Welcome To The Manufactured 'New World Order'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The economy is booming, the US is experiencing success not seen in half a century, Americans were being 'freed' from 'economic slavery' - millions were liberated from Welfare / Unemployment / Food Stamps, dependence on govt handouts were on the decline as independence was on the rise, the global Stock Market was soaring to never-before-seen heights, and people across the world were rising up against oppressive governments - the Iranian people were again pushing back against their government, the Chinese were opposing the Communist Party...rich billionaires and people alike were speaking out, the Brits had finally forced their politicians to move forward with Brexit, and the Entrenched Career Washington Establishment / Deep State in the US suffered an upset, 4 years of losses / defeat in trying to get rid of the PEOPLE's choice of leader, and faced the insurmountable task of defeating him in 2020.....

And suddenly all that came to a deafening, screeching halt due to a virus / flu.....

Governments ordered citizens to 'shelter in place', ordered businesses to shut down, ordered citizens to stay in their homes, and began forcing that order with police / troops....The 'virus' began in Huwan China, coincidently both a reported 'hot area' for government opposition and the location of a contagious disease lab the US warned the Chinese about in 2017, that they should fix 2 safety problems or they could face a .... 'leak' / outbreak.

Once the outbreak began, the ChiComm govt ordered their people to shelter in place - no more public protests, enforced by police / troops. The Chicomms even physically sealed / welded people in their homes

The 'Coronavirus' fear-mongering spread faster than the virus itself - before it hit the US it was being touted as the 2nd coming of the black plague. Chine refused to share legitimate, accurate information...so the media exaggerated and misrepresented the facts. The vast majority of people who have gotten the virus report mild to moderate, or in some cases non-existent, symptoms, and the most vulnerable were / are the elderly, especially those with poor/compromised immune systems and pre-existing respiratory symptoms.

'Pandemic'...the world has come to a grinding halt. Citizens are being told to go home, remain there, don't come out - curfews have been put in lace and are being enforced...governments have shut down almost every form of business, from hotels to casinos to restaurants to stores - all sporting events...any gathering of more than 10 people. (As mentioned, China and all those countries fearing growing back-lashes from their citizens just shut that down and were given a 'green light' to completely oppress their people, shutting nearly all daily life down and sequestering them in their homes)...because of a *FLU...a nasty, contagious one, but still a *FLU.

There are approximately 7.7 BILLION people in the world as of April 2019...
- The WHO is reporting that of that 7.7 BILLION people in the world, there are only 208,205 THOUSAND confirmed cases of Coronavirus....and 'only' 8,272 deaths.

The CDC has reported that at least 12,000 people have died from influenza (the FLU - not Coronavirus) between Oct. 1, 2019 through Feb. 1, 2020 JUST IN THE UNITED STATES, and the number of deaths may be as high as 30,000.
-- Remember, to date the WHO is reporting that *only 8,272 people in the whole world - out of 7.7 BILLION - have died from the Coronavirus.

The United States government, spurred on by a fear-mongering press, has ordered Americans to shelter-in-place, are instituting curfews, caused panicked runs on groceries / supplies, shut down businesses, put MILLIONS of Americans out of work (reports say unemployment could sky-rocket up to 20% in the immediate future), have caused the stock market to plummet...meanwhile the media quietly reported about evidence of Stock Market sabotage from the likes of George Soros and other world puppet masters and has since said little to nothing....

Our government is talking about Nationalizing businesses, are discussing FORCING a change to single-payer government-run health care, is forcing a return to economic slavery (dependence on govt handouts), are FORCING a reversal on all of the historic economic gains and in independence-creating job creation / employment, is ordering the violation of Constitutional Rights (1st, 2nd,etc...) and seizing control of our lives and daily activity ....


So where is the 'apocalyptic' press coverage and warnings to the world about the 'pandemic', global life/economy-stopping FLU / INFLUENZA threat?

Where have the 'shelter-In-Place, forced / 'Highly Recommended' business closings, and daily CDC / WHO / WH press conferences been to address the growing death toll from the Flue / Influenza?

