Well, its time for Trump to create once again....more carnage for the american stupid!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
How does a guy, who went around the country talking mega shit about Mexico and the wall, who had every simp in white skin salvatating to his message of not only building a wall, but forcing Mexico to pay for it, how does he now not only threaten healthcare, but the budget if he doesn't force down our throats the BILL FOR IT? And not just any bill, but a billion dollar plus bill? How does this fuck nut get away with shit like this? Now we pay for it or else???
Well, its time for Trump to create once again....more carnage for the american stupid!!

Truly, Trump doesn't have to actually create anything. For Trumpkins, merely telling them he has done so and that "it" exists is enough. It's not as though Trumpkins will know the difference, look to see if there is one, or verify that Trump did as he said.

Trumpkins just don't care about anything that challenges their ideal view of the world as seen though the lens of their little corner in it. Even if something does challenge their "worldview," it has to damn near literally hit them over the head as though it were a hammer for them to "sober up" and notice.
Well, its time for Trump to create once again....more carnage for the american stupid!!

Truly, Trump doesn't have to actually create anything. For Trumpkins, merely telling them he has done so and that "it" exists is enough. It's not as though Trumpkins will know the difference, look to see if there is one, or verify that Trump did as he said.

Trumpkins just don't care about anything that challenges their ideal view of the world as seen though the lens of their little corner in it. Even if something does challenge their "worldview," it has to damn near literally hit them over the head as though it were a hammer for them to "sober up" and notice.

Really? Tell me what a great job the Barrypuppet did and how the leftard clown posse wasn't exactly like how you describe those that support Trump....this I have GOT to hear.
How does a guy, who went around the country talking mega shit about Mexico and the wall, who had every simp in white skin salvatating to his message of not only building a wall, but forcing Mexico to pay for it, how does he now not only threaten healthcare, but the budget if he doesn't force down our throats the BILL FOR IT? And not just any bill, but a billion dollar plus bill? How does this fuck nut get away with shit like this? Now we pay for it or else???

A welfare queen like yourself isn't going to "pay" for diddly-squat. It's in the best interest of those like you that suck off the public teat that the flow of illegals trickles down because they are cutting in on your action.

Face it. Trump conned the country, and now we're just gonna have to ride it out until he's gone.

And yeah, I knew his promise to make Mexico pay for the wall was pure bullshit when he said it, because action like that requires both the House and the Senate to get behind it and pass a law which he then signs.

Without Congress passing a bill, he's not gonna be able to get the wall paid for.

And you guys believed him. Sad really.
Well, its time for Trump to create once again....more carnage for the american stupid!!

Truly, Trump doesn't have to actually create anything. For Trumpkins, merely telling them he has done so and that "it" exists is enough. It's not as though Trumpkins will know the difference, look to see if there is one, or verify that Trump did as he said.

Trumpkins just don't care about anything that challenges their ideal view of the world as seen though the lens of their little corner in it. Even if something does challenge their "worldview," it has to damn near literally hit them over the head as though it were a hammer for them to "sober up" and notice.

Really? Tell me what a great job the Barrypuppet did and how the leftard clown posse wasn't exactly like how you describe those that support Trump....this I have GOT to hear.
he has you there xelor.....many obama supporters were the same way....tiger being one of them....
Face it. Trump conned the country, and now we're just gonna have to ride it out until he's gone.

And yeah, I knew his promise to make Mexico pay for the wall was pure bullshit when he said it, because action like that requires both the House and the Senate to get behind it and pass a law which he then signs.

Without Congress passing a bill, he's not gonna be able to get the wall paid for.

And you guys believed him. Sad really.

I don't give a flying fuck if Mexico pays for it or not....just build it. It should have been done a few decades ago.
Face it. Trump conned the country, and now we're just gonna have to ride it out until he's gone.

And yeah, I knew his promise to make Mexico pay for the wall was pure bullshit when he said it, because action like that requires both the House and the Senate to get behind it and pass a law which he then signs.

