Washington DC School System pays kids by the hour to be fuck-ups


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
D.C. students being paid for summer school | WashingtonExaminer.com

DC started paying kids $5.25 an hour to attend summer school. That alone pissed me off. But then I read the article further, and the kids being paid are the fucking goof offs who cause havoc and don't try during the regular school year. So this isn't an incentive open to all. It's a reward for the jerk offs that already screwing shit up for people. And the taxpayers have to pay all that money for that. And I read nothing that says that the payment is even contingent on hitting certain marks. Meanwhile, the unions get their extra gravy by filling up these classes.
I held down a job when I was in high school. Made $1.10/hour. While going to school. And in the summer months I worked the corn fields from dawn to late afternoon hoeing out weeds. I saved my meager earnings. Sometimes my 48 year old widowed mother to seven kids would borrow cash from me to buy groceries. I was 15. My younger brother sold dope and ended up loaning money for groceries too. We did what we had to do to survive. It was the 60's... no bullshit government hand out safety nets like today. I have no sympathy for the socio-governmental induced retardation of today.
D.C. students being paid for summer school | WashingtonExaminer.com

DC started paying kids $5.25 an hour to attend summer school. That alone pissed me off. But then I read the article further, and the kids being paid are the fucking goof offs who cause havoc and don't try during the regular school year. So this isn't an incentive open to all. It's a reward for the jerk offs that already screwing shit up for people. And the taxpayers have to pay all that money for that. And I read nothing that says that the payment is even contingent on hitting certain marks. Meanwhile, the unions get their extra gravy by filling up these classes.

I could think of a better incentive. You fail the grade if you don't attend and pass the test.
Union pays most of the occupiers too.. Unions leaders are notorious scoundrels.
One reason for this program in DC and other jurisdictions such as Chicago, is to cut the crime rate.

Kids are dying by the dozens in Chi-town, SE Washington, Prince George's and Baltimore, MD.
Welcome to my world. This has nothing to do with unions. In order to raise test scores and graduation rates schools around the country are trying anything to motivate these screwups.

We had a program a few summers back for the kids who barely got out of 8th grade. Preparing them for HS was the goal. 4 teachers were hired and 70 kids were eligible. 11 showed up and only 4 finished. 1 student per teacher.

You can lead a horse to water...
In my system, kids have to pay for summer school.

If they cannot graduate after going to school for 11 months, the graduate program at the Deparment of Corrections awaits.
The kids are being paid to attend summer school. Not for school performance. The pay is merely for putting ass to seat. Which is excellent training for future workers, show up, do nothing, get paid.
They pay the kids here 100 dollars to attend summer school.

It's just one more union trick. They figured out that since they get paid by the kid that if they throw em just enough crumbs then they can get just enough extra gravy.

I don't think so.

Most that belong to a teachers' union won't be involved (probably over 97%).

You can keep your "extra gravy".

There is not enough money involved to get me in there to spend day after day with these punks.
But of course, if you knew anything about these positions you'd run for cover too.

It would be easier and safer to teach in a prison. At least, there you would have some control...
I wouldn't "teach" summer school for any amount of money. Teachers are under the gun to pass students and yet some still fail. Idiots, thugs, and nit-wits that cannot get it in 9 months but all of a sudden pass in a few weeks must be attending a miracle program.
What is this? I visited the Baltimore aquarium one day, there was a public school class there. The teachers dont know how to discipline kids, the kids ran around screaming and shouting; the teachers gave them no work to do.

When I went to school and you played up the teacher would put you in the corridor till the lesson was over, or send you off to detention. Then they rang your parents to tell them what a little shit you were.

But kids getting free money for wasting everyones time, and screwing up their lives? Thats not discipline, thats a holiday camp.*

*Then again, all the school camps I went on gave little time to clown around.
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I wouldn't "teach" summer school for any amount of money. Teachers are under the gun to pass students and yet some still fail. Idiots, thugs, and nit-wits that cannot get it in 9 months but all of a sudden pass in a few weeks must be attending a miracle program.
They are giving kids the answers more like, they dont even their education.
D.C. students being paid for summer school | WashingtonExaminer.com

DC started paying kids $5.25 an hour to attend summer school. That alone pissed me off. But then I read the article further, and the kids being paid are the fucking goof offs who cause havoc and don't try during the regular school year. So this isn't an incentive open to all. It's a reward for the jerk offs that already screwing shit up for people. And the taxpayers have to pay all that money for that. And I read nothing that says that the payment is even contingent on hitting certain marks. Meanwhile, the unions get their extra gravy by filling up these classes.

Just disgusting.
What is this? I visited the Baltimore aquarium one day, there was a public school class there. The teachers dont know how to discipline kids, the kids ran around screaming and shouting; the teachers gave them no work to do.

When I went to school and you played up the teacher would put you in the corridor till the lesson was over, or send you off to detention. Then they rang your parents to tell them what a little shit you were.

But kids getting free money for wasting everyones time, and screwing up their lives? Thats not discipline, thats a holiday camp.*

*Then again, all the school camps I went on gave little time to clown around.

I went with my son's middle school class to the B'more aquarium several years ago. We had lunch at Hooters. Glad I didn't end up on the 5 o'clock news.
I wouldn't "teach" summer school for any amount of money. Teachers are under the gun to pass students and yet some still fail. Idiots, thugs, and nit-wits that cannot get it in 9 months but all of a sudden pass in a few weeks must be attending a miracle program.
They are giving kids the answers more like, they dont even their education.

they still must pass the end of year state test ON

A few years back I had a sped kid in my Team Taught world 1 class.

No amount of cajoling would get this kid to stop fvcking off and do the work.
He failed the class but passed the SOL test :clap2: Which means he could have done it all along.

That summer he and two others that failed that class went to summer school. They all passed. They could have done it in 9 months but chose not to.
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I wouldn't "teach" summer school for any amount of money. Teachers are under the gun to pass students and yet some still fail. Idiots, thugs, and nit-wits that cannot get it in 9 months but all of a sudden pass in a few weeks must be attending a miracle program.
They are giving kids the answers more like, they dont even their education.

they still must pass the end of year state test ON

A few years back I had a sped kid in my Team Taught world 1 class.

No amount of cajoling would get this kid to stop fvcking off and do the work.
He failed the class but passed the SOL test :clap2: Which means he could have done it all along.

That summer he and two others that failed that class went to summer school. They all passed. They could have done it in 9 months but chose not to.

There you go. Bingo.

As long as we have "voluntary learning classrooms" it is terribly unfair to base teacher evaluations and pay on test scores, especially in middle and junior highs where puberty is the norm. People that aren't around this age group have no idea of the temporary insanity these kids experience.

To base someone's career on the work ethic of thirteen year olds is absurd...

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