Watergate - Benghazi comparison?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
It's alleged that LBJ's "black bag" squad bugged Goldwater's plane. Nobody cared because that's the way hard core politics was played at the time. Nixon's goons tried a 3rd rate burglary on a democrat headquarters and all hell broke loose. The difference in outrage was that Nixon was a republican. A political axiom at the time was "the cover-up is worse than the crime". Washington Post reporters Woodward and Bernstein were on Nixon's case to try to connect him to Watergate. Lost in the hysteria at the time was the fact that Karl Bernstein had an ax to grind. As a son of card carrying communists he was raised with a burning hatred toward Nixon who was a former federal prosecutor specializing in cases against communists. Somehow the Post reporters were able to conjure up an informant in the Nixon administration who was not identified for decades until he died. Somehow the liberal media considered that stories from an identified unverified source were legitimate as long as the target was a republican.
Here we are in the 21'st century and the media is in the business of covering up an alleged government cover-up. Who would have thought that the media would defend an administration that obviously covered up the details of an incident that included the murder of a US Ambassador and three others including two Veteran Navy Seals?
The media today is even more biased than it was in the 70s when they took down Nixon.

If BO were an R, Congress would be holding impeachment hearings on Benghazi right now because the media would have demanded it. Amazingly many on the Left do not see the unbelievable bias in the old media. They are dupes.
It wasn't that long ago when the Woodie/Bernie team were manufacturing stories attributed to a fictional informant character they dubbed "deep throat" (yuk yuk). It's incredible that sane people justified the concept of a couple of long haired left wing writers claiming to have an informant in the White House and nobody demanded that they verify the stories. The freaking reporters would have been the subjects of investigation if Watergate happened during the Clinton administration or Obama. Every aspect of their lives would have been uncovered including Karl Marx Bernstein's ties to CUSA.
Umm, thank the union based education system for the lack of historic perspective in today's pop-culture. It must be easy to bring up Huffington every day, hit the bong for a while and pretend that president Hussein is doin the right thing.
It's alleged that LBJ's "black bag" squad bugged Goldwater's plane. Nobody cared because that's the way hard core politics was played at the time. Nixon's goons tried a 3rd rate burglary on a democrat headquarters and all hell broke loose. The difference in outrage was that Nixon was a republican. A political axiom at the time was "the cover-up is worse than the crime". Washington Post reporters Woodward and Bernstein were on Nixon's case to try to connect him to Watergate. Lost in the hysteria at the time was the fact that Karl Bernstein had an ax to grind. As a son of card carrying communists he was raised with a burning hatred toward Nixon who was a former federal prosecutor specializing in cases against communists. Somehow the Post reporters were able to conjure up an informant in the Nixon administration who was not identified for decades until he died. Somehow the liberal media considered that stories from an identified unverified source were legitimate as long as the target was a republican.
Here we are in the 21'st century and the media is in the business of covering up an alleged government cover-up. Who would have thought that the media would defend an administration that obviously covered up the details of an incident that included the murder of a US Ambassador and three others including two Veteran Navy Seals?

You seem to be missing the perquisite knowledge of history to be making this sad comparison. I lived through both instances know and you are mixing apples with oranges here.
Key word here and difference, obstruction of justice. The instances cited have no relevance to one another. I will grant you further disclosure of the facts is called for and the administration needs to come forward and disclose any and all pertinent information it has. The fact that this was and has been a carefully scripted and veiled attempt to cover up the truth can well lead someone to hypothesize that the SOS, CIA, and Presidential involvement was deeper than disclosed.
It's alleged that LBJ's "black bag" squad bugged Goldwater's plane. Nobody cared because that's the way hard core politics was played at the time. Nixon's goons tried a 3rd rate burglary on a democrat headquarters and all hell broke loose. The difference in outrage was that Nixon was a republican. A political axiom at the time was "the cover-up is worse than the crime". Washington Post reporters Woodward and Bernstein were on Nixon's case to try to connect him to Watergate. Lost in the hysteria at the time was the fact that Karl Bernstein had an ax to grind. As a son of card carrying communists he was raised with a burning hatred toward Nixon who was a former federal prosecutor specializing in cases against communists. Somehow the Post reporters were able to conjure up an informant in the Nixon administration who was not identified for decades until he died. Somehow the liberal media considered that stories from an identified unverified source were legitimate as long as the target was a republican.
Here we are in the 21'st century and the media is in the business of covering up an alleged government cover-up. Who would have thought that the media would defend an administration that obviously covered up the details of an incident that included the murder of a US Ambassador and three others including two Veteran Navy Seals?

You seem to be missing the perquisite knowledge of history to be making this sad comparison. I lived through both instances know and you are mixing apples with oranges here.

No....this is a very CLOSE comparison. The only difference is that with Nixon NOBODY DIED. With Benghazi, 4 PEOPLE DIED. They were both cover-ups.....but because Obama is a Dem, he gets a pass, as usual.....
It's alleged that LBJ's "black bag" squad bugged Goldwater's plane. Nobody cared because that's the way hard core politics was played at the time. Nixon's goons tried a 3rd rate burglary on a democrat headquarters and all hell broke loose. The difference in outrage was that Nixon was a republican. A political axiom at the time was "the cover-up is worse than the crime". Washington Post reporters Woodward and Bernstein were on Nixon's case to try to connect him to Watergate. Lost in the hysteria at the time was the fact that Karl Bernstein had an ax to grind. As a son of card carrying communists he was raised with a burning hatred toward Nixon who was a former federal prosecutor specializing in cases against communists. Somehow the Post reporters were able to conjure up an informant in the Nixon administration who was not identified for decades until he died. Somehow the liberal media considered that stories from an identified unverified source were legitimate as long as the target was a republican.
Here we are in the 21'st century and the media is in the business of covering up an alleged government cover-up. Who would have thought that the media would defend an administration that obviously covered up the details of an incident that included the murder of a US Ambassador and three others including two Veteran Navy Seals?

You seem to be missing the perquisite knowledge of history to be making this sad comparison. I lived through both instances know and you are mixing apples with oranges here.

No....this is a very CLOSE comparison. The only difference is that with Nixon NOBODY DIED. With Benghazi, 4 PEOPLE DIED. They were both cover-ups.....but because Obama is a Dem, he gets a pass, as usual.....

No, sorry, a close comparison is no comparison. Watergate? A cover-up in which Americans engaged in subterfuge for political gain. Bengasi attacks were not initiated by America by Americans against Americans for purely American political gain. What happened was a misreading of the facts, and THAT seems rather obvious. I may be a political twit, But even I knew the Bengasi attacks (on 9/11/2012) where more than likely terrorist attacks…SO?
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