“we have a need for labor”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
(Sen. Jeff Flake, Ariz.)

This rhetoric is insulting to the 15 million of unemployed Americans who are not all doctors, lawyers and engineers. 146 million Americans are working side by side with Illegal Aliens receiving the same low wages. They are among the working poor who depend on food stamps, Medicaid and subsidized housing to supplement their earnings. Pay no income taxes, receive Earned Income Tax Credits and Child Tax Credits. 12 million Illegal Aliens are taking jobs from those 15 million unemployed Americans. Only area of the work force where there may be a labor shortage is farming and that is because even most of those 12 million Illegal Aliens don’t want to work on farms. Most of in the inner cities taking jobs from Americans. Less than 2% of the 12 million are working in farm labor and then they even go on to the inner cities leaving farmers with crops rotting in the fields.

Jobs Americans will not do;

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8pGnYa3i9o]More Young Americans Plant Themselves in Farming - YouTube[/ame]

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Program Helps Rural Veterans Become Farmers, Ranchers - Farm Progress

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