The world was getting out of hand / out of control of those who made up the 'World Order' at the top, it seems....but 1 'pandemic' later and the 'thumbs are on the people's necks' again. The stock market 'soar' was 'grounded', new-found independence from record setting numbers of jobs being created were just wiped out by mandates for businesses to close, people to shelter in-place, and the number of people NOT working plummeting from the record-number-of-Americans-working-at-one-time achieved not long ago. And the confidence, strength, and will of people of the world to stand up against their oppressive governments and would be 'rulers' was just erased as people have been ordered to stay in their homes, enforced by government police forces and militaries...and, in some cases, the governments SEALED them in their homes, like some living crypts.

Would anyone be SHOCKED to find out a year from now that the whole 'pandemic apocalyptic panic' and seizure of power / control over people's lives was all 'manufactured'....a 'hoax'...NOT the world-ending pestilence governments made it out to be?

The numbers for the world's population, the CDC's numbers on the Flu / Influenza, and the numbers for the Coronavirus are legit, up-to-date (* The 'World Count for COVID-19 Deaths in the US are citing 7+ on several sites) - links provided. This is for 'pondering' and discussion within the 'Conspiracy Theory' section of USMB. I do not completely subscribe to the belief in such a world-wide conspiracy theory, but the numbers do cause me to question some things. 12,000 deaths in the US due to FLU / Influenza has not caused us to pause / alter our world / reality / routine to date, but less than 50 Coronavirus deaths has caused us to halt our daily lives and 'allow' the govt to seize and ex4ercise such control over almost every aspect of our lives...? Really...?

Coronavirus Update (Live): 208,457 Cases and 8,279 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer

This Is How Many People Die From the Flu Each Year
All of this may be true. OTH, there is so much information floating out there that indicate that this thing originated in the U.S. There is also a lot of information out there that this is a planned event.

So, this begs the question, IF the Trump administration IS NOT in on it, why are they so inept, so clueless, and so in the dark that they did nothing about it? Most folks have known about the evil that has been gathering. Most folks know about the mal intent of the gathering NWO forces that the folks that claim Trump is opposing, and yet he sits there and does nothing?

I have always maintained, it is because he acts like he is opposed to them, but is working with them.

The Coronavirus CONSPIRACY - Did COVID-19 Come from America? (by Nathan Rich)

ā€¢Mar 16, 2020

All Data Points To COVID-19 Starting In The US & Numerous Agendas Kick Off; UBI, Forced Vaccination


Most false flags are preceded with a drill first. Though, TBH? I think the folks running it, already have a safe and effective vaccine, while they have tasked the corporations to make a mass produced one for the unwashed masses. A vaccine that will not need refrigeration, and will be polluted with all sorts of very toxic vaccine adjuvants.

This is a pretty damn big coincidence, sort of like Able Danger, eh?

See this; Event 201 (Note the date it was ran in red.)

"The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.. . "

And their promotional video, again, I highlight the date on that in red;

Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel

ā€¢Nov 4, 2019

5.72K subscribers
Selected moments from the Event 201 pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated the pandemic preparedness efforts needed to diminish the large-scale economic and societal consequences of a severe pandemic. Drawing from actual events, Event 201 identifies important policy issues and preparedness challenges that could be solved with sufficient political will and attention. These issues were designed in a narrative to engage and educate the participants and the audience.

Recently, I'm looking through my Netflix instant choices, and I notice a whole series ready to watch. Holy hell, ANOTHER coincidence?! Bill Gates is in THIS series, which I am not about to watch a bunch of bullshit propaganda, but hell, he was also part of that Event 201?

Coincidence: Bill Gates Predicted Outbreak in 2019 Netflix ā€” ā€œPandemicā€

Coincidence: Bill Gates Predicted Outbreak in 2019 Netflix ā€” ā€œPandemicā€

". . .The coronavirus, with its roots in Wuhanā€™s seafood market, eerily replicates previous virus outbreaks like the SARS virus that was also caused by live animal markets.

The question remains on whether scientists and institutions should have invested more to prepare for potential outbreaks modeled after SARS, and if that could have lessened the impact of the coronavirus outbreak.

Deliberate Act or Coincidence??"

