‘We want justice’: parents protest after Carlisle schoolboy racially abused


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

were is out rage when there kids gang up on one caucasion kid and beat there head into group till they die. were is outrage when their kids beat up one caucasion disabled kid just because he is disabled? or wen pack of their kids beats up a caucasion teacher or elderly caucasion adult? they want us to care about this stuf then need to starting carring when they do wrong to others too.

were is out rage when there kids gang up on one caucasion kid and beat there head into group till they die. were is outrage when their kids beat up one caucasion disabled kid just because he is disabled? or wen pack of their kids beats up a caucasion teacher or elderly caucasion adult? they want us to care about this stuf then need to starting carring when they do wrong to others too.
Are you as upset about this as you were when the little white girl was attacked or should you take your own advice
Put it in the file of> never let a schoolboy episode go to waste if you can turn it into a race baiting national incident.
Put it in the file of> never let a schoolboy episode go to waste if you can turn it into a race baiting national incident.
Oh look
It is being reported by Turdy Tainted's porn rag The Guardian -- the number one misinformation rag for MI5 and 6 and sponsored by Planet Ogre Baal Hates .

For Americans . Carlisle is on the border with Scotland and the likelihood is that these nasty kids were from a raiding party . The Guardian omitted to mention that there was a midget onlooker playing bagpipes .

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