We should remove all World War II Memorials because they might offend Japanese and German Americans


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
No one should ever be offended by anything.

We melted lots of innocent Japanese civilians with 2 nukes.

We should erase from our history anything having to do with WWII!
No one should ever be offended by anything.

We melted lots of innocent Japanese civilians with 2 nukes.

We should erase from our history anything having to do with WWII!

Actually we should remove anything of any kind that glorifies war.

War is the ultimate human failure. The idea is supposed to be to avoid it, not go back in doing it over and over expecting different results.
No one should ever be offended by anything.

We melted lots of innocent Japanese civilians with 2 nukes.

We should erase from our history anything having to do with WWII!

Actually we should remove anything of any kind that glorifies war.

War is the ultimate human failure. The idea is supposed to be to avoid it, not go back in doing it over and over expecting different results.

Considering periods of conflict are usually more prevalent then periods of peace, one would think war might be the basest form of human nature.

War is merely the continuation of politics by other means.
No one should ever be offended by anything.

We melted lots of innocent Japanese civilians with 2 nukes.

We should erase from our history anything having to do with WWII!

There are no statues or memorials to famous Japanese military officers anywhere to be found in the U.S. No Nazi officers either. You're full of shit.

600,000 people died in the Civil War. Look it up moron. And the defenders of slavery should be buried and fucking forgotten.
A nation of candy ass victims and government dependents is what libbies want

Every offense must be treated specially, not equally, except whites are not allowed to be offended because after all, they are causing all the offendedness
No one should ever be offended by anything.

We melted lots of innocent Japanese civilians with 2 nukes.

We should erase from our history anything having to do with WWII!

There are no statues or memorials to famous Japanese military officers anywhere to be found in the U.S. No Nazi officers either. You're full of shit.

600,000 people died in the Civil War. Look it up moron. And the defenders of slavery should be buried and fucking forgotten.

You know that's the total dead count, for both sides right?

Part of the peace was that the losers would be able to mourn their dead, both the soldiers and their cause.
America's success in WWII was a triumph of freedom and democracy over Nazis and Imperialist Japanese.

It is worthy of celebration.

The Confederacy was all about the preservation of slavery. It does not deserve glorification.

Got it now, tards?

I can't believe this actually had to be explained to you.
No one should ever be offended by anything.

We melted lots of innocent Japanese civilians with 2 nukes.

We should erase from our history anything having to do with WWII!
Such petulant whining! All this upset over cities making the decision to remove THEIR statues to museums.

Any excuse for a lot of stupid, racist white trash boys to act out their fantasies, since they are SO lacking for something swinging inside their trousers.
But I love it that Trump is now paying for sucking up to them in 2015. Love that!
America's success in WWII was a triumph of freedom and democracy over Nazis and Imperialist Japanese.

It is worthy of celebration.

The Confederacy was all about the preservation of slavery. It does not deserve glorification.

Got it now, tards?

I can't believe this actually had to be explained to you.

And when you explain it feels like I'm talking to my dog. I can just see their head tilt sideways back and forth before they bark without knowing what they're barking about.
No one should ever be offended by anything.

We melted lots of innocent Japanese civilians with 2 nukes.

We should erase from our history anything having to do with WWII!

There are no statues or memorials to famous Japanese military officers anywhere to be found in the U.S. No Nazi officers either. You're full of shit.

600,000 people died in the Civil War. Look it up moron. And the defenders of slavery should be buried and fucking forgotten.

You know that's the total dead count, for both sides right?

Part of the peace was that the losers would be able to mourn their dead, both the soldiers and their cause.

Did I say 600,000 Confederates or 600,000 Union soldiers, idiot? There was no peace pact stating that the Southern losers could erect public statues of their commanders at taxpayer expense. None.
We should have hitler memorials ! Of course he didn't kill as many US troops as the confederate traitors . But not for lack of trying!
No one should ever be offended by anything.

We melted lots of innocent Japanese civilians with 2 nukes.

We should erase from our history anything having to do with WWII!

There are no statues or memorials to famous Japanese military officers anywhere to be found in the U.S. No Nazi officers either. You're full of shit.

600,000 people died in the Civil War. Look it up moron. And the defenders of slavery should be buried and fucking forgotten.

You know that's the total dead count, for both sides right?

Part of the peace was that the losers would be able to mourn their dead, both the soldiers and their cause.
Lost Cause of the Confederacy - Wikipedia
No one should ever be offended by anything.

We melted lots of innocent Japanese civilians with 2 nukes.

We should erase from our history anything having to do with WWII!

There are no statues or memorials to famous Japanese military officers anywhere to be found in the U.S. No Nazi officers either. You're full of shit.

600,000 people died in the Civil War. Look it up moron. And the defenders of slavery should be buried and fucking forgotten.

You know that's the total dead count, for both sides right?

Part of the peace was that the losers would be able to mourn their dead, both the soldiers and their cause.

Did I say 600,000 Confederates or 600,000 Union soldiers, idiot? There was no peace pact stating that the Southern losers could erect public statues of their commanders at taxpayer expense. None.

it was implied, and part of the healing process, just like Lee telling his soldiers to go home, and not become guerrillas
No one should ever be offended by anything.

We melted lots of innocent Japanese civilians with 2 nukes.

We should erase from our history anything having to do with WWII!

There are no statues or memorials to famous Japanese military officers anywhere to be found in the U.S. No Nazi officers either. You're full of shit.

600,000 people died in the Civil War. Look it up moron. And the defenders of slavery should be buried and fucking forgotten.

You know that's the total dead count, for both sides right?

Part of the peace was that the losers would be able to mourn their dead, both the soldiers and their cause.
Lost Cause of the Confederacy - Wikipedia

Considering they lost, why not let them mourn it? Hell by now most of it is just re-creations and re-enactments.
No one should ever be offended by anything.

We melted lots of innocent Japanese civilians with 2 nukes.

We should erase from our history anything having to do with WWII!

Actually we should remove anything of any kind that glorifies war.

War is the ultimate human failure. The idea is supposed to be to avoid it, not go back in doing it over and over expecting different results.

Considering periods of conflict are usually more prevalent then periods of peace, one would think war might be the basest form of human nature.

War is merely the continuation of politics by other means.

And slavery was the continuation of business economics by other means. Doesn't mean we should go back down that road.
No one should ever be offended by anything.

We melted lots of innocent Japanese civilians with 2 nukes.

We should erase from our history anything having to do with WWII!

Actually we should remove anything of any kind that glorifies war.

War is the ultimate human failure. The idea is supposed to be to avoid it, not go back in doing it over and over expecting different results.

Considering periods of conflict are usually more prevalent then periods of peace, one would think war might be the basest form of human nature.

War is merely the continuation of politics by other means.

And slavery was the continuation of business economics by other means. Doesn't mean we should go back down that road.

it was actually one business model, serfdom being another. You can't compare economic models used here and there with the political construct of warfare that is found in every society throughout history.

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