What are you policy goals?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
If we are going to discuss politics, then I think it's important to discuss policy goals. What do you want to accomplish politically and how do you intend to do so?

Anyone is free to post, but my one request is, if you want to respond to what others say, post your own goals first. That way we all have a good idea where each other is coming from. I'll start.

I want to empower individuals
Cut taxes
Cut government spending
Eliminate corruption
Restore States to their Constitutionally given power.

I want to see this done by:

Simplifying the tax code
Eliminating any non-constitutional departments in the Federal Government.
Make those that remain more efficient.
Move any Federal regulation that should be at the State level to the States
Repeal the 17th amendment
Eliminate all "mandatory" spending so that Congress actually has to budget that instead of letting it go on autopilot.
Use technology to keep Congressmen in their districts more as well as cut the days they meet during the year.
Cut Congressional pay.

Im sure I could come up with some other ideas if I thought about it longer.

So what about you?
If we are going to discuss politics, then I think it's important to discuss policy goals. What do you want to accomplish politically and how do you intend to do so?

Anyone is free to post, but my one request is, if you want to respond to what others say, post your own goals first. That way we all have a good idea where each other is coming from. I'll start.

I want to empower individuals
Cut taxes
Cut government spending
Eliminate corruption
Restore States to their Constitutionally given power.

I want to see this done by:

Simplifying the tax code
Eliminating any non-constitutional departments in the Federal Government.
Make those that remain more efficient.
Move any Federal regulation that should be at the State level to the States
Repeal the 17th amendment
Eliminate all "mandatory" spending so that Congress actually has to budget that instead of letting it go on autopilot.
Use technology to keep Congressmen in their districts more as well as cut the days they meet during the year.
Cut Congressional pay.

Im sure I could come up with some other ideas if I thought about it longer.

So what about you?

Separate Social Security from the General Fund.
Tax every dollar earned from the first to the last regardless of top end limits for Social Security. Right now, Social Security tax ends at about $106,000. Never understood this.
Increase the retirement ages by one month for every person under the age of 55 for every year that passes until the full benefits retirement age is 70. Obviously, this requires 12 years to increase the retirement age by 1 year. Plenty of time to adjust planning.

Use 2008 as the maximum amount that can be outlayed by the Federal Government.
Revise the tax code to eliminate deductions of any sort. Reduce the tax brackets to 3. Reduce the trip limits of tax rates to help compensate for the lack of deductions. Make everyone who earns anything liable to pay taxes. Doesn't have to be much, but it does have to be something.

Sunset every program that is initiated so any program extension is debated.

Tie government pay rates to the publics pay rates. Freeze all federal pay rates until the budget is balanced. If they can't balance the budget, they don't deserve a raise. If the pay and benefits of the Feds is higher than the pay and benefits in the private sector, cut it to be equitable. Reduce Federal Head count to 2008 levels.

If any government department exceeds its budget, that budget must be cut by the amount of the overrun and the that department's head must be fired. The post office is projected to have an 8 Billion dollar deficit from income this year. What? Cut the freakin costs! What's wrong with these bastiges? If you ain't got the cash, don't spend the cash. Morons!

Publish annually what the per person cost of government is this year.

You said repeal the 17th amendment. Why?

Eliminate corruption? Good luck with that. However, the DOJ should be the arm that watchdogs the Congress and those lying thieves that abuse our trust should be put into the general population when they are caught stealing.

Reduce defense to levels that are in line with defending us, U.S.

Diossolve NASA and other departments that are useless. Re-purpose the department of energy to be a department that coordinates the efforts to de-foreign oil this economy and set the deadline as 10 years out. Coal, nuclear and gas are fine. We have that. It's time to stop exporting our energy dollars.

Engage in free market trade agreements with other like minded economies encourage trade and commerce internationally. Access to this market is a priviledge and we should treat it as such while it still is.

Finally, Term limits: 12 years in both houses.

In short, pull our collective head out of our collective ass and run this thing like we have to live with the consequences. We do.

Otherwise.......Instead of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, it will surely be : THE COMMUNIST STATES OF AMERICA !!!

