We are in a crisis in America it’s not trump, LEFT WING MEDIA!


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2019
I tune in on occasion to listen to why they are saying and it’s all slanted hate filled opinions about the president.

NOT just opinion but HATE from so called journalists.

They keep telling listeners they they are going to get him.. not they have evidence, but some day trump will be caught doing something..

Where is this rooted? This hate..

Scary times
I tune in on occasion to listen to why they are saying and it’s all slanted hate filled opinions about the president.

NOT just opinion but HATE from so called journalists.

They keep telling listeners they they are going to get him.. not they have evidence, but some day trump will be caught doing something..

Where is this rooted? This hate..

Scary times

Now if I said that very same thing about the conservative media (which I easily could) you would DEMAND evidence!

so where's your evidence?
I tune in on occasion to listen to why they are saying and it’s all slanted hate filled opinions about the president.

NOT just opinion but HATE from so called journalists.

They keep telling listeners they they are going to get him.. not they have evidence, but some day trump will be caught doing something..

Where is this rooted? This hate..

Scary times

Now if I said that very same thing about the conservative media (which I easily could) you would DEMAND evidence!

so where's your evidence?
First there would have to be a "right wing media".
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I tune in on occasion to listen to why they are saying and it’s all slanted hate filled opinions about the president.

NOT just opinion but HATE from so called journalists.

They keep telling listeners they they are going to get him.. not they have evidence, but some day trump will be caught doing something..

Where is this rooted? This hate..

Scary times

Now if I said that very same thing about the conservative media (which I easily could) you would DEMAND evidence!

so where's your evidence?
What media ran 24 hours a day put Obama in jail News?

Tune in to cnn right now they are talking about a law trump broke.. or how someone will
Testify to trump breaking a law..

This is beyond damaging to America..
I tune in on occasion to listen to why they are saying and it’s all slanted hate filled opinions about the president.

NOT just opinion but HATE from so called journalists.

They keep telling listeners they they are going to get him.. not they have evidence, but some day trump will be caught doing something..

Where is this rooted? This hate..

Scary times

Hate and fear is always rooted in ignorance which is why the left siesed control of our schools and the media in order to dumb down society so that they could be controlled though hate and fear. Intelligence is being hammered out, selected out and breed out of our population. The desire to succeed and attain success and wealth is also under attack.
I tune in on occasion to listen to why they are saying and it’s all slanted hate filled opinions about the president.

NOT just opinion but HATE from so called journalists.

They keep telling listeners they they are going to get him.. not they have evidence, but some day trump will be caught doing something..

Where is this rooted? This hate..

Scary times

Now if I said that very same thing about the conservative media (which I easily could) you would DEMAND evidence!

so where's your evidence?
Turn on your tv nimrod!
The media has always favored democrats....no matter how many laws they break....no matter how much damage to the constitution they do....the state controlled media will dutifully do their dastardly work....
We are in a crisis in America it’s not trump, LEFT WING MEDIA!
That's because there IS no "Trump Crisis!" The whole thing has been manufactured by the Left. Another ploy, just as they try to divide and convince every other voting block of theirs that the world will end if republicans get in office to give them better jobs and safer homes, while the Left literally tries to remake the country full of 3rd worlders, crush religion, constitutional liberty, speech, and choice. They say it every day then turn around to deny it!

Democrats no longer offer an alternative, an adjunct to Americanism, they simply want to replace it. They don't disagree with republicans, they literally hate, despise them, want to crush and annihilate them. So to them, Trump is a dictator, evil, the anti-Christ.
I tune in on occasion to listen to why they are saying and it’s all slanted hate filled opinions about the president.

NOT just opinion but HATE from so called journalists.

They keep telling listeners they they are going to get him.. not they have evidence, but some day trump will be caught doing something..

Where is this rooted? This hate..

Scary times
What is the "left wing"?
First there would have to be a "right wing media".
Howzabout all the right wing sites constantly quoted here as "news", such as Gateway Pundit, the Federalist, Breitbart and Alex Jones?
Hardly media giants. Nice try though.
That's not what you said.

