we just want 1 flag

Except google and bing, and I and finding, unfortunately, DuckDuckGo does as well, will remove any sites that are considered conservative alternatives. Or list them so far down most people give up looking for any. If you don’t know the alternatives then you can’t get to them. The left has a monopoly on everything.
so who made twitter the judge and jury on behavior? how come they can decide what is healthy and what is not?
Strange coming from a conservative. It's their platform; they make the rules. In a free society you can leave the service and new ones can be created. The same people complaining would be up in arms, if a conservative site was told who they could and could not ban.
but how do you take that to court.

when microsoft had the "monopoly" they had to alter how they did business. they had to include 3rd party browsers into THEIR OS. they had to sell OS's WITHOUT functionality so people would have the "ability" to pick and choose and not have product forced upon them.

i worked at MS during these years as they went from a good to great company and how they did business had to change and how they operated had to change.

google is seeing this with lawsuits they buy their way out of like MS did in the day. facebook is now coming.

so if you want to say "well it's their business they can do what they want" tell me how well that worked for Microsoft and other tech companies in time.
so who made twitter the judge and jury on behavior? how come they can decide what is healthy and what is not?
Strange coming from a conservative. It's their platform; they make the rules. In a free society you can leave the service and new ones can be created. The same people complaining would be up in arms, if a conservative site was told who they could and could not ban.

Thing is the people who are being censored/banned are not given a clear reason of what rules they have broken. I don't follow Inforwars but know the site has been around for many years on all these platform with no issue. So what specifically was it that caused Google, YouTube, Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Pinterest and Facebook to all simultaneously blacklisted Alex Jones and InfoWars?
This is America

Twitter is free to set any standards on their site they choose
Kinda like USMB
As long as you agree with it LOL
I always get a kick out of authoritarians when companies discriminate in ways they accept. Their whole fucking tune changes :lol:
You are free to boycott Twitter

Stop reading Trump posts
i'd have to start in order to stop. i use twitter less often than a nun uses her tits so while twitter itself is no loss to me - the banning of content is a huge matter to us all.

one day you'll get hit with something you do care about and you'll have to remind yourself "their company..."

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