Without Congress passing a bill, he's not gonna be able to get the wall paid for.

And you guys believed him. Sad really.

I don't give a flying fuck if Mexico pays for it or not....just build it. It should have been done a few decades ago.

Mexico isn't going to pay for it, and if Trump is gonna cut taxes, we aren't going to have the money for it either.

Trump promised it, but it's never gonna happen.

And yet, you believe him.
Face it. Trump conned the country, and now we're just gonna have to ride it out until he's gone.

And yeah, I knew his promise to make Mexico pay for the wall was pure bullshit when he said it, because action like that requires both the House and the Senate to get behind it and pass a law which he then signs.

Without Congress passing a bill, he's not gonna be able to get the wall paid for.

And you guys believed him. Sad really.
now we're just gonna have to ride it out until he's gone.
exactly ABS.....just the way it has been since Washington....instead of whining about who won you just pull up your big person underpants and deal with it.....and then in the next election hope better people are picked.....
How does a guy, who went around the country talking mega shit about Mexico and the wall, who had every simp in white skin salvatating to his message of not only building a wall, but forcing Mexico to pay for it, how does he now not only threaten healthcare, but the budget if he doesn't force down our throats the BILL FOR IT? And not just any bill, but a billion dollar plus bill? How does this fuck nut get away with shit like this? Now we pay for it or else???
Yeah. It would be less costly to build a wall than to simply repeal posse comatatus, place land mines, troops and drones on the border. If anyone tries to cross illegally, they get blown up, if they manage to slip by the mines, the drones alert the troops and the troops shoot them. After a couple of clashes, the illegal crossings will end.
he has you there xelor.....many obama supporters were the same way....tiger being one of them....

"He" who? I'm not even aware of someone in this thread having replied to me.

BTW that the same may have been aptly said of Obama supporters has no bearing on my statement's applicability to Trumpkins. What are you going to do next? Tell me that one group's abject intransigence makes another's acceptable or "right?"
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Face it. Trump conned the country, and now we're just gonna have to ride it out until he's gone.

And yeah, I knew his promise to make Mexico pay for the wall was pure bullshit when he said it, because action like that requires both the House and the Senate to get behind it and pass a law which he then signs.

Without Congress passing a bill, he's not gonna be able to get the wall paid for.

And you guys believed him. Sad really.
now we're just gonna have to ride it out until he's gone.
exactly ABS.....just the way it has been since Washington....instead of whining about who won you just pull up your big person underpants and deal with it.....and then in the next election hope better people are picked.....
Deal with a traitor in the white house, never!!!
How does a guy, who went around the country talking mega shit about Mexico and the wall, who had every simp in white skin salvatating to his message of not only building a wall, but forcing Mexico to pay for it, how does he now not only threaten healthcare, but the budget if he doesn't force down our throats the BILL FOR IT? And not just any bill, but a billion dollar plus bill? How does this fuck nut get away with shit like this? Now we pay for it or else???
Yeah. It would be less costly to build a wall than to simply repeal posse comatatus, place land mines, troops and drones on the border. If anyone tries to cross illegally, they get blown up, if they manage to slip by the mines, the drones alert the troops and the troops shoot them. After a couple of clashes, the illegal crossings will end.
I find it rather ironic, the very people that HIRE ILLEGALS, ie white people are the very people apposed to their existance in this country.
Face it. Trump conned the country, and now we're just gonna have to ride it out until he's gone.

And yeah, I knew his promise to make Mexico pay for the wall was pure bullshit when he said it, because action like that requires both the House and the Senate to get behind it and pass a law which he then signs.

Without Congress passing a bill, he's not gonna be able to get the wall paid for.

And you guys believed him. Sad really.

I don't give a flying fuck if Mexico pays for it or not....just build it. It should have been done a few decades ago.

Mexico isn't going to pay for it, and if Trump is gonna cut taxes, we aren't going to have the money for it either.

