Water-Toys: Toxic Waste Feminism [Archangel Comics]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a 'media-culture revolution parable' inspired by the socialization-paranoia films Panther and Virtuosity.

It was too political for me to post in the Writing section, but I'm retiring from posting anyway, so most likely, this is my final post on USMB.

Cheers (signing off),


An evil city developed in America, and it was not hospitable to sports, consumerism, tourism, good governance, or hygiene. It was a 'Sin City' so people were generally unhappy, even though it was under TrumpUSA which professed to be a gold-mine for American dreamers. This Sin City was defied by the work of a very attractive female African-American radical named Angela.


Angela was a Black Panther, Marxist, anarchist, and social revolutionary and also a big fan of Black Panther (Marvel Comics) cartoons. Angela wanted to use the media to insist that no city was beyond redemption and that hygiene was always correctable. She studied at Yale University before becoming a social critic and anarchist. However, she was in no way a terrorist.


Angela decided to rob two big banks in Sin City and use the money to feed homeless children abandoned by modern 'progress.' She was not only attractive but also incredibly resourceful, which is why the press was calling her the Black Wonder Woman [BWW]. She had a terrific maroon Cadillac car. She was also a fan of the Internet-blogs of an Algerian-American vigilante named Ajay Satan. Angela took about $10 million in her bank robberies in Sin City.


Angela recorded her rhetoric after her successful bank robberies onto an audio tape titlaed Horse Lords Remember the Future (in reference to the Cossacks who defied undesirable monarchy in Russia and eventually the cold Soviet Union). Her tape contained her ideas about why any kind of social establishment or 'society' could literally be 'injected' with a dose of 'ideology serum' as long as people were willing to use marketing/networking resources such as email, eBay, and even eTrade. Angela's tape was considered sacred/valuable to revolutionary rhetoric.


Mostly, Angela wanted to address the problems of mismanaged/mishandled toxic-waste in Sin City, so she began writing comic book fan-fics and illustrations the handsome and primal superhero known as Phantom who always wandered around with a big wolf and tried to dispel the evils of industrialization and bad capitalism. Angela would cast Phantom as a 'diplomat' of naturalism and basic human angst towards industrial waste and hence eco-pollution. Angela's Phantom comic book art became quite popular, and TIME magazine called her the Black Thomas Nast [BTN]. Angela's Phantom was ideologically superior to the real Phantom (Kingfeatures Syndicate).


Angela continued to follow the vigilante-blogs of Ajay Satan who was now tracking an eerie Leatherface-copycat serial killer who terrorized Sin City with his brand of hellraising weaponized crimes. Angela followed this 'Satan-Leatherface' chase-game on-line and wondered when Leatherface would be brought to justice. Finally Ajay Satan managed to disarm and hobble Leatherface and throw him in Arkham Asylum (the center for the criminally-insane in Sin City). Angela cheered.


Angela wanted to meet this Algerian-American vigilante Ajay Satan who always wore strange head-masks and gear when posting photos of himself in his blogs about crime-fighting in Sin City. Angela and Ajay became very close and eventually decided to start courting a 'politically-sentimental' relationship. He told her about Frantz Fanon and Bob Kane, and she taught him about feminism about toxic-waste. Ajay was like her 'brother-figure' even though he was three years younger than she.


Ajay and Angela made a movie called Destroying Demons in Sin City (a home-made film), which they posted onto YouTube. It caught the attention of American super-celebrity Tom Cruise who adapted the radical video into a comic book story-series for his new franchise Archangel Comics which he co-owned with comics writer/artist William Gibson. Cruise than adapted the comics stories into a full-length Hollywood (USA) film titled Black Algeria: Sin City Miracle. It made millions in the box-office.


As Angela and Ajay became nationally-recognized, they decided to travel to England learn about Arthurian lore and the feminism-symbolism surrounding the mythical figure known as the Lady of the Lake who wielded the sacred/potent sword Excalibur which would afford any warrior invincibility. Angela and Ajay reasoned that Excalibur was a signpost for eradicating the evils of bad urban governance in modern civilization through careful social activism and crime-fighting. They even pledged themselves to the Lady of the Lake.


Angela decided to go back to Yale, her alma mater, and give a speech about the role of education in the advocacy of social reform in modern-day America (and the world!). She saw a Yale basketball game and took photos of the lovely Caucasian cheerleaders and suggested that they should be 'angels of sports-marketing' in a time when capitalism could threaten erudition-ethos with 'junk-food.' Angela showed her Yale photos to Ajay Satan.


Ajay Satan decided to do a personal crime-campaign, distributing toy water-guns to kids in Sin City and urging them to tell their parents to admonish politicians for neglecting the problem of water-pollution in the modern city. Ajay's water-gun campaign drew a great deal of attention, but it drew the ire of a corrupt crime-syndicate known as The Hand which was allied to major industrial companies (guilty of water-pollution). The Hand assassinated Ajay Satan, and they left his water-gun on the footsteps of Angela's newly-purchased mansion (her headquarters for recruiting her new Liberation Army). Angela was crushed.


When Cruise found out, he consoled Angela and offered to care for her and send her special security personnel. He also asked her to help him with his new Archangel Comics series about women in the police force. This new venture became very lucrative and marketable, and for the first time, consumerism was catalyzing real social consciousness. Angela ended up marrying Cruise, but she never forgot her 'brother-figure' Ajay Satan. Angela always kept a Christian necklace of the Cross Ajay gave her. Hail to good journalism!




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