Netflix releases ā€˜Pandemicā€™ docuseries as coronavirus spreads

Netflix releases ā€˜Pandemicā€™ docuseries just as coronavirus breakout spreads
People are convinced this is the weirdest PR stunt ever
Netflix releases 'Pandemic' docuseries just as coronavirus breakout spreads

". . . Is it linked to the coronavirus outbreak?
Whilst the show isnā€™t actually about coronavirus, people canā€™t help but be freaked out that Netflix has quietly dropped a series about health pandemics, as one is happening.

One person said: ā€œNetflix just dropped a doc called Pandemic right after the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China. Iā€™m feeling suspiciousā€. Another said: ā€œDidā€¦ Did Netflix know about the coronavirus before it started spreading? Or did they just wait until the next new virus started spreading?ā€.

Netflix just dropped a doc called Pandemic right after the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China.
Iā€™m feeling suspicious lol.#conspiracytheories pic.twitter.com/XPipkvh1AC

ā€” Sheldon Ding (@dingtianli1998) January 22, 2020

Didā€¦ Did netflix know about the coronavirus before it started spreading? Or did they just wait until the next new virus started spreading? pic.twitter.com/4MfhF9SXly

ā€” jennifer (@cumberdisco) January 24, 2020

Other tweets added: ā€œWeird how @netflix release the #Pandemic documentary series and now we have the #coronavirusā€ and: ā€œSo you mean to tell me Netflix just released a show about preventing a pandemic AT THE SAME TIME people are fearing coronavirus being the next pandemicā€.

Others believe this is the best PR stunt ever. Saying: ā€œPR stunt of the year goes to @netflix for creating the coronavirus to promote their new show ?ā€ and: ā€œI think the coronavirus is just well orchestrated marketing campaign by @netflix for their new Pandemic showā€.. . ."

It is like the global elites need to CYA on this, in order to make folks believe it was just "bad animal blood mixing with fish in some freak accident. . . "

. . . . just another coincidence. Like folks can't figure out that this stuff needs to be produced months in advance?

Coronavirus Bioweapon ā€“ How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It

January 26, 2020 | Last modified on February 29th, 2020 at 9:45 pm,

Last year a mysterious shipment was caught smuggling Coronavirus from Canada. It was traced to Chinese agents working at a Canadian lab. Subsequent investigation by GreatGameIndia linked the agents to Chinese Biological Warfare Program from where the virus is suspected to have leaked causing the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak. (This report on Coronavirus Bioweapon has caused a major international controversy and is suppressed actively by a section of mainstream media.)
Coronavirus Bioweapon - How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It | GreatGameIndia
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There is more in the Stay informed thread about how the Medical Martial Law Bills were passed after 9/11's Anthrax False flag, and how the same folks that wrote that legislation, were the same folks that were responsible for running that drill for this pandemic back in October.

It is, indeed, all connected to create a one world technocracy (Which YES, does depend on 5G) as the dollar loses its place as the world reserve currency.

Will it all go back to normal? It might. . . but after it is all done, the folks in control will have a better idea of what they need to do to crash the entire world's economy, and switch to a new one world currency. . . if they are not yet preparing to do that very thing as we are pre-occupied with surviving their biological warfare upon us.
Look, Trump stands to gain nothing from this. That said, the panic of people is historically predictable. And the desire to isolate people in the short term is understandable. Since the virus can only live in aerosol suspension for so long, and on given surfaces a little longer, if people simply avoid contact for a period, that could drastically cut into the number of cases and thwack the spread of the virus before it gets too far out of hand.

All the rest, the savaging of the stock market, etc., that is all self inflicted.
REMEMBER. Trump first TRIED to downplay the idea that Covid-19 was the threat that others were claiming it to be. Look at the backlash he got from that.
Does it take six weeks for news to get to you?...

... The covid19 pandemic has or will wipe out...

... any progress Trump has made with the economy.
REMEMBER. Trump first TRIED to downplay the idea that Covid-19 was the threat that others were claiming it to be. Look at the backlash he got from that.
I would agree with you there.

. . but we should not focus on Trump. It is important to remember Trump is, a businessman, and an actor. Both of these roles depend upon him being practiced at the art of deception. It matters not a whole lot as to who he represents himself to be.

We must discern the facts of what has happened, what is happening, and what is likely to happen, and ignore his public pronouncements, just like sane folks ignored Obama's antics and announcements.

