Well He met


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
with the democwats this morning and it was a love fest, ass kissing, ":eusa_whistle:I love you, you love me." purple bawney moment! :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::lol:
Did you guys see the meeting with the GOP? They got effin' SPANKED like the whiny petulant children they are. I heard Faux News even had to cut the feed because they couldn't handle it. Awesome. That made my day.
I watched it on c-span, you may think the Republicans got spanked but what I saw was more lying from you messiah, for instance he kept trying to assure Americans that the health care debate was aired on c-span he forgot to mention though that he didn't invite c span when Nelson, Nelson, Reid and Landrau got their ass kissing special deals, they weren't there when he ass kissed big pharma and the insurance companies either. He didn't tell em that the reason AARP was on his side is cause they are in the business of selling insurance to the elderly. Americans aren't as stupids and you elite assholes think they are! so Kerry on wit yer talking points.
what I saw was more lying from you messiah

Only righties refer to him as messiah. And he's right. The insurance companies, big pharma and you sheeple campaigned to scare the bejeezus out of people (ESPECIALLY the elderly) with your socialist/marxist crap so that the insurance company CEO's can continue upkeep on their yachts. Please refute that. I dare you.
what I saw was more lying from you messiah

Only righties refer to him as messiah. And he's right. The insurance companies, big pharma and you sheeple campaigned to scare the bejeezus out of people (ESPECIALLY the elderly) with your socialist/marxist crap so that the insurance company CEO's can continue upkeep on their yachts. Please refute that. I dare you.

I am a righty and you doggone wright he thinks he is the messiah "I am the one we've been waiting for." sounds kinda messiahanic to me.. yup! so why did he ass kiss big pharma and the insurance companies again? you didn't say???
what I saw was more lying from you messiah

Only righties refer to him as messiah. And he's right. The insurance companies, big pharma and you sheeple campaigned to scare the bejeezus out of people (ESPECIALLY the elderly) with your socialist/marxist crap so that the insurance company CEO's can continue upkeep on their yachts. Please refute that. I dare you.

I am a righty and you doggone wright he thinks he is the messiah "I am the one we've been waiting for." sounds kinda messiahanic to me.. yup! so why did he ass kiss big pharma and the insurance companies again? you didn't say???

What does this childish rant have to do with the original intent of YOUR thread?
Obama needs to stay in his damn office and do his fucking job.

Christ, that loser piece of shit STILL thinks he's on the campaign trail. No wonder he's taking this great country straight into the toilet.

RESIGN OBAMA!....You're in so far over your head it's laughable!
Obama needs to stay in his damn office and do his fucking job.

Christ, that loser piece of shit STILL thinks he's on the campaign trail. No wonder he's taking this great country straight into the toilet.

RESIGN OBAMA!....You're in so far over your head it's laughable!

Just because he slapped your GOP talking points in the face last Friday? Wow....you asshats really need to learn to stand up when the lights are on.
Only righties refer to him as messiah. And he's right. The insurance companies, big pharma and you sheeple campaigned to scare the bejeezus out of people (ESPECIALLY the elderly) with your socialist/marxist crap so that the insurance company CEO's can continue upkeep on their yachts. Please refute that. I dare you.

I am a righty and you doggone wright he thinks he is the messiah "I am the one we've been waiting for." sounds kinda messiahanic to me.. yup! so why did he ass kiss big pharma and the insurance companies again? you didn't say???

What does this childish rant have to do with the original intent of YOUR thread?

are you or are you not gonna tell us why he ass kissed big pharma and the insurance companies behind closed doors?
You can bet if it was C Span healthcare wasn't mentioned.

Did you watch?
What for?

The only thing i want to hear out of Barry is he will NOT spend more then the gov takes in and that he is paying down the deficiet.

You can bet every dime you ever made neither was discussed.

I thought you were smarter than this. Making bets on something you have not seen yet? If I didn't know any better, I would say you were talking out of your ass?
Did you watch?
What for?

The only thing i want to hear out of Barry is he will NOT spend more then the gov takes in and that he is paying down the deficiet.

You can bet every dime you ever made neither was discussed.

I thought you were smarter than this. Making bets on something you have not seen yet? If I didn't know any better, I would say you were talking out of your ass?
I'll bet you every penny you ever made I'm right.

BTW, once again your 'conversion' seems selective to what day it is.
Obama needs to stay in his damn office and do his fucking job.

Christ, that loser piece of shit STILL thinks he's on the campaign trail. No wonder he's taking this great country straight into the toilet.

RESIGN OBAMA!....You're in so far over your head it's laughable!

Just because he slapped your GOP talking points in the face last Friday? Wow....you asshats really need to learn to stand up when the lights are on.
You fucking dirtbags need to stand up and admit to ALL of his lies.

Christ, not one of you clowns is willing to admit he lied straight to your ignorant faces.

Listening to you gullible morons defend that dirtbag is beyond laughable, to the point it has gotten downright disgusting!

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