We don't want your guns, but if we want them we will kill you to get them...Uncle Sam....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
They keep telling us that they don't want to take guns away from anyone, and then say if you do resist though, we will kill you....and your family, to get them......besides, if you have rifles, we have drones, tanks, and the military to murder you to get your guns......

But we don't want your guns......

Here is a look at the dumb argument anti-gun extremists make when they tell us that armed Americans, good people, can't fight the U.S. government if they want to take our guns......

Monster Hunter Nation

Last week a congressman embarrassed himself on Twitter. He got into a debate about gun control, suggested a mandatory buybackā€”which is basically confiscation with a happy face sticker on itā€”and when someone told him that they would resist, he said resistance was futile because the government has nukes.

And everybody was like, wait, what?

Of course the congressman is now saying that using nuclear weapons on American gun owners was an exaggeration, he just wanted to rhetorically demonstrate that the all-powerful government could crush us peasants like bugs, they hold our pathetic lives in their iron hand, and heā€™d never ever advocate for the use of nuclear weapons on American soil (that would be bad for the environment!), and instead he merely wants to send a SWAT team to your house to shoot you in the face if you donā€™t comply.

See? Thatā€™s way better.

But this post isnā€™t about that particular line from one foolish congressman. Itā€™s about all of the silly left wing memes that have popped up since, trying to justify the congressmanā€™s basic premise that the 2nd Amendment is obsolete for resisting tyranny, and the government would obliterate anyone who failed to comply. Like this one:


Iā€™ve seen a slew of these over the last few days. Nukes kicked it off, but Iā€™ve seen it before with drones, or tanks, or cruise missiles. Sadly, this is one of the better ones, but thatā€™s because the left canā€™t meme. Basically they all boil down to the same fundamental premise. The federal government has access to advanced weapon systems, and thus anyone who resisted gun confiscation would be effortlessly destroyed by these advanced weapon systems, ergo gun contro


First, letā€™s talk about the basic premise that an irregular force primarily armed with rifles would be helpless against a powerful army that has things like drones and attack helicopters.

This is a deeply ironic argument to make, considering that the most technologically advanced military coalition in history has spent the better part of the last two decades fighting goat herders with AKs in Afghanistan and Iraq. Seriously, itā€™s like you guys only pay attention to American casualties when thereā€™s a republican in office and an election coming up.

Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama launched over five hundred drone strikes during his eight years in office. Weā€™ve used Apaches (thatā€™s the scary looking helicopter in the picture for my peacenik liberal friends), smart bombs, tanks, I donā€™t know how many thousand s of raids on houses and compounds, all the stuff that the lefty memes say theyā€™re willing to do to crush the gun nut right, and weā€™ve spent something like 6 trillion dollars on the global war on terror so far.


Letā€™s be super generous. Iā€™m talking absurdly generous, and say that a full 99% of US gun owners say wonā€™t somebody think of the children and all hold hands and sing kumbaya, so that then you are only dealing with the angriest, listless malcontents who hate progressā€¦ These are those crazy, knuckle dragging bastards who you will have to put in the ground.

And there are 650,000 of them.

To put that into perspective, we were fighting 22,000 insurgents in Iraq, a country which would fit comfortably inside Texas with plenty of room to spare. This would be almost 30 times as many fighters, spread across 22 times the area.

And that estimated number is pathetically, laughably low.

In one of the bluest states in America, the New York SAFE Act only has like a 4% compliance rate. And thatā€™s mostly just people choosing to ignore an onerous law. Because the further you get away from the major cities, the more people just donā€™t give a crap about your utopian foolishness. Its benign neglect, and most Americans are happy to ignore you until you mess with them. You start dropping Hellfire missiles on Indiana? Fuck you, its game on. And that 1% is going to turn into 50% damn quick.

You need to be put in a mental hospital. I would also confiscate all your guns and bar you from owning any. You're a mental health issue and a potential danger to society.
You need to be put in a mental hospital. I would also confiscate all your guns and bar you from owning any. You're a mental health issue and a potential danger to society.

And this is why we don't trust anti-gunners......
You need to be put in a mental hospital. I would also confiscate all your guns and bar you from owning any. You're a mental health issue and a potential danger to society.

And this is why we don't trust anti-gunners......
I'm pro-guns, but not a free for all. You're insane.
You need to be put in a mental hospital. I would also confiscate all your guns and bar you from owning any. You're a mental health issue and a potential danger to society.

