Watch 'Mulan' with your kid, wind up in prison? What will Arizona lawmakers think of next?


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
I gotta admit, I did not think this one through...and neither did the Arizona GOP, apparently:

The Arizona Legislature on Tuesday hit a new high in the hysteria over that most critical and horrifying of dangers that threaten our children.
Yep, they’re going after the drag queens again, only this time they’re also going after parents.
Senate Bill 1698 would criminalize anyone who exposes a child to a drag performance.
Take your daughter to see “Hairspray” and, by my read of the bill, you’d be guilty of a class 4 felony, punishable by up to 15 years in prison. You’d also have to register as a sex offender.

Bills would limit drag shows

This bill is brought to you by Sen. Justine Wadsack, R-Tucson, a member of the Arizona Freedom Caucus.
Freedom, that is, unless you allow your child to watch “Mulan,” in which case you’d be guilty of a “dangerous crime against children” if said child is under the age of 15.
I realize there’s political gold these days in demonizing drag but isn’t this just a tad … I don’t know … full-on, flat-out bonkers?

Republican Sen. John Kavanagh of Fountain Hills wants to bar state-funded drag shows for kids (SB 1026). Never mind that not even Kavanagh can point to any state-funded drag shows for kids
Republican Sen. Anthony Kern of Glendale wants to ensure that no drag performances occur within a quarter mile of a day care center, school, playground, park, house or church (SB 1028). He also wants to prevent drag performances between 1 a.m. and 8 a.m. Monday through Saturday and between 1 a.m. and noon on Sunday (SB 1030).
The bill defines drag as any performance in which one or more people dress as a member of the opposite sex “to exaggerate gender signifiers and roles (and) engage in singing, dancing or a monologue or skit in order to entertain an audience of two or more people.”
So “Mulan,” the story of a fearless young Chinese woman who impersonates a male soldier to defend her homeland?
“Hairspray,” the musical in which spunky Tracy Turnblad’s mother is played by John Travolta?
That’s criminal behavior, if a parent allows a child to see it.

It also would be a crime to expose your child to Robin Williams (“Mrs. Doubtfire”), Dustin Hoffman (“Tootsie”), Julie Andrews (“Victor/Victoria”), Tom Hanks (“Bosom Buddies”), Martin Lawrence (“Big Momma’s House”) or Jamie Farr (M.A.S.H.)
Who the hell is Laurie Roberts and why do lefties trust her obvious faulty opinion? The short answer is that lefties are willing to grasp at any opinion that tends to reinforce their pedophile tendencies.
I gotta admit, I did not think this one through...and neither did the Arizona GOP, apparently:

The Arizona Legislature on Tuesday hit a new high in the hysteria over that most critical and horrifying of dangers that threaten our children.
Yep, they’re going after the drag queens again, only this time they’re also going after parents.
Senate Bill 1698 would criminalize anyone who exposes a child to a drag performance.
Take your daughter to see “Hairspray” and, by my read of the bill, you’d be guilty of a class 4 felony, punishable by up to 15 years in prison. You’d also have to register as a sex offender.

Bills would limit drag shows

This bill is brought to you by Sen. Justine Wadsack, R-Tucson, a member of the Arizona Freedom Caucus.
Freedom, that is, unless you allow your child to watch “Mulan,” in which case you’d be guilty of a “dangerous crime against children” if said child is under the age of 15.
I realize there’s political gold these days in demonizing drag but isn’t this just a tad … I don’t know … full-on, flat-out bonkers?

Republican Sen. John Kavanagh of Fountain Hills wants to bar state-funded drag shows for kids (SB 1026). Never mind that not even Kavanagh can point to any state-funded drag shows for kids
Republican Sen. Anthony Kern of Glendale wants to ensure that no drag performances occur within a quarter mile of a day care center, school, playground, park, house or church (SB 1028). He also wants to prevent drag performances between 1 a.m. and 8 a.m. Monday through Saturday and between 1 a.m. and noon on Sunday (SB 1030).
The bill defines drag as any performance in which one or more people dress as a member of the opposite sex “to exaggerate gender signifiers and roles (and) engage in singing, dancing or a monologue or skit in order to entertain an audience of two or more people.”
So “Mulan,” the story of a fearless young Chinese woman who impersonates a male soldier to defend her homeland?
“Hairspray,” the musical in which spunky Tracy Turnblad’s mother is played by John Travolta?
That’s criminal behavior, if a parent allows a child to see it.

