Watching Porn At NYC Libraries


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
People's Republic of NJ
Yep, electronic porn too graphic for CBS 2 to show on television is available on-line for adults — on publically used computers at the city’s 200 library branches.

All people have to do is search for it.

“I probably wouldn’t feel comfortable if someone was watching on the computer next to me,” patron April Cantor told Rapoport.

Richard Reyes-Gavilan of the Brooklyn Public Library said that’s the policy — that even pornography is protected by the first amendment and recognized as free speech.

“With adults, anything that you can get on the Internet, you can legally get on a computer in the library,” Reyes-Gavilan said. “It’s difficult, but we err on the side of free and open access.”

Watching Pornography At New York Public Library Is Legal, According To Officials « CBS New York

This is the nanny state that has virtually banned smoking and wants to limit people's salt intake. But exposing children to porn and perv's? It's called freedom! :evil:
No private booths apparently.

Kids don't have to hide dirty magazines under their mattresses anymore -- they can just go to the library.

Children 13 and older can easily access hard-core porn in the city's public libraries by simply claiming to be of age on the software and clicking off the filters that block XXX-rated content.

And library patrons say it happens all the time.

"You'll see three or four kids, 13 or 14 years old, and they're all gathered around a computer giggling," said a regular at Brooklyn's central library at Grand Army Plaza.
"She [a librarian] comes over and tells them to stop watching it, but once she leaves, they just go right back to watching it," he said.

Even kids who don't want to surf for smut can be exposed to it because they can wind up sitting next to porn gazers
Read more: New York Public Library policy allows for children 13 and over to remove filters and watch pornography -

Libraries are supposed to be a safe environment where kids can gather, do homework, and socialize without adult supervision. Seems there is no place healthy anymore.
Well clearly not everybody is surfing porn from there.

NYPL is one of Rosetta's major sources of viewers.
They say it's only 5 percent of viewing. That's still too much in my opinion. I remember the scum hanging around the peep shows at Times Square years ago. Now the scum will loiter at the library. Shame on NYC.
Why would any parent of a young child, in New York City, leave their child in a city Library, alone, unsupervised? I personally would NOT ever leave my child alone, in a huge public library, in NYC, for fear of being abducted, or sexually abused, harmed!
I thank GOD the internet wasn't around when I was 13.

I'd have never left the house!
This is ridiculous, why doesn't the library just block the sites? in my opinion if you want to look at internet porn you should do it on your own dime at home or go to a XXX bookstore, they might as well just let us watch porn at work.
Most libraries do block it. NYC is far more "progressive" Public masturbation and encouraging teen sex is simply freedom of expression in liberal la la land.

And people in NY and its 5 boroughs should be able to drop their kids off at the library just like anyone anywhere else. Now they can't.
Portland has the same policy, but the internet screens are toward the center of the library where everyone can see what you are doing. The corollary to this is the PC police attitude that you can't surf anywhere that would make folks around you uncomfortable. This effectively puts porn in the same league as Rush Limbaugh, but it is therefore shut down. I have heard no issues about it here.
Most libraries do block it. NYC is far more "progressive" Public masturbation and encouraging teen sex is simply freedom of expression in liberal la la land.

And people in NY and its 5 boroughs should be able to drop their kids off at the library just like anyone anywhere else. Now they can't.

I lived in nyc, decades ago for a few years as a child, and even decades ago, my parents would never leave me alone in a nyc library.....maybe they were over protective.....
Most libraries do block it. NYC is far more "progressive" Public masturbation and encouraging teen sex is simply freedom of expression in liberal la la land.

And people in NY and its 5 boroughs should be able to drop their kids off at the library just like anyone anywhere else. Now they can't.
I'd hardly call this 'progress'
Middle school and high school kids should not have to visit the library with their parents no matter where they live. And while I would never allow my 8 year old to go alone, many parents do. Whether you agree with that or not, no kid should have to sit next to someone with a hard on. The library is for reading and learning. There is no educational value to internet porn.
This is ridiculous, why doesn't the library just block the sites? in my opinion if you want to look at internet porn you should do it on your own dime at home or go to a XXX bookstore, they might as well just let us watch porn at work.

They have a lot of porn sites out there. ;)
I know at my school there is people you walk around constantly, making sure you are not doing that sort of thing.
I don't think they should really try to censor too much though, maybe block some sites. In high school when they finally realized they needed to block certain things, it also made researching certain things difficult.
This is ridiculous, why doesn't the library just block the sites? in my opinion if you want to look at internet porn you should do it on your own dime at home or go to a XXX bookstore, they might as well just let us watch porn at work.

They have a lot of porn sites out there. ;)
I know at my school there is people you walk around constantly, making sure you are not doing that sort of thing.
I don't think they should really try to censor too much though, maybe block some sites. In high school when they finally realized they needed to block certain things, it also made researching certain things difficult.

You make a good point.

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