Well that 3rd impeachment went over like a lead balloon.


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
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In this kabuki theater there is no other side. The January 6 hearings are to justice what Swan Lake is to tap dancing. Not only was it choreographed to the hilt, but heavily edited, judging from the number of people claiming "I never said that ".
Even pro rasslin' isn't as fakey as that dour display of disingenuous douchebaggery last night.
Lead balloons, scams, shams, frauds, lies, cheats, swindles, thefts, money launderings, funnelling tax dollars, using the American taxpayer as their private ATMs, death, destruction, murder..................

If it's illegal, maniacal, anti-American, and anti-Constitution........they do it every day.

The object is to crush the middle class.
Just the latest production number from Democrat Party Studios. I wonder if things would be better in America if they had focused on DOING THEIR JOBS for the last 6 years rather than produce cheesy dramas attacking Donald Trump?
Dem's goal was to undermine the 2016 election and will of the people by preventing Trump from performing his duties. Now that's an insurrection and attack on democracy.
Dem's goal was to undermine the 2016 election and will of the people by preventing Trump from performing his duties. Now that's an insurrection and attack on democracy.
The Democratic Party is assaulting our Democracy on every front. They represent their own interests and the interests of foreign nations and illegals. Everything they've done since they assumed power has hurt the average American.
No way!....It was the most monumental scandal since Watergate, Iran-Contra, ABSCAM, and Teapot Dome, all rolled into one!

Just as the moonbats!

Why do I imagine Nero fiddling as Rome burned.

Progressives make the mistake of assuming politics in the only thing people care about, just like it's the only thing they care about.

Plus the people in congress and their advisors are insulated from higher costs due to the fact that they are all wealthy.
Lead balloons, scams, shams, frauds, lies, cheats, swindles, thefts, money launderings, funnelling tax dollars, using the American taxpayer as their private ATMs, death, destruction, murder..................

If it's illegal, maniacal, anti-American, and anti-Constitution........they do it every day.

the reason some americans can't see this is they watch the branch of the DNC known as Cnn .. msnbc and nbc and abc...

who campaigned, via their "news shows," always unfavorable to Trump, for the senile baby killer commie

kinda looks like a campaign contribution to me... probably not within the limits?

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