And this is why we don't trust anti-gunners......
I'm pro-guns, but not a free for all. You're insane.

How so? I believe in gun laws that work...you don't. You want to take guns away from people who don't use them for crime...I want actual gun criminals locked up for 30 years. How is that insane? Of the two, you are the one who keeps wanting to do things that don't work, over and over again....that is insane.
You need to be put in a mental hospital. I would also confiscate all your guns and bar you from owning any. You're a mental health issue and a potential danger to society.

And this is why we don't trust anti-gunners......

I don't want to take everybody's guns. Just the crazies like you.
You need to be put in a mental hospital. I would also confiscate all your guns and bar you from owning any. You're a mental health issue and a potential danger to society.

And this is why we don't trust anti-gunners......

I don't want to take everybody's guns. Just the crazies like you.

You guys throw around that word "crazy" a lot.... you are the ones who want gun laws that don't work, and then think you are smart...... I want gun laws that actually work...long prison sentences for actual gun criminals, which actually do work...

of the two of us, you are the crazy one..pushing things that don't work and then expecting them to work....
You need to be put in a mental hospital. I would also confiscate all your guns and bar you from owning any. You're a mental health issue and a potential danger to society.

And this is why we don't trust anti-gunners......

I don't want to take everybody's guns. Just the crazies like you.

You guys throw around that word "crazy" a lot.... you are the ones who want gun laws that don't work, and then think you are smart...... I want gun laws that actually work...long prison sentences for actual gun criminals, which actually do work...

of the two of us, you are the crazy one..pushing things that don't work and then expecting them to work....
We already lock up the most people in the world. So that's not really helping all that much, is it?
You need to be put in a mental hospital. I would also confiscate all your guns and bar you from owning any. You're a mental health issue and a potential danger to society.

And this is why we don't trust anti-gunners......

I don't want to take everybody's guns. Just the crazies like you.

You guys throw around that word "crazy" a lot.... you are the ones who want gun laws that don't work, and then think you are smart...... I want gun laws that actually work...long prison sentences for actual gun criminals, which actually do work...

of the two of us, you are the crazy one..pushing things that don't work and then expecting them to work....
We already lock up the most people in the world. So that's not really helping all that much, is it?

If you read the things I posted you would see that that isn't true....the democrat party in control of our major cities keep letting violent, repeat gun offenders out of jail...in Chicago it is known as the "revolving door" policy for gun criminals....dittos Baltimore, D.C., St. Louis, New Orleans.........all democrat controlled, all letting violent criminals out on bail..so they can kill witnesses, or out of prison early.....
You need to be put in a mental hospital. I would also confiscate all your guns and bar you from owning any. You're a mental health issue and a potential danger to society.

And this is why we don't trust anti-gunners......

I don't want to take everybody's guns. Just the crazies like you.

You guys throw around that word "crazy" a lot.... you are the ones who want gun laws that don't work, and then think you are smart...... I want gun laws that actually work...long prison sentences for actual gun criminals, which actually do work...

of the two of us, you are the crazy one..pushing things that don't work and then expecting them to work....
We already lock up the most people in the world. So that's not really helping all that much, is it?

If you read the things I posted you would see that that isn't true....the democrat party in control of our major cities keep letting violent, repeat gun offenders out of jail...in Chicago it is known as the "revolving door" policy for gun criminals....dittos Baltimore, D.C., St. Louis, New Orleans.........all democrat controlled, all letting violent criminals out on bail..so they can kill witnesses, or out of prison early.....
Look it up, we already lock up the most people in the world.
You need to be put in a mental hospital. I would also confiscate all your guns and bar you from owning any. You're a mental health issue and a potential danger to society.

And this is why we don't trust anti-gunners......

I don't want to take everybody's guns. Just the crazies like you.
No, actually, that tweet was quite clear.

They want everyone's guns.

And they are willing to kill to get them.

You need to be put in a mental hospital. I would also confiscate all your guns and bar you from owning any. You're a mental health issue and a potential danger to society.

And this is why we don't trust anti-gunners......

I don't want to take everybody's guns. Just the crazies like you.

You guys throw around that word "crazy" a lot.... you are the ones who want gun laws that don't work, and then think you are smart...... I want gun laws that actually work...long prison sentences for actual gun criminals, which actually do work...

of the two of us, you are the crazy one..pushing things that don't work and then expecting them to work....