The other salubrious "priorities" won't be worth a dog's fart.

And, that is a FACT .
If we are going to discuss politics, then I think it's important to discuss policy goals. What do you want to accomplish politically and how do you intend to do so?

Anyone is free to post, but my one request is, if you want to respond to what others say, post your own goals first. That way we all have a good idea where each other is coming from. I'll start.

I want to empower individuals
Cut taxes
Cut government spending
Eliminate corruption
Restore States to their Constitutionally given power.

I want to see this done by:

Simplifying the tax code
Eliminating any non-constitutional departments in the Federal Government.
Make those that remain more efficient.
Move any Federal regulation that should be at the State level to the States
Repeal the 17th amendment
Eliminate all "mandatory" spending so that Congress actually has to budget that instead of letting it go on autopilot.
Use technology to keep Congressmen in their districts more as well as cut the days they meet during the year.
Cut Congressional pay.

Im sure I could come up with some other ideas if I thought about it longer.

So what about you?

You pretty much summed it up for me. I would add repeal of the 16th[Simplifying the Tax code...FAIR or FLAT Tax will do] as well. Also an addition of the much bandied-about talk of a 28th...Repeal of the 26th would be in order as well.
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[You said repeal the 17th amendment. Why?

The Senate was originally set up to be a check on the Federal Government by the States. They were supposed to stand up for states interests and states rights. The House was to be the branch of Congress for the people.

By moving toward direct elections for senators, the states interests have been ignored by the Senate. In Result we have seen a massive increase of government spending. And increasing demands of the Federal Government on states with their unfunded liabilities and their conditions.

States having control of the Senate would also reign in the corrupting influence of special influences. They wouldnt be able to donate directly to the campaign of the Senators. If they wanted to buy a Senator, they would have to corrupt entire state legislatures. If that happens, we have bigger problems to worry about.

Needless to say, I doubt it will happen any time soon. But If we truly want to fix this big government problem, then we need to Restore the Senate to it's proper place as the States check on the Federal Government and their check on the majority in the House.
[You said repeal the 17th amendment. Why?

The Senate was originally set up to be a check on the Federal Government by the States. They were supposed to stand up for states interests and states rights. The House was to be the branch of Congress for the people.

By moving toward direct elections for senators, the states interests have been ignored by the Senate. In Result we have seen a massive increase of government spending. And increasing demands of the Federal Government on states with their unfunded liabilities and their conditions.

States having control of the Senate would also reign in the corrupting influence of special influences. They wouldnt be able to donate directly to the campaign of the Senators. If they wanted to buy a Senator, they would have to corrupt entire state legislatures. If that happens, we have bigger problems to worry about.

Needless to say, I doubt it will happen any time soon. But If we truly want to fix this big government problem, then we need to Restore the Senate to it's proper place as the States check on the Federal Government and their check on the majority in the House.

I would add [ask]that the 17th severly weakened the 10th...No?
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I would add [ask]that the 17th severly weakened the 10th...No?

It certainly weakened the application of the 10th amendment. No one really cares about it when the states don't have any say.
I would add [ask]that the 17th severly weakened the 10th...No?

It certainly weakened the application of the 10th amendment. No one really cares about it when the states don't have any say.

Thanks. This in my mind is where the balance was tipped regarding States and their sovereign control unto themselves. I hate the fact that States have to BEG the FED for their own money.

Sorry to detract from your great thread. I'll let it go. Thanks again. :)

1) I want to see New Jersey's taxes get cut, and I want to see New Jersey get the amount of benefits suitable for the amount of taxes New Jersey residents contribute, considering we get the least bang for the buck in the Union.

2) I want to see our involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq end.

3) I want to see the budget of Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and the Military contract substantially. They are all bloated with waste, inefficiency and entitlements that are obsolete and provide minimal benefit to social stability and national security.

4) I want to see the end of all tax benefits based on martial and social status, an increase on capital gains taxes and other stock/capital taxes so that they are proportional to federal income taxes, and removal of tax exemptions for all places of worship if this is what is necessary to balance the budget.