Dow plunges more than 2,000 as market plunges, Trump-era gains wiped out

The only thing that could save the Democrats from being obliterated in November was an 'act of God' to trash the economy....


It may have 'just happened', but it wasn't an 'act of God'.
Does it take six weeks for news to get to you?...

... The covid19 pandemic has or will wipe out...

... any progress Trump has made with the economy.
It already has.....all gains / success under Trump has now been wiped off of the books (see above)
I have always maintained, it is because he acts like he is opposed to them, but is working with them.
That has been my take on him too, for a very long time. I believe heā€™s playing a role. Heā€™s playing the part of a ā€œconservative nationalistā€ but heā€™s one of them. I have said over and over that one doesnā€™t get to that level of power without being ā€œin the club.ā€ Anyone running for president who is a true patriot, who is for the constitution and the people and opposed to the New World order is shut out from the start, and not let anywhere near the White House. I havenā€™t trusted the guy ever since I found out he was good friends with the Clintons and he heaped praise on them in numerous interviews. And then when I saw him speak, especially on certain issues, I had a strong gut feeling that heā€™s playing a part. I have many more reasons for believing this, but I donā€™t want to write a book here. I actually was thinking about doing a video on him, but didnā€™t do it because I have too much other stuff on my plate right now.

People need to wake up, and soon. Trump is not the savior coming to save the day at the last minute. And people need to stop listening to that Q thing, itā€™s a psyop.

How many Chinese Soldiers and Government Officials have been infected by this virus versus their poor citizen population?

Then when you discover the answer ask yourself what are the chances China has a vaccine already but is trying to weaken the World so it can start a World War with us?
The economy is booming, the US is experiencing success not seen in half a century, Americans were being 'freed' from 'economic slavery' - millions were liberated from Welfare / Unemployment / Food Stamps, dependence on govt handouts were on the decline as independence was on the rise, the global Stock Market was soaring to never-before-seen heights, and people across the world were rising up against oppressive governments - the Iranian people were again pushing back against their government, the Chinese were opposing the Communist Party...rich billionaires and people alike were speaking out, the Brits had finally forced their politicians to move forward with Brexit, and the Entrenched Career Washington Establishment / Deep State in the US suffered an upset, 4 years of losses / defeat in trying to get rid of the PEOPLE's choice of leader, and faced the insurmountable task of defeating him in 2020.....

And suddenly all that came to a deafening, screeching halt due to a virus / flu.....

Governments ordered citizens to 'shelter in place', ordered businesses to shut down, ordered citizens to stay in their homes, and began forcing that order with police / troops....The 'virus' began in Huwan China, coincidently both a reported 'hot area' for government opposition and the location of a contagious disease lab the US warned the Chinese about in 2017, that they should fix 2 safety problems or they could face a .... 'leak' / outbreak.

Once the outbreak began, the ChiComm govt ordered their people to shelter in place - no more public protests, enforced by police / troops. The Chicomms even physically sealed / welded people in their homes

The 'Coronavirus' fear-mongering spread faster than the virus itself - before it hit the US it was being touted as the 2nd coming of the black plague. Chine refused to share legitimate, accurate information...so the media exaggerated and misrepresented the facts. The vast majority of people who have gotten the virus report mild to moderate, or in some cases non-existent, symptoms, and the most vulnerable were / are the elderly, especially those with poor/compromised immune systems and pre-existing respiratory symptoms.

'Pandemic'...the world has come to a grinding halt. Citizens are being told to go home, remain there, don't come out - curfews have been put in lace and are being enforced...governments have shut down almost every form of business, from hotels to casinos to restaurants to stores - all sporting events...any gathering of more than 10 people. (As mentioned, China and all those countries fearing growing back-lashes from their citizens just shut that down and were given a 'green light' to completely oppress their people, shutting nearly all daily life down and sequestering them in their homes)...because of a *FLU...a nasty, contagious one, but still a *FLU.

There are approximately 7.7 BILLION people in the world as of April 2019...
- The WHO is reporting that of that 7.7 BILLION people in the world, there are only 208,205 THOUSAND confirmed cases of Coronavirus....and 'only' 8,272 deaths.

