What Americans need to know.


Mar 2, 2008
What Americans need to know.

It's not a vote for Obama.

It's not a vote against Obama.

It's a vote for the truth

scroll down and watch video

An Obama Administration & Keeping an Eye on the U.N.

The link at the bottom is a vote for our freedom

World leaders pledge to stabilize economy http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/27736889#27736889

Is the coming National ID the prophesied "mark of the beast"?

No National ID Card

Without this National ID, you won't... * Drive your car * Board a plane, train, or bus * Enter any federal building * Open a bank account * Hold a job If you can’t hold a job or have a bank account,how much buying and selling will you be able to do?


SOUND FAMILIAR? Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name: http://www.nonationalid.com/TakeAction.aspx

vote for our freedom

Pass it on. Copy and send to all you know

“Yes We Can”. Save our Nation
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Dude... You need to back away from the Bible. The black helicopters are not coming to get you.

This needs to be move to the CT forum.

Did you even go to Obama Crimes and watch the video?

It's the truth Obama was not born in the USA. On December 1st he will have to answer.

black helicopters? I think you watch to much TV

If you have a problem with your own convictions all the whining about the bible won't help You need to go to a psychiatrist to deal with your issues.
What Americans need to know.

It's not a vote for Obama.

It's not a vote against Obama.

It's a vote for the truth

scroll down and watch video
Obama Crimes

An Obama Administration & Keeping an Eye on the U.N.
ACLJ • American Center for Law & Justice

The link at the bottom is a vote for our freedom

World leaders pledge to stabilize economy msnbc.com Video Player

Is the coming National ID the prophesied "mark of the beast"?

No National ID Card

Without this National ID, you won't... * Drive your car * Board a plane, train, or bus * Enter any federal building * Open a bank account * Hold a job If you can’t hold a job or have a bank account,how much buying and selling will you be able to do?

How_To_Face_This_New_World_Order : Take Action No National ID card

SOUND FAMILIAR? Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name: NoNationalID.com - Take Action

vote for our freedom
NoNationalID.com - Take Action

Pass it on. Copy and send to all you know

“Yes We Can”. Save our Nation

Don't forget
The Digital TV Transition: FAQs - Consumer Corner

This will organize all the signals in the air so they can have a competent tracking system and easier access in your homes, a click of the button turn off the entire entertainment and communication devices for some or all so when you see your own American soldiers marching down the streets to throw you on in concentration camps till further notice you can not alert anyone else.

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