Was Winston Churchill secretly GAY?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
A very loaded question indeed.


Churchill acquired a reputation as a misogynist who could be notoriously rude to women
He seemed relaxed in company of homosexuals and regarded their (illegal) activities as a subject for good-natured ribaldry
He married Clementine Hozier which is usually regarded as a love-match but reality seems cold-blooded
He became very close to Minister of Information Brendan Bracken and private secretary Edward Marsh

Read more: Winston Churchill may secretly have been GAY Daily Mail Online
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WC was strictly heterosexual, and he hated Gandi's bisexuality.
At least learn to spell.
If you can learn, you can discern. Don't play stupid.

It is better to play stupid than be stupid. Not that any of that relates to me :)
You are both, so, yeah, it does, and Gandee liked group sex.

It seems like I have hit a white supremacist nerve there :) Welcome to my thread. Make sure to take your medicine first. You will need it.
WC was strictly heterosexual, and he hated Gandi's bisexuality.
At least learn to spell.
If you can learn, you can discern. Don't play stupid.

It is better to play stupid than be stupid. Not that any of that relates to me :)
You are both, so, yeah, it does, and Gandee liked group sex.

It seems like I have hit a white supremacist nerve there :) Welcome to my thread. Make sure to take your medicine first. You will need it.
What supremacist nerve? Halifax was a drug addict, and the Indian soldiery was magnificent in WWII. You hate that WC is so esteemed and Gandhi is being forgotten. None of which has anything to do with good or evil.
WC was strictly heterosexual, and he hated Gandi's bisexuality.
No way.

At least learn to spell.
If you can learn, you can discern. Don't play stupid.

It is better to play stupid than be stupid. Not that any of that relates to me :)
You are both, so, yeah, it does, and Gandee liked group sex.

It seems like I have hit a white supremacist nerve there :) Welcome to my thread. Make sure to take your medicine first. You will need it.
What supremacist nerve? Halifax was a drug addict, and the Indian soldiery was magnificent in WWII. You hate that WC is so esteemed and Gandhi is being forgotten. None of which has anything to do with good or evil.

There are more statues of Gandhi around the world than Churchill. I do not hate Churchill. Hate is for losers like yourself.
If you can learn, you can discern. Don't play stupid.

It is better to play stupid than be stupid. Not that any of that relates to me :)
You are both, so, yeah, it does, and Gandee liked group sex.

It seems like I have hit a white supremacist nerve there :) Welcome to my thread. Make sure to take your medicine first. You will need it.
What supremacist nerve? Halifax was a drug addict, and the Indian soldiery was magnificent in WWII. You hate that WC is so esteemed and Gandhi is being forgotten. None of which has anything to do with good or evil.

There are more statues of Gandhi around the world than Churchill. I do not hate Churchill. Hate is for losers like yourself.
Vik, you started a loser thread, which makes you a loser. WC was a winner and always will be.
Here is what Jennie Churchill has to say :)


The facts of Winston Churchill's homosexual tendencies are well documented,
as outlined in the biography of his mother Lady Randolph Churchill aka Jennie.
Charges were brought against Winston Churchill at the age of 19 by another boy
in his regiment, A.C. Bruce Pryce of "Gross immorality of the 'Oscar Wilde' type
with another young man, Who's first initial was C" Oscar Wilde was a well known
homosexual in 19th century England. The scandal involving Mr. Churchill was quickly silenced thanks to his family's political connections. Homosexuality was

quite common in the 19th century among all social classes, as well as in the military, being considered almost a rite of passage in some branches such as the Royal Navy.

Was Winston churchill gay
Yes, homosexuality was not unknown among WC's class, but no charges were ever proven, whereas Gandhi's diverse sexuality is well know to all educated folks of his time.

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