‘We Are Americans…Just Not Legally’


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
‘We Are Americans…Just Not Legally’

Journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, who famously came out last year as an undocumented immigrant living in America, wrote the cover story arguing that despite his legal status, he too is a legitimate American citizen.
Vargas argues that the American immigration system is deeply broken, as it prevents legitimate people who self-identify as “many who identify as American, from residing in the country legally. The other men and women featured on the front cover with Vargas have also publicly admitted to their illegal immigration status.

New TIME Magazine Cover Story On Illegal Immigrants: ‘We Are Americans…Just Not Legally’ | Mediaite
Vargas don’t know what an American is. He thinks just because one lives in American he or she is an American. What has any of them done to deserve to become an American citizen? People like Vargas cheapens and makes American citizenship worthless.
“I am the queen of England… just not legally”
Good thing the drunk driving laws apply to illegals too...
Mom given bill to clean street after son killed by illegal immigrant driving drunk
June 25, 2012 – A grieving mother told a South Carolina court she was slapped with several bills, including one to clean the street after her son was killed by a drunken driver last year.
Loretta Robinson spoke on June 19 of the emotional and financial toll her son Justin Walker's death had on her as the driver Anna Gonzales, who is an illegal immigrant, pleaded guilty in the case. Robinson told the judge she has been unable to work due to the emotional impact of her son's death, and can't pay the bills she keeps receiving from the accident even though her son was not at fault, WYFF reports. "I had to pay to have the vehicle towed," she said according to WYFF. "I had to pay for the vehicle removed and to clean up the street from Justin's blood on the ground."

Robinson said the $50 bill to clean the street stung the most. "First of all, having to open the mail and look at the charge to the deceased, Justin Darryl Walker -- the deceased! It's just a hard thing to deal with in the context of your child," she said according to WYFF.

Robinson says she doesn't expect to get any money from Gonzales. The state's victim assistance fund has provided some money, but it primarily covers funeral, medical and counseling expenses. Gonzales, an illegal immigrant who didn't have a South Carolina driver's license, was sentenced to 17 years in prison.

Read more: Mom given bill to clean street after son killed by illegal immigrant driving drunk | Fox News
He argued that people in his home country of the Philippines wait several decades for the proper visas to come to the United States, indicating that the system is broken and harms those who want to come to America for legitimate reasons.

Umm, so because you are too impatient you should go to the head of the line?

My parents took in an Hungarian couple who fled Hungary when the communists took over. This was when we lived in England. My father was career Air Force. My mother, an American citizen and they couldn't get our Hungarian friends into this country legally. They did manage to get them into Canada legally, where they lived out their lives, now some idiot thinks he's got a right to stay because his parents lied, and cheated to get him here illegally? Why should he have more rights than our friends?

It took my brother more than a year and thousands of dollars to get his wife here from Thailand, this after he served in the Vietnam war. She had to go through a back ground check and a medical check. They found a bullet lodged in her body, apparently someone shot her before she was 6 years old. Her mother wouldn't talk about it, she never did find out where the bullet came from but they almost didn't let her in because of it. And people think these greedy, selfish, lazy people should be able to stay just because they broke our laws to get here? It's a slap in the face to every legal immigrant in this nation, not to mention the millions who've been denied entry to this country.

If our government were concerned with our laws, and our citizens, every one of those illegals on the cover of Time would be shipped home immediately.

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