Was Biden's Camp Lejune settlement just a big payoff to the lawyers?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Or was it a way to sock away money to be redistributed to other purposes? President Joe Biden signed the Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act in August 2022, which first created a process for Camp Lejeune claims. The Department of Health and Human Services has acknowledged that chemicals in the water on the base, which was contaminated from 1953 to 1987, may have affected as many as one million people.

If you look at the Congressional Budget Office's 2022 cost estimate, billion of dollars were estimated to be spent on compensation, benefits, health care, operating, and administrative costs...


As of August, 2023, Over 93,000 administrative claims and more than 1,100 lawsuits had been filed, and total payouts for Camp Lejeune claims were projected to exceed $21 billion. The filing deadline was set for August, 2024.

Camp Lejeune Settlement | Payout Amounts & Eligibility

But as of December 2023, nearly 1,500 Camp Lejeune lawsuits have been filed in the Eastern District North Carolina federal court, which is handling all the lawsuits. In addition, almost 150,000 administrative claims have been submitted. So far, the federal government has made only six Camp Lejeune settlement payouts totaling $1.45 million.

Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Update | December 2023 Update

$1.45 million in payouts so far, is a far cry from the over $21 billion. Was this whole thing meant to make lawyers richer? The attorney fees for these lawsuits has been capped at 25% by the Justice Department, but it looks like every lawyer in the country is advertising their services to handle these cases.

how much Camp Lejune settlement - Google Search
According to "my sources," if you have a legitimate claim (health problems that are likely related to living at Camp Lejeune during the time in question), the VA will pay you directly a large sum of money and you won't have to pay lawyers' fees. An acquaintance of mine said that the amount quoted by the VA was pretty comparable to what the lawyers who contacted him were "promising" him.

Of course, once a government settlement is announced, any thought of causation goes out the window. If you have any "issues" at all... mental, physical, emotional... you can cash in.

Was Biden's Camp Lejune settlement just a big payoff to the lawyers?​

The bill passed the Senate 86-14 and the House 256 to 174 yet somehow it is Biden's settlement?

Why is it during certain times Congress is always blameless with you people?
The bill passed the Senate 86-14 and the House 256 to 174 yet somehow it is Biden's settlement?

Why is it during certain times Congress is always blameless with you people?

Don't worry, bro: Some day you get your own non-denominational third-party candidate for President, and we can blame it all on him when he fucks everything up.

Don't worry, bro: Some day you get your own non-denominational third-party candidate for President, and we can blame it all on him when he fucks everything up.


Just pointing out that when your god was POUTS everything was the fault of Congress, now that he is not, everything is the fault of the POTUS.

As such your post on the topic are as meaningful as a bag full of dog shit.
Just pointing out that when your god was POUTS everything was the fault of Congress, now that he is not, everything is the fault of the POTUS.

As such your post on the topic are as meaningful as a bag full of dog shit.

I'm just saying that the Camp Lejune settlement was nothing but feel-good bunk and an empty apology to those who served. Only $1.45 million in payouts out of $21 billion allotted, and a cutoff date of 2024? And every shifty, money-grabbing lawyer in the country advertising that they can get you the best settlement?

Camp Lejune was only one toxic military base out of many. What about the rest of them? What about the entire toxic military-industrial complex that gave American soldiers toxic, poisonous gear dating back to WW2?

Have you ever had to drink out of a nasty Vietnam War era plastic canteen? USGI canteens weren't even safe to drink out of until the 1990's, when they started making them out of plastic that wouldn't give you cancer in 20 years. Most everything made for the military is designed to kill someone, and much of it is killing veterans from just being in contact with it years ago.
Just pointing out that when your god was POUTS everything was the fault of Congress, now that he is not, everything is the fault of the POTUS.

As such your post on the topic are as meaningful as a bag full of dog shit.
Most of your posts are dog shit... Just saying.
I'm just saying that the Camp Lejune settlement was nothing but feel-good bunk and an empty apology to those who served. Only $1.45 million in payouts out of $21 billion allotted, and a cutoff date of 2024? And every shifty, money-grabbing lawyer in the country advertising that they can get you the best settlement?

I agree it is a shit deal, but it seems the blame lies more on Congress who wrote it and passed it with veto proof majority than on the POTUS that merely signed it.

Camp Lejune was only one toxic military base out of many. What about the rest of them? What about the entire toxic military-industrial complex that gave American soldiers toxic, poisonous gear dating back to WW2?

The PACT Act deals with more than just Camp Lejune, which I missed the cut off by less than 2 years. Not that I am complaining.

Have you ever had to drink out of a nasty Vietnam War era plastic canteen?

Indeed I have, it is what we had in boot camp.

Most everything made for the military is designed to kill someone, and much of it is killing veterans from just being in contact with it years ago.

Very true.

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