5) I want to see the end of this ballooning deficit. This must be done with spending cuts that, until this condition is met, cannot be matched with tax cuts, as unpopular as that is.

Otherwise.......Instead of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, it will surely be : THE COMMUNIST STATES OF AMERICA !!!

The other salubrious "priorities" won't be worth a dog's fart.

And, that is a FACT .

...oh, and I want gautama to asphyxiate on a sack of dicks. That may only provide a marginal benefit for the Union, but it would give me no small pleasure to see him shut up.
Eliminate corruption
Move any Federal regulation that should be at the State level to the States
Repeal the 17th amendment

How are you going to eliminate corruption?
What regulations would you move to the state level and why? You don't see how that could make states safe havens for crooks?
Why do you want to repeal the 17th amendment?

My main policy goals are to build a society where discourse is grounded in informed scientific and philosophic study and free of dogma and prejudice. The best place to start with that is education.

I'd like to see less "tracking" in schools and I'd like to see teachers get monetary bonuses for having a high percentage of students that can exceed some international standard.

I'd also like to see reform in how textbooks are chosen for public schools, or even better, schools that don't use textbooks, but instead relevant books and articles written by professionals in the field of study. It would be better if those books were picked by experts in the field and not some board in Texas.
If we are going to discuss politics, then I think it's important to discuss policy goals. What do you want to accomplish politically and how do you intend to do so?

Anyone is free to post, but my one request is, if you want to respond to what others say, post your own goals first. That way we all have a good idea where each other is coming from. I'll start.

I want to empower individuals
Cut taxes
Cut government spending
Eliminate corruption
Restore States to their Constitutionally given power.

I want to see this done by:

Simplifying the tax code
Eliminating any non-constitutional departments in the Federal Government.
Make those that remain more efficient.
Move any Federal regulation that should be at the State level to the States
Repeal the 17th amendment
Eliminate all "mandatory" spending so that Congress actually has to budget that instead of letting it go on autopilot.
Use technology to keep Congressmen in their districts more as well as cut the days they meet during the year.
Cut Congressional pay.

Im sure I could come up with some other ideas if I thought about it longer.

So what about you?

Instead of employers automatically deducting SS, medicare, and FICA, I want the feds to send every individual a bill at the end of the year.
If we are going to discuss politics, then I think it's important to discuss policy goals. What do you want to accomplish politically and how do you intend to do so?

Anyone is free to post, but my one request is, if you want to respond to what others say, post your own goals first. That way we all have a good idea where each other is coming from. I'll start.

I want to empower individuals
Cut taxes
Cut government spending
Eliminate corruption
Restore States to their Constitutionally given power.

I want to see this done by:

Simplifying the tax code
Eliminating any non-constitutional departments in the Federal Government.
Make those that remain more efficient.
Move any Federal regulation that should be at the State level to the States
Repeal the 17th amendment
Eliminate all "mandatory" spending so that Congress actually has to budget that instead of letting it go on autopilot.
Use technology to keep Congressmen in their districts more as well as cut the days they meet during the year.
Cut Congressional pay.

Im sure I could come up with some other ideas if I thought about it longer.

So what about you?

Instead of employers automatically deducting SS, medicare, and FICA, I want the feds to send every individual a bill at the end of the year.

I might suggest the same of Income Tax. You want to see a Tax Revolt? make that happen.
-Bring jobs back to the U.S. and fight the exploitation of the poor by requiring that all imported goods be certified sweat-free and pass inspections and testing to ensure they meet the same health and safety requirements and domestically imported goods. This will disincentive outsourcing.

-Secure our borders. Anyone found to knowingly and willfully be employing illegals faces a $5k/day fine. After the third infraction, their business license will be revoked for a period not less than one year and not more than three years. No other licenses may be granted during this period.

-Stop starting wars

-If social security cannot be made sustainable, end the program. No new enrollees will be accepted.

-Enforce taxes for large corporations and wealthy individuals. Close the numerous loopholes.

-Establish an election fund. Those who collect enough signatures to get their names on the ballots qualify for a set amount of funding. These will be the only funds they may use to campaign.

