Weiss appointment as Hunter Biden special counsel violates DOJ regulations, experts warn


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Weiss appointment as Hunter Biden special counsel violates DOJ regulations, experts warn

Weiss, the sitting U.S. Attorney for Delaware, has been pursuing an investigation into Hunter Biden for years.
12 August 2023 ~~ By Ben Whedan, Natalia Mittlestadt

Attorney General Merrick Garland's appointment of Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss to serve as special counsel in the Hunter Biden criminal probe is raising alarm with some legal experts who say it explicitly violates the Justice Department's regulations requiring such appointments come from outside the agency.

That regulation states: "An individual named as Special Counsel shall be a lawyer with a reputation for integrity and impartial decision making, and with appropriate experience to ensure both that the investigation will be conducted ably, expeditiously and thoroughly, and that investigative and prosecutorial decisions will be supported by an informed understanding of the criminal law and Department of Justice policies. The Special Counsel shall be selected from outside the United States Government."
Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz told the Just the News, No Noise television show Friday night he believed it was a mistake for Garland to name the current Delaware U.S. attorney, both because he was from inside the government and had approved an earlier plea deal for Hunter Biden that spared the first son from prison but was rejected by the trial judge and panned by many as too lenient.
"Someone else, without a doubt, would have followed the regulations of the department, which [is to] say that the person has to be from outside the government," Dershowitz said. "I surely wouldn't have appointed a man from Delaware, where there's a lot of homecooking that goes on -- the Bidens live in Delaware -- who made a sweetheart deal that I predicted on your show would not be accepted. And he's going to want to justify that sweetheart deal. So he's not going to want to admit that he did anything wrong."
Others agreed.
Former federal prosecutor and Trump adviser Kash Patel said on "Just the News, No Noise" Friday that "[T]he Special Counsel is supposed to be an outsider, not brought in from within DOJ, and especially not the guy who has a conflict of interest in investigating the target, Hunter Biden, when he gave him an illegal, unconstitutional plea deal... How can that man be conflict-free, which is what the regulation requires at DOJ? They've put a conflict czar in there to cover up [FBI Director Christopher] Wray and Garland's unlawful activities."
Weiss's appointment marks the second possible violation of this guideline in recent years. In October 2020, then-Attorney General William Barr tapped then-Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham to serve as special counsel while investigating the origins of the now-debunked Trump-Russia collusion narrative.
Former U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas Bud Cummins told Just the News on Friday, "The requirement to appoint an attorney from outside of government appears so clear that one must suppose DOJ has conjured some way to work around it in the cases of both Durham and Weiss."
"It really looks like an assignment under 600.2(c) where you really don't appoint an independent special counsel, you use the same players but just make a few internal adjustments about supervision and reporting ('appropriate steps be taken to mitigate any conflicts of interest, such as recusal of particular officials.') If that's the case, calling him a 'Special Counsel' is inaccurate and deceptive," Cummins added.
Cummins also described the Weiss appointment as "Lipstick on a pig.' Weiss is a politicized prosecutor who has already demonstrated he is a disgrace to the authorities entrusted to him. Suggesting he has magically been transformed into an independent actor is a ridiculous sham. He is literally the reason a Special Counsel should have been assigned years ago. At this point the serious charges cannot be brought due to Weiss's intentional lack of initiative. The only thing gained now by pretending he wears a new hat is to throw a blanket of silence over the whole affair until Thanksgiving 2024."

Merrick needs to recuse himself. He works for Joe Biden not for the American people. How can he appoint this clown Weiss who is supposed to lawfully put Hunter in prison for is crimes? Look at how wonderful Jack Smith thing worked out. Merrick works for Biden and his pal Smith is trying to put Biden’s political opponent in prison. Like all of the Federal “courts”, Attorney General Garland just doesn’t work for the America or for Law and Order. He like the rest of the Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies have become too corrupt. Thank the God`s that e could not be confirmed To SCOTUS.
Garland must be impeached and so should Biden for obstruction of Justice..
The question is, Who has legal standing to challenge this appointment?


Anybody disagree?
The Special Counsel shall be selected from outside the United States Government.

Think of the conflict of interest.

The presidents son will be "investigated"...it will likely lead to the president himself...and they are going to use gov't personnel to do the "investigating"?

I don't thunk so!
If the appointment were illegal, and Hunter Biden were indicted for something significant, then H. Biden would have standing to challenge the indictment. If he DOES NOT get indicted, or is indicted for some bullshit misdemeanor, NOBODY has standing to challenge it. RIght now, nobody has standing.
The prosecutor in Delaware's jurisdiction is limited to the state.

The investigation revealed the possibility of crimes by Hunter in DC, FL, and CA.

Weiss was appointed SC so that he could have jurisdiction in those areas.

Anybody who does not get that this is the correct way to go has a hole in their head.

If Weiss gets Hunter on pedophilia, the MAGA will claim a cover up is going on.
Agency regulations are not laws though they may refer to a standing law, people tend to forget that.....The agency head can supersede a agency regulation at will.

The only recourse I know of is if a POTUS fires the agency head....Not fuckin' likely in this case.

Now the House could reduce the agency head's salary to a dollar or cut off other agency funding.

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