-headed debate?

Me, I'd like to see Webb vs. Jeb.

Personally, I'd love to see ballots absent of professional politicians. Professional politicians have all but destroyed this once great nation. I'd love to see voters do something besides play into the hands of those hell-bent on our socioeconomic destruction. I'd love to see voters get away from party politics, and do what's right for this nation and her citizens. When we, as voters, divide this nation along party lines, we're doing nothing more than practicing self-defeat. The worst enemy of "The Washington Brotherhood" is a united citizenry. We should all be labeled "Americans for America". We need to get away from such destructive labels as Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, Right Wing, Left Wing, Independent, and any other label that divides this nation and her citizens.

Voters need to learn and educate themselves to the fact that professional politicians are all about egos, self-service, power, influence, greed, and climbing the political ladder at all cost. Once elected to office, professional politicians exert their will, and not the will of the people. We have a Lobbyist controlled U.S. Congress, and an oval office bought and paid for. The wealthy, the powerful, and the influential place candidates on ballots. Honesty and politics mix like water and oil.

Each election cycle, voters either elect or re-elect professional politicians to serve in government, then spend the next 2 to 4 years complaining about the anti-America legislation and policies engineered and enacted by the very ones that they themselves elected to office. Go figure. This nation is in the sad shameful state that it's presently in due to those voters. But, my guess is that we will have to hit the proverbial rock bottom before voters wake up and smell the coffee. Voters do have the right to write-in a candidate of their choice. They do not have to swallow hook, line, and sinker, every single word spewed from the mouths of professional politicians.

I would love to see voters write-in a candidate and send a strong message to "The Washington Brotherhood" that this country is no longer for sale.
"Republicans would rather burn down the country than work with the Democrats, even on things they previously supported."

Unfortunately this is true.
Yeah, the country sees complete pi-partisanship no matter which party is in power......... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Burn baby burn!!

I'd like to see the Green or Socialist Alternative parties have viable national campaigns

But as that won't happen, Christie vs. Sanders (I don't think Christie would be that bad a President, not even significantly worse than Clinton. Bush might be okay too for that matter)

Or, since I'd like Sanders to actually win, Santorum vs. Sanders.
I'd like to see the Green or Socialist Alternative parties have viable national campaigns

But as that won't happen, Christie vs. Sanders (I don't think Christie would be that bad a President, not even significantly worse than Clinton. Bush might be okay too for that matter)

Or, since I'd like Sanders to actually win, Santorum vs. Sanders.

Thanks for the actual sober, specific response, not many of those so far.


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