You said "first there would have to be a 'right wing media'".

I provided sites you guys use all the time as "sources".

You're welcome.
I tune in on occasion to listen to why they are saying and it’s all slanted hate filled opinions about the president.

NOT just opinion but HATE from so called journalists.

They keep telling listeners they they are going to get him.. not they have evidence, but some day trump will be caught doing something..

Where is this rooted? This hate..

Scary times

Donald Trump is the living icon—the embodiment incarnate—of everything all at once that both terrifies the radical Left and threatens the cultural Marxist revolution they began about six decades ago. POTUS is the antithesis of atheism/communism/intersectionality/postmodernism. Thus, he must be destroyed. He is fact, truth; righteousness and rectitude—the opposite of all the modern American Left stands for. Until he is banished or destroyed, their evil cannot reign. Simple as that. They plan to and have succeeded to a degree, in doing to him what they've done to the Catholic Church and Christianity in general, which is to destroy it, rot it from the inside out. Plan on them doing the same to any and all other bastions of traditional human civilization.
I tune in on occasion to listen to why they are saying and it’s all slanted hate filled opinions about the president.

NOT just opinion but HATE from so called journalists.

They keep telling listeners they they are going to get him.. not they have evidence, but some day trump will be caught doing something..

Where is this rooted? This hate..

Scary times

The FCC was deregulated under the Clinton administration; a real "leftist/liberal/commie" move right? Back in the 1980s there were 50 some odd companies on the US media landscape, that is now down to a monopolized half dozen multinational corporations that control ~90% of what americans are fed as "information". It's just business, and just catering to concentrated wealth and wealth redistribution and concentration.

Second point, the public is being fed that which it responds to, perhaps if we were to simply turn away and not cooperate or participate in that which we find distasteful? Posts and tweets and antisocial mediaing on it propagates more of the same; you're participating in a positive feedback loop.

Thirdly, to ignore what media is for is naive, it is for managing the perceptual reality of the masses. I must ask, are you even aware of this? Are you tone deafass unaware of this even after having been lied into endless bogus illegal wars of aggression and profiteering? The corporate state media machine is for managing the so called will of the massses.

Re: the above, see the wiki page on Edward Bernays, my newby status inhibits my ability to provide the ink here for you. Can you manage? It's very informative and hateless.

Look, if Don puts out hate, he will get it back, and he does, and frankly, you fecklessly attempt to emulate Don here. Do you not feel on occasion that swatting at anyone who notes what a corrupt liar Don has been for decades is a tad like swatting at windmills? If Don were not so corrupt, perhaps he wouldn't get caught "someday", but we all know what he is, so you are left in fear apparently.

But don't you live in fear and hate by choice?
I tune in on occasion to listen to why they are saying and it’s all slanted hate filled opinions about the president.

NOT just opinion but HATE from so called journalists.

They keep telling listeners they they are going to get him.. not they have evidence, but some day trump will be caught doing something..

Where is this rooted? This hate..

Scary times

Donald Trump is the living icon—the embodiment incarnate—of everything all at once that both terrifies the radical Left and threatens the cultural Marxist revolution they began about six decades ago. POTUS is the antithesis of atheism/communism/intersectionality/postmodernism. Thus, he must be destroyed. He is fact, truth; righteousness and rectitude—the opposite of all the modern American Left stands for. Until he is banished or destroyed, their evil cannot reign. Simple as that. They plan to and have succeeded to a degree, in doing to him what they've done to the Catholic Church and Christianity in general, which is to destroy it, rot it from the inside out. Plan on them doing the same to any and all other bastions of traditional human civilization.

Apparently some of us have no concept whatsoever of how the Roman Catholic Church was calling for the ethnic cleansing of the Americas in Papal Bulls of the 1500s, how christianity embraced and rationalized genocide and slavery in North America, and how your version of traditional human civilization is still colonizing the planet with endless bogus wars of aggression and occupation.

The entire world knows what Don is, he's been slithering through the public eye for decades, and now by extension the entire world knows what america is.

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