The CDC has reported that at least 12,000 people have died from influenza (the FLU - not Coronavirus) between Oct. 1, 2019 through Feb. 1, 2020 JUST IN THE UNITED STATES, and the number of deaths may be as high as 30,000.
-- Remember, to date the WHO is reporting that *only 8,272 people in the whole world - out of 7.7 BILLION - have died from the Coronavirus.

The United States government, spurred on by a fear-mongering press, has ordered Americans to shelter-in-place, are instituting curfews, caused panicked runs on groceries / supplies, shut down businesses, put MILLIONS of Americans out of work (reports say unemployment could sky-rocket up to 20% in the immediate future), have caused the stock market to plummet...meanwhile the media quietly reported about evidence of Stock Market sabotage from the likes of George Soros and other world puppet masters and has since said little to nothing....

Our government is talking about Nationalizing businesses, are discussing FORCING a change to single-payer government-run health care, is forcing a return to economic slavery (dependence on govt handouts), are FORCING a reversal on all of the historic economic gains and in independence-creating job creation / employment, is ordering the violation of Constitutional Rights (1st, 2nd,etc...) and seizing control of our lives and daily activity ....


So where is the 'apocalyptic' press coverage and warnings to the world about the 'pandemic', global life/economy-stopping FLU / INFLUENZA threat?

Where have the 'shelter-In-Place, forced / 'Highly Recommended' business closings, and daily CDC / WHO / WH press conferences been to address the growing death toll from the Flue / Influenza?

The world was getting out of hand / out of control of those who made up the 'World Order' at the top, it seems....but 1 'pandemic' later and the 'thumbs are on the people's necks' again. The stock market 'soar' was 'grounded', new-found independence from record setting numbers of jobs being created were just wiped out by mandates for businesses to close, people to shelter in-place, and the number of people NOT working plummeting from the record-number-of-Americans-working-at-one-time achieved not long ago. And the confidence, strength, and will of people of the world to stand up against their oppressive governments and would be 'rulers' was just erased as people have been ordered to stay in their homes, enforced by government police forces and militaries...and, in some cases, the governments SEALED them in their homes, like some living crypts.

Would anyone be SHOCKED to find out a year from now that the whole 'pandemic apocalyptic panic' and seizure of power / control over people's lives was all 'manufactured'....a 'hoax'...NOT the world-ending pestilence governments made it out to be?

The numbers for the world's population, the CDC's numbers on the Flu / Influenza, and the numbers for the Coronavirus are legit, up-to-date (* The 'World Count for COVID-19 Deaths in the US are citing 7+ on several sites) - links provided. This is for 'pondering' and discussion within the 'Conspiracy Theory' section of USMB. I do not completely subscribe to the belief in such a world-wide conspiracy theory, but the numbers do cause me to question some things. 12,000 deaths in the US due to FLU / Influenza has not caused us to pause / alter our world / reality / routine to date, but less than 50 Coronavirus deaths has caused us to halt our daily lives and 'allow' the govt to seize and ex4ercise such control over almost every aspect of our lives...? Really...?

Coronavirus Update (Live): 208,457 Cases and 8,279 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer

This Is How Many People Die From the Flu Each Year
I wish it was the Flu. I have been getting Flu vaccines since 1977.
I wish it was the Flu. I have been getting Flu vaccines since 1977.

Doctors never know what specific strain of flu you might get.
Flu Vaccines are their best guess at which ones you/ your area will encounter.
I personally have not had a FLU vaccine in 10 years (or more) and (knock on wood) haven't been sick...but that's just me.
I am at hour:min:sec 1:41:51 of that The Last American Vagabond podcast. I highly recommend it to everyone.

I have read Jon Rappaport's blog many times, he was nominated for a Pulitzer before he went rouge and started whistle blowing on several issues.

I can't believe they censored and pulled his blog from the web, outrageous. Maybe it's just my ISP that is blocking my access to it? :dunno:

Interesting that folks have mirrored his stuff, and his investigations though.

Corona bologna Italy: The truth begins to leak out
Corona bologna Italy: The truth begins to leak out - Personal LibertyĀ®

Here is a translated page from Italy;



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