West Point grad who posed with 'Communism will win' in cap discharged


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
What an idiot! He goes through the difficult program only to do this is a man who is a mess.

Fox News

Lukas Mikelionis

June 19, 2018

West Point grad who posed with 'Communism will win' in cap discharged


"The West Point graduate, who last year posed in a picture holding a cap that had “Communism will win” written inside, is officially out of the U.S. Army with an other-than-honorable discharge.

Spenser Rapone rocked the military community last year after his social media posts were revealed, showing him wearing a Che Guevara shirt underneath his military uniform."
If it' was a bad joke he should have known that West Point has no sense of humor. If he was serious he should be responsible for paying back the free education he received courtesy of the (non communist) U.S. government.
....and the big irony/etc about you going out of your minds because of Trump is that he does the sensical things/says what makes sense--like:
the US will not have migrant camps
illegals should be kicked out of the US---how can this NOT make sense????!!!!???
freeze hiring on federal jobs !!!!
protect America with tariffs [stop screwing over America]
etc etc
Commie West Point Grad Who Sported a Che Tee Shirt Kicked Out


He is no longer part of the U.S. military after top brass at Fort Drum’s 10th Mountain Division accepted his resignation Monday after an earlier warning for “conduct unbecoming of an officer.” He’s leaving the military with an other-than-honorable discharge.

Great news. The military doesn’t need ignoramuses like that. I’m glad they “suggested” that the best thing he could do was resign. Saved him a courts martial or other disciplinary action.

More @ The infamous communist West Point grad who sported a Che t-shirt kicked out of the Army | Babalú Blog
West Point has (used to have anyway) a legendary honor code. Didn't any other Cadet or instructor notice that this guy was a freaking covert communist during four years? This stuff is getting tiresome. Maybe they should investigate the Academy's concept of "Duty,Honor,Country" and drain that swamp too.

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