-Eliminate the ATF. Alcohol and tobacco are legal. Any illegal distilleries can be handled by the DEA or the FBI. Guns will also fall to the FBI. There is no reason for the ATF to exist.

-Repeal the HCR bill in favour of a form of Medicare Plus

-No program, spending, tax incentive, or other measure may be set in place for more than four years at any given time.

-Require that the budget for any given year not exceed 85% of the funds collected during the previous fiscal year, excepting for war expenses in times of declared war against a foreign State.

-End corn ethanol subsidies and subsidies for not growing a given crop

-Erect a wall of separation between industry and regulators. Task the GAO with actively seeking out and firing corrupt regulators.

Cut government spending

Where, exactly[/quote]
If we are going to discuss politics, then I think it's important to discuss policy goals. What do you want to accomplish politically and how do you intend to do so?

Anyone is free to post, but my one request is, if you want to respond to what others say, post your own goals first. That way we all have a good idea where each other is coming from. I'll start.

I want to empower individuals
Cut taxes
Cut government spending
Eliminate corruption
Restore States to their Constitutionally given power.

I want to see this done by:

Simplifying the tax code
Eliminating any non-constitutional departments in the Federal Government.
Make those that remain more efficient.
Move any Federal regulation that should be at the State level to the States
Repeal the 17th amendment
Eliminate all "mandatory" spending so that Congress actually has to budget that instead of letting it go on autopilot.
Use technology to keep Congressmen in their districts more as well as cut the days they meet during the year.
Cut Congressional pay.

Im sure I could come up with some other ideas if I thought about it longer.

So what about you?

It would be great if the states ran things in accordance to the wishes of the citizens of that state .
Having Floridians live in accordance with the wishes of people from Massachusetts and NY through federal fiat is wrong and boring .
If we are going to discuss politics, then I think it's important to discuss policy goals. What do you want to accomplish politically and how do you intend to do so?

Anyone is free to post, but my one request is, if you want to respond to what others say, post your own goals first. That way we all have a good idea where each other is coming from. I'll start.

I want to empower individuals
Cut taxes
Cut government spending
Eliminate corruption
Restore States to their Constitutionally given power.

I want to see this done by:

Simplifying the tax code
Eliminating any non-constitutional departments in the Federal Government.
Make those that remain more efficient.
Move any Federal regulation that should be at the State level to the States
Repeal the 17th amendment
Eliminate all "mandatory" spending so that Congress actually has to budget that instead of letting it go on autopilot.
Use technology to keep Congressmen in their districts more as well as cut the days they meet during the year.
Cut Congressional pay.

Im sure I could come up with some other ideas if I thought about it longer.

So what about you?

Instead of employers automatically deducting SS, medicare, and FICA, I want the feds to send every individual a bill at the end of the year.

For the servicse incurred in the state the tax payer lives in .
10995 - Federal seizure of all communications media in the United States.
10997 - Federal seizure of all electric power, fuels, minerals, public and private.
10998 - Federal seizure of all food supplies and resources, public and private and all farms and equipment.
10999 - Federal seizure of all means of transportation, including cars, trucks, or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports and water ways.
11000 - Federal seizure of American people for work forces under federal supervision, including the splitting up of families if the government so desires.
11001 - Federal seizure of all health, education and welfare facilities, both public and private.
11002 - Empowers the Postmaster General to register all men, women and children in the United States of America.
11003 - Federal seizure of all airports and aircraft.
11004 - Federal seizure of all housing and finances and authority to establish Forced Relocation. Authority to designate areas to be abandoned as "unsafe," establish new locations for the populations, relocate communities, build new housing with public funds.
11005 - Seizure of all railroads, inland waterways and storage facilities, both public and private.
11051 - Provides FEMA complete authorization to put above orders into effect in times of increased international tension of economic or financial crisis (FEMA will be in control in case of "National Emergency").
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Cut government spending

Where, exactly

Everywhere. Literally every program should be gone through and cut. We can even cut DoD spending without losing any military power by making things more efficient.

There is not one program that shouldnt be thoroughly combed through and either cut or eliminated.

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