Trump promised it, but it's never gonna happen.

And yet, you believe him.

You believe that we actually use something called "money", so don't tell me what I believe or don't believe. I operate on a much higher plane of consciousness that you could only dream off. We could fund anything we needed if we could rid ourselves of the foreign owned Federal reserve central bank. But I digress...... it's this thing called "common sense" (which is something most people are in short supply of) to secure the fucking border and I don't give a shit how it gets paid for because it will pay for itself in the long run. In the mean time, ICE is finally doing it's job and rounding up illegals that have committed crimes and shipping their asses out of the country....something the Barrypuppet was remiss to do.

he has you there xelor.....many obama supporters were the same way....tiger being one of them....

"He" who? I'm not even aware of someone in this thread having replied to me.

BTW that the same may have been aptly said of Obama supporters has no bearing on my statement's applicability to Trumpkins. What are you going to do next? Tell me that one group's abject intransigence makes another's acceptable or "right?"
no im going to tell you that he has you there.....if you cant accept what he said then thats your problem....
he has you there xelor.....many obama supporters were the same way....tiger being one of them....

"He" who? I'm not even aware of someone in this thread having replied to me.

BTW that the same may have been aptly said of Obama supporters has no bearing on my statement's applicability to Trumpkins. What are you going to do next? Tell me that one group's abject intransigence makes another's acceptable or "right?"
no im going to tell you that he has you there.....if you cant accept what he said then thats your problem....
no im going to tell you that he has you there.....

You already did once. Why the hell are you repeating yourself?
Face it. Trump conned the country, and now we're just gonna have to ride it out until he's gone.

And yeah, I knew his promise to make Mexico pay for the wall was pure bullshit when he said it, because action like that requires both the House and the Senate to get behind it and pass a law which he then signs.

Without Congress passing a bill, he's not gonna be able to get the wall paid for.

And you guys believed him. Sad really.
now we're just gonna have to ride it out until he's gone.
exactly ABS.....just the way it has been since Washington....instead of whining about who won you just pull up your big person underpants and deal with it.....and then in the next election hope better people are picked.....
Deal with a traitor in the white house, never!!!
well most of us can deal with adversity....but then there are people like you who just whine about it.....your guy Obama once said to the righties,who were whining about him like you are with trump...."elections have consequences,deal with it".....
How does a guy, who went around the country talking mega shit about Mexico and the wall, who had every simp in white skin salvatating to his message of not only building a wall, but forcing Mexico to pay for it, how does he now not only threaten healthcare, but the budget if he doesn't force down our throats the BILL FOR IT? And not just any bill, but a billion dollar plus bill? How does this fuck nut get away with shit like this? Now we pay for it or else???
Well, too bad. Mexico's paying for the wall. We don't need to budget any money for it.
he has you there xelor.....many obama supporters were the same way....tiger being one of them....

"He" who? I'm not even aware of someone in this thread having replied to me.

BTW that the same may have been aptly said of Obama supporters has no bearing on my statement's applicability to Trumpkins. What are you going to do next? Tell me that one group's abject intransigence makes another's acceptable or "right?"
no im going to tell you that he has you there.....if you cant accept what he said then thats your problem....
no im going to tell you that he has you there.....

You already did once. Why the hell are you repeating yourself?
because you did not get it the first time....
he has you there xelor.....many obama supporters were the same way....tiger being one of them....

"He" who? I'm not even aware of someone in this thread having replied to me.

BTW that the same may have been aptly said of Obama supporters has no bearing on my statement's applicability to Trumpkins. What are you going to do next? Tell me that one group's abject intransigence makes another's acceptable or "right?"
no im going to tell you that he has you there.....if you cant accept what he said then thats your problem....
no im going to tell you that he has you there.....

You already did once. Why the hell are you repeating yourself?
because you did not get it the first time....
I understood you just fine. I have no idea of whom you wrote or what they said.

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