The term is well earned, especially in your case.
They keep telling us that they don't want to take guns away from anyone, and then say if you do resist though, we will kill you....and your family, to get them......besides, if you have rifles, we have drones, tanks, and the military to murder you to get your guns......

But we don't want your guns......

Here is a look at the dumb argument anti-gun extremists make when they tell us that armed Americans, good people, can't fight the U.S. government if they want to take our guns......

Monster Hunter Nation

Last week a congressman embarrassed himself on Twitter. He got into a debate about gun control, suggested a mandatory buybackā€”which is basically confiscation with a happy face sticker on itā€”and when someone told him that they would resist, he said resistance was futile because the government has nukes.

And everybody was like, wait, what?

Of course the congressman is now saying that using nuclear weapons on American gun owners was an exaggeration, he just wanted to rhetorically demonstrate that the all-powerful government could crush us peasants like bugs, they hold our pathetic lives in their iron hand, and heā€™d never ever advocate for the use of nuclear weapons on American soil (that would be bad for the environment!), and instead he merely wants to send a SWAT team to your house to shoot you in the face if you donā€™t comply.

See? Thatā€™s way better.

But this post isnā€™t about that particular line from one foolish congressman. Itā€™s about all of the silly left wing memes that have popped up since, trying to justify the congressmanā€™s basic premise that the 2nd Amendment is obsolete for resisting tyranny, and the government would obliterate anyone who failed to comply. Like this one:


Iā€™ve seen a slew of these over the last few days. Nukes kicked it off, but Iā€™ve seen it before with drones, or tanks, or cruise missiles. Sadly, this is one of the better ones, but thatā€™s because the left canā€™t meme. Basically they all boil down to the same fundamental premise. The federal government has access to advanced weapon systems, and thus anyone who resisted gun confiscation would be effortlessly destroyed by these advanced weapon systems, ergo gun contro


First, letā€™s talk about the basic premise that an irregular force primarily armed with rifles would be helpless against a powerful army that has things like drones and attack helicopters.

This is a deeply ironic argument to make, considering that the most technologically advanced military coalition in history has spent the better part of the last two decades fighting goat herders with AKs in Afghanistan and Iraq. Seriously, itā€™s like you guys only pay attention to American casualties when thereā€™s a republican in office and an election coming up.

Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama launched over five hundred drone strikes during his eight years in office. Weā€™ve used Apaches (thatā€™s the scary looking helicopter in the picture for my peacenik liberal friends), smart bombs, tanks, I donā€™t know how many thousand s of raids on houses and compounds, all the stuff that the lefty memes say theyā€™re willing to do to crush the gun nut right, and weā€™ve spent something like 6 trillion dollars on the global war on terror so far.


Letā€™s be super generous. Iā€™m talking absurdly generous, and say that a full 99% of US gun owners say wonā€™t somebody think of the children and all hold hands and sing kumbaya, so that then you are only dealing with the angriest, listless malcontents who hate progressā€¦ These are those crazy, knuckle dragging bastards who you will have to put in the ground.

And there are 650,000 of them.

To put that into perspective, we were fighting 22,000 insurgents in Iraq, a country which would fit comfortably inside Texas with plenty of room to spare. This would be almost 30 times as many fighters, spread across 22 times the area.

And that estimated number is pathetically, laughably low.

In one of the bluest states in America, the New York SAFE Act only has like a 4% compliance rate. And thatā€™s mostly just people choosing to ignore an onerous law. Because the further you get away from the major cities, the more people just donā€™t give a crap about your utopian foolishness. Its benign neglect, and most Americans are happy to ignore you until you mess with them. You start dropping Hellfire missiles on Indiana? Fuck you, its game on. And that 1% is going to turn into 50% damn quick.

I'm wandering back to the Facebook / monopoly post.

Will you join me in supporting some bans on what information companies can collect and some serious bans on their semi-secret surveillance through apps and devices?

As long as you are against gun registration you may as well do something about the registration devices we are all carrying around in our pockets right now and I'll fight along side you for that.
They keep telling us that they don't want to take guns away from anyone, and then say if you do resist though, we will kill you....and your family, to get them......besides, if you have rifles, we have drones, tanks, and the military to murder you to get your guns......

But we don't want your guns......

Here is a look at the dumb argument anti-gun extremists make when they tell us that armed Americans, good people, can't fight the U.S. government if they want to take our guns......

