We should immediately send 5000 troops to Panama to shut off of the immigrant expressway to America.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
That is the obvious place we should have our troops to help the Panamanian government stop the flow of illegals from Central America. There is too much territory to cover, but Panama is a choke point that should be manageble by a sizeable US force.

That is the obvious place we should have our troops to help the Panamanian government stop the flow of illegals from Central America. There is too much territory to cover, but Panama is a choke point that should be manageble by a sizeable US force.

No borders, no illegals.
You're welcome.
That is the obvious place we should have our troops to help the Panamanian government stop the flow of illegals from Central America. There is too much territory to cover, but Panama is a choke point that should be manageble by a sizeable US force.

Or, we just defend our borders like what should be getting done.
We dont have to send our troops to another country to do that.
That is the obvious place we should have our troops to help the Panamanian government stop the flow of illegals from Central America. There is too much territory to cover, but Panama is a choke point that should be manageble by a sizeable US force.

How about put appropriate staffing at the border to accurately process them, give them a green card, and let then come in and find employment?
That is the obvious place we should have our troops to help the Panamanian government stop the flow of illegals from Central America. There is too much territory to cover, but Panama is a choke point that should be manageble by a sizeable US force.

Have you glanced at a map?
That is the obvious place we should have our troops to help the Panamanian government stop the flow of illegals from Central America. There is too much territory to cover, but Panama is a choke point that should be manageble by a sizeable US force.

Remember what happened the last time we invaded Panama?
How about put appropriate staffing at the border to accurately process them, give them a green card, and let then come in and find employment?
That is insane. We have to stop the flow of illegal traffic BEFORE it arrives at the border. This is not just for our country's security. Currently there are 85,000 unaccounted for migrant women and children who were known to start the journey. They are most likely either dead or taken by sex traffickers. This has to stop and Panama is the logical place for us to put our foot down. The Panamanian government wants it to stop so let's help them stop it.
That is insane. We have to stop the flow of illegal traffic BEFORE it arrives at the border. This is not just for our country's security. Currently there are 85,000 unaccounted for migrant women and children who were known to start the journey. They are most likely either dead or taken by sex traffickers. This has to stop and Panama is the logical place for us to put our foot down. The Panamanian government wants it to stop so let's help them stop it.

If they are properly processed at the border and issued green cards they are not illegal.
No one is issued a "green card" at the border.

Why can't we? My point is set up the appropriate infrastructure at the border to process people, whether it's with a green card or some other form of identification that proves they came here legally and are eligible to work. I know it can be done because we've done it before. How many millions were processed through Ellis Island over the years? It's simply a matter of properly funding it and neither party seems to be willing to deal with it.
If they are properly processed at the border and issued green cards they are not illegal.
There is nothing that we can do at the border to SOLVE THE PROBLEM. The problem is a perpetual river of illegals flowing up through Central America, Panama and Mexico and into our country. You don't fix a major leak in your house with a mop. You go outside and shut off the flow at the mains.

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