we had to borg the thor


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
he was limping....nothing seemed to help...we figured the first few days it was just a pulled muscle or stone bruise....three vets later....yes 3....we find that he has broken his knee....the ligaments have snapped inside the knee...we see the 3rd vet on a friday...he tells us to go home and build a ramp...


we did ...here is raw ramp..it now has siderails and outdoor carpet on it....

here is thor....they shaved his whole hip....the fear of all blue doberman owners is color dilution baldness...i nearly had an attack...well i did...the vet points out sillie issues like infection etc...


here are the meds thor has been taking....

2 pills 3x a day
2 pills 2 x a day
1 pill a day

tower of meds


now the borg part:

o they had to use the largest implants they had...not due to breed size but due to bone size.


thanks xox for da favor
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they had to graft the top part of the bottom bone...the pics are the implants from the top and side...the staples are on the inside of his knee and will be removed this friday....hopefully at that point the house can go back to semi normal....the vet put an e collar or cone collar on him but dobermans can slip about anything that fits their thick necks....so i didnt trust that....aftercare is the key to the whole operation...as the bone graft must heal...sooooo for the last week and 1/2 we have been taking turns sleeping....i sleep from about 5 pm to 11 pm...get up let da man sleep till about 6 am....then i got to bed from about 6 am to 7 30 am...so basically i am getting no real sleep...but i can fall asleep in a heartbeat now...i am always either waking up or going to sleep....thor has been a trooper...he is so confined right now that his only real playmate is the cats...such a sad sight...watching him try to play with the cats...

only 5 to 8 more weeks to go.....but he is off the meds....leg is looking good...just got to keep him settled so he doesnt break the grafted part...i am not sure why at this point....i am being pulled about by him...
all hell just broke loose this am.....i went to take him for a walk on his leash....he nearly pulled me off the steps as he was barrelling down the ramp...i am screaming for him to stop....holding on to the leash...which is now burning my hands....da man heard me and got up to deal with him.....he is a 100 lbs of pent up energy....5 to 6 more weeks to go.....joy joy
Sorry to hear your doggie has problems. Sounds like he's on the way to recovery and I'm sure you will nurse him along as needed. I was just checking out his "haircut". Not a bad look. Get your vet to shave him like that all over and start a new fad. Except, I wouldn't shave his head. That would make him look pretty cool. Everybody knows, when a dog looks his best, he feels his best! Who knows. You might start a new fad!!!:lol:
Best of luck to you and your 4 legged buddy bones.

Whew lots of money there too....

shhhhhhhhhhhhhh we dont even wanna talk about that...i will never have a flat scene tv...
there were cheaper options....that had an 80% success rate...this option i took....has a 98% success rate...i really am impressed so far with the clinic...when he was there...i called a few times...i said to da man...i dont wanna bother them....he looks and me and goes...for what we are paying...bother them...as much as you want...when i called down ..they said the same thing...i could call as often as i wanted

the key to the whole thing however is aftercare....i am beat..this morning apparently i pulled the muscle over the shoulder blade...nice feeling...i figure when i was trying to hold him back this am...

and he is getting ribby...they want him to lose weight....and put him on 1/2 rations while he is down..i dont like to see ribs...he aint a flipping bird dog
Ahh but once the leg heals back you can fatten him up agan.
I know it is not easy but do what the experts say.

Yeah I kow aobut the money, I have a sweet old half retarded cat with 3 legs...spent around 1k on that old cat back when I did not have that kind of money.
A collie crunched our first poodle pretty severely when I was a girl. She had to wear a huge cast...so every time she would try to rear up on her back legs, she'd topple over.

It was endless fun.

You're a peach for caring for Thor as you do, Bones.
I'm so sorry for Thor. It's just having another child around when the pets are sick. You worry yourself to death and follow all the "recovery rules" ... and they are ready to go at it full tilt!
okay we are headed out shortly to go to hickory to get the staples taken out....a 4 hour round trip...of course i have these visions of them taking out the staples and his leg rips open....(trying to calm the voices in my head) or saying something is wrong....i didnt do something right blah blah blah....amazing you would think with age...one would become less neurotic...but noooooooooooooooo lol....anyways...off we go.....shortly...but the anx is picking up...
I have a cat with a strange, supprating owie on it's butt...I shall be sending it along to Bones shortly.


Pretty funny, huh?
My tom cat looks a lot like your cat.
His name is "Bacon" because he once attacked a kid for bacon, and tried to eat the kid's finger.
back from the vet...everything looks good...but got to go back in 4 weeks for x rays to check the bone grafts...4 more weeks of confinement...

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