Monster Hunter Nation

Last week a congressman embarrassed himself on Twitter. He got into a debate about gun control, suggested a mandatory buybackā€”which is basically confiscation with a happy face sticker on itā€”and when someone told him that they would resist, he said resistance was futile because the government has nukes.

And everybody was like, wait, what?

Of course the congressman is now saying that using nuclear weapons on American gun owners was an exaggeration, he just wanted to rhetorically demonstrate that the all-powerful government could crush us peasants like bugs, they hold our pathetic lives in their iron hand, and heā€™d never ever advocate for the use of nuclear weapons on American soil (that would be bad for the environment!), and instead he merely wants to send a SWAT team to your house to shoot you in the face if you donā€™t comply.

See? Thatā€™s way better.

But this post isnā€™t about that particular line from one foolish congressman. Itā€™s about all of the silly left wing memes that have popped up since, trying to justify the congressmanā€™s basic premise that the 2nd Amendment is obsolete for resisting tyranny, and the government would obliterate anyone who failed to comply. Like this one:


Iā€™ve seen a slew of these over the last few days. Nukes kicked it off, but Iā€™ve seen it before with drones, or tanks, or cruise missiles. Sadly, this is one of the better ones, but thatā€™s because the left canā€™t meme. Basically they all boil down to the same fundamental premise. The federal government has access to advanced weapon systems, and thus anyone who resisted gun confiscation would be effortlessly destroyed by these advanced weapon systems, ergo gun contro


First, letā€™s talk about the basic premise that an irregular force primarily armed with rifles would be helpless against a powerful army that has things like drones and attack helicopters.

This is a deeply ironic argument to make, considering that the most technologically advanced military coalition in history has spent the better part of the last two decades fighting goat herders with AKs in Afghanistan and Iraq. Seriously, itā€™s like you guys only pay attention to American casualties when thereā€™s a republican in office and an election coming up.

Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama launched over five hundred drone strikes during his eight years in office. Weā€™ve used Apaches (thatā€™s the scary looking helicopter in the picture for my peacenik liberal friends), smart bombs, tanks, I donā€™t know how many thousand s of raids on houses and compounds, all the stuff that the lefty memes say theyā€™re willing to do to crush the gun nut right, and weā€™ve spent something like 6 trillion dollars on the global war on terror so far.


Letā€™s be super generous. Iā€™m talking absurdly generous, and say that a full 99% of US gun owners say wonā€™t somebody think of the children and all hold hands and sing kumbaya, so that then you are only dealing with the angriest, listless malcontents who hate progressā€¦ These are those crazy, knuckle dragging bastards who you will have to put in the ground.

And there are 650,000 of them.

To put that into perspective, we were fighting 22,000 insurgents in Iraq, a country which would fit comfortably inside Texas with plenty of room to spare. This would be almost 30 times as many fighters, spread across 22 times the area.

And that estimated number is pathetically, laughably low.

In one of the bluest states in America, the New York SAFE Act only has like a 4% compliance rate. And thatā€™s mostly just people choosing to ignore an onerous law. Because the further you get away from the major cities, the more people just donā€™t give a crap about your utopian foolishness. Its benign neglect, and most Americans are happy to ignore you until you mess with them. You start dropping Hellfire missiles on Indiana? Fuck you, its game on. And that 1% is going to turn into 50% damn quick.

I'm wandering back to the Facebook / monopoly post.

Will you join me in supporting some bans on what information companies can collect and some serious bans on their semi-secret surveillance through apps and devices?

As long as you are against gun registration you may as well do something about the registration devices we are all carrying around in our pockets right now and I'll fight along side you for that.

Yeah....I can't stand Facebook....

You seem to think that owning a gun makes you a gun nut. No. Most gun owners are perfectly sane. Only gun nuts are the danger.

No....actually democrats are dangerous with guns....

Analysis | The surprising way gun violence is dividing America

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.


As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.

You seem to think that owning a gun makes you a gun nut. No. Most gun owners are perfectly sane. Only gun nuts are the danger.

No....actually democrats are dangerous with guns....

Analysis | The surprising way gun violence is dividing America

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.


As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.

100% of our home grown terrorists are gun nuts.

You seem to think that owning a gun makes you a gun nut. No. Most gun owners are perfectly sane. Only gun nuts are the danger.

No....actually democrats are dangerous with guns....

Analysis | The surprising way gun violence is dividing America

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.


As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.

100% of our home grown terrorists are gun nuts.
What is a "gun nut?"

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