We are all tax cheats (internet sales)


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Failure to pay sales and/or use taxes on internet and catalogue sales is the second biggest mass criminality issue (behind speeding) in the country.

The states lose billions in sales and use taxes; we all lie like crazy on our income tax returns (which require that we disclose internet/catalogue purchases on which we have not paid sales/use taxes).

Perversely, many states have failed to make it convenient for consumers to pay the tax. How many of us are going to take the time and effort to obtain a Direct Pay Permit? Jesus.

And the Feds keep dancing around the issue because hundreds of companies gain significant market advantages because of their ability to facilitate non-payment of state sales taxes. And in fact the Federal Government has no dog in this fight. TireRack, for one, often points out that the money you spend in shipping tires and wheels is offset by the "savings" in not paying your state sales taxes. But it's not like they are tax-exempt; we can just get away without paying because the states don't have the resources to track these sales.

Even state politicians shy away from this issue. They always want to create new taxes that SOMEBODY ELSE will have to pay (e.g., rich people and greedy corporations). They don't want to be campaigning on increasing YOUR taxes (or forcing you to pay them).

Show of hands: How many of you dutifully pay the sales/use taxes on stuff you purchase from out of state?

Didn't think so.

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