It also would be a crime to expose your child to Robin Williams (“Mrs. Doubtfire”), Dustin Hoffman (“Tootsie”), Julie Andrews (“Victor/Victoria”), Tom Hanks (“Bosom Buddies”), Martin Lawrence (“Big Momma’s House”) or Jamie Farr (M.A.S.H.)
Oh, Mulan would be okay, as long as they haven't included penis-implanting surgery in the plot.
I gotta admit, I did not think this one through...and neither did the Arizona GOP, apparently:

The Arizona Legislature on Tuesday hit a new high in the hysteria over that most critical and horrifying of dangers that threaten our children.
Yep, they’re going after the drag queens again, only this time they’re also going after parents.
Senate Bill 1698 would criminalize anyone who exposes a child to a drag performance.
Take your daughter to see “Hairspray” and, by my read of the bill, you’d be guilty of a class 4 felony, punishable by up to 15 years in prison. You’d also have to register as a sex offender.

Bills would limit drag shows

This bill is brought to you by Sen. Justine Wadsack, R-Tucson, a member of the Arizona Freedom Caucus.
Freedom, that is, unless you allow your child to watch “Mulan,” in which case you’d be guilty of a “dangerous crime against children” if said child is under the age of 15.
I realize there’s political gold these days in demonizing drag but isn’t this just a tad … I don’t know … full-on, flat-out bonkers?

Republican Sen. John Kavanagh of Fountain Hills wants to bar state-funded drag shows for kids (SB 1026). Never mind that not even Kavanagh can point to any state-funded drag shows for kids
Republican Sen. Anthony Kern of Glendale wants to ensure that no drag performances occur within a quarter mile of a day care center, school, playground, park, house or church (SB 1028). He also wants to prevent drag performances between 1 a.m. and 8 a.m. Monday through Saturday and between 1 a.m. and noon on Sunday (SB 1030).
The bill defines drag as any performance in which one or more people dress as a member of the opposite sex “to exaggerate gender signifiers and roles (and) engage in singing, dancing or a monologue or skit in order to entertain an audience of two or more people.”
So “Mulan,” the story of a fearless young Chinese woman who impersonates a male soldier to defend her homeland?
“Hairspray,” the musical in which spunky Tracy Turnblad’s mother is played by John Travolta?
That’s criminal behavior, if a parent allows a child to see it.

It also would be a crime to expose your child to Robin Williams (“Mrs. Doubtfire”), Dustin Hoffman (“Tootsie”), Julie Andrews (“Victor/Victoria”), Tom Hanks (“Bosom Buddies”), Martin Lawrence (“Big Momma’s House”) or Jamie Farr (M.A.S.H.
Democrats are mad because they want to take kids to drag shows.

Democrats are pure evil.
The drag show that George Santos is at?

Will DeSantis the groomer be their?
Democrats gas light Americans with this bs but nobody buys it.

Democrats confuse, manipulate, then mutilate children.

I'll make a thread soon about ex-Trans who testify of the horrors democrats brought on them when they were kids.
I will watch, "Some like it hot" with my kids whether they like it or not....

Because, let's face it, Tony Curtis is PRETTY HOT!

Democrats gas light Americans with this bs but nobody buys it.

Democrats confuse, manipulate, then mutilate children.

I'll make a thread soon about ex-Trans who testify of the horrors democrats brought on them when they were kids.
BS? You didn't see the pictures of Santos in drag? The guys more drag then all the village people combined.

As for groomer DeSantis, Trump outed him. He is finished.

You must be protected by your echo chamber. You should get out and see reality sometime. I'm sure you could handle in small doses.
This bill is brought to you by Sen. Justine Wadsack, R-Tucson, a member of the Arizona Freedom Caucus.
Freedom, that is, unless you allow your child to watch “Mulan,” in which case you’d be guilty of a “dangerous crime against children” if said child is under the age of 15.
I realize there’s political gold these days in demonizing drag but isn’t this just a tad … I don’t know … full-on, flat-out bonkers?

Such is the fascist authoritarian bigoted right.
These asshole have a long history of BANNING SHIT
Booze. Hell they made an entire constitutional amendment around banning it.
Sex outside of marriage
These mother fuckers banned drugs and pot! Failed war on drugs destroying millions of peoples lives.

They aint small government. They just hate the poor and live to fucking control them. They can suck my asss.
These asshole have a long history of BANNING SHIT
Booze. Hell they made an entire constitutional amendment around banning it.
Sex outside of marriage
These mother fuckers banned drugs and pot! Failed war on drugs destroying millions of peoples lives.

Dumbass leftard, it was William Randolph Hearst who got pot banned. Not "righties".

You disaffected leftards are thoroughly deluded.

They aint small government. They just hate the poor and live to fucking control them. They can suck my asss.

I take it you're poor, then.

I have an.idea.

Get a job.

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