Warriors of the Past


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I may not have told anyone this when I joined, but I am a budding writer. Here, I hope to prevail upon you some of my new found talents in story writing. This thread will be devoted to all of the short stories I have written for the past four years. This thread will serve as a repository for future stories as well. For those of you who love suspense, however, I will give you one half of a short story every few days or so, since these are around 1,700-2,000 words apiece. Without further ado, I give you Warriors of the Past, Chapter 1, Part 1.

(Note: the characters in this story are still in development, I will explain them via private message or in thread, whichever you prefer)
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Warriors of the Past: Chapter One

Staring off into an oblivion known as his past, Kaien Valiran, a veteran of many wars; sits there embroiled in nostalgia, recalling the yesterdays of battles past. His royal heritage. Of all the friends who had now come and gone, remembering the comrades who fought and died by his side. Kaien was once one of the most fierce and legendary warriors in the land, a great general and tactician. But these days, he longs to find that one man of whom he can pass his knowledge on to. At present he now lives life in peace, in relative obscurity, married to the woman he loves in the land of Shentunok.

"Kaien?" His wife beckons, "KAIEN?"

"Yes, Laraina my wife, what is it?"

"Are you alright?" asking in a concerned voice, "You were crying just now. Do you want to talk to me about it honey?"

Kaien started to wipe the tears from his eyes, setting down the shot-glass he was drinking from. "Oh, no. It's nothing, my dear. How is dinner coming along, Lara?"

"It will be ready soon hon. I will go and finish up."

He had wept, for the one friend he cared for the most, a little boy who came up to him forty years ago today, as a matter of fact, wanting to learn how to be just like him. An orphan who lost his entire family during the brutal Lyran Wars. The child wanted to be a great warrior just like him. Kaien had recalled on that day that he had no time for children, the burdens of being royalty were enough for him. Commanding his troops in battle and training raw cadets in the Shentunok fighting styles was all he cared about. He had his own people to care for, his own agenda.

Once again, Kaien returned to his memories.

"That's it, I've had it!" Kaien growled to himself. “I'm going to let father have it. He has rejected me for the last time!” He was headed for Base Pantheon, hoping to convince his father there to let him take some promising cadets under his wing for his own elite unit the King allowed him to form. But as many times before, his father had rejected his requests.

All the meanwhile, a child was in an alleyway with his friends who were snickering as they had just put him up to a challenge. "If you can pick that general's pocket without him noticing you, we'll let you in. Go! Take his money!" They all began watching Kaien intently, chuckling nervously as he passed them by. The boy had been just hours before fantasizing about the great General Valiran from the stories his parents told him, about how he distinguished himself in front of the king during the war. The boy snapped back to reality, and saw his chance to pounce.

He left the alleyway and began stalking the stranger, hiding behind vehicles and waste disposal units as he went along. Then the moment came. "The guy doesn't have a clue!" the boy thought to himself. He reached for the stranger's coin purse, only to be blown back by a large gust of wind. He had been caught. The man took hold of the child's wrist in one hand and spun around with his pistol in the other.

"Heh…he…hey you! What’s your name?" a small high pitched voice nervously asked. Kaien had been startled, he whipped around expecting a mugger or a pickpocket. He fumbled for his pistol but only caught glimpse of a child. He was only 10 years old, wearing tattered clothing, with no shoes on his feet. He was abnormally tall and muscular for his age, but had a strange but yet courageous aura about him. Kaien loosened his grip on the child's arm. The child dared not attempt to run from an elite Shentunok General, knowing that he would be caught again in an instant.

"Who wants to know kid? And it isn't 'hey you' by the way," Kaien quipped.

"My friends do, mister! We all do!" The child exclaimed, as he paced around on the snow covered ground. Kaien was not a social man, his eyes were always focused on the tasks at hand, and not on distractions such as this young child before him. Kaien was intent on seeing his father before he left for the palace, not dealing with wannabe thieves in the slums. He wasn't about to waste his time.

"Beat it kid!" he ordered. Kaien then shoved the boy aside, continuing on his way. "If I catch you in these streets again picking pockets, little one, I will not hesitate to teach you a lesson you won't soon forget." This boy was of Lyran blood and of another race he could not identify. He, however, did not wish to be caught consorting with children of the enemy.

He started to walk away, this time, more briskly than before. But no sooner had he taken his first steps did the boy return, tugging on his trench coat; this time begging to know his name. The boy tried one last time to make with the stranger's coin purse, and failed once again.
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You do know that once you post your stories on the internet, you will never be able to publish them....ever. Even 10 years down the road...20 years. NEVER.
Might wanna rethink doing this.

Just a heads up.
You do know that once you post your stories on the internet, you will never be able to publish them....ever. Even 10 years down the road...20 years. NEVER.
Might wanna rethink doing this.

Just a heads up.

I don't think anyone would ever publish these anyways. I'm working on something different. I posted these on the internet four years ago when I began with no real intention of having them published. I hope to graduate into novels, not just short stories.
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Well...once you post your stuff online..I don't think any publisher will take you..whether it's new, or not. Might wanna check into it...just in case, and to protect your own interests later on.

Plus, once you post it..anyone can plagarize it. You will have a hard time suing, if they wind up like a Stephen King due to YOUR works.
My friend that I mentioned here that died recently? He was a writer. Author.
He had his works stolen. Once you write it on a message board or anywhere on the net..it no longer belongs to you. It belongs to the message board. When he asked to have it removed, they refused. When he asked to be let back in (he was banned) to retrieve it, he was refused.
Once on the net...ALWAYS on the net. This means pics, too.

Just sayin'.
Are you on some kind of public assistance that allows you the luxury of writing crap on the taxpayers dime?
What I'm trying to say is that it's been on the internet before this. For four years. In fact I don't care to have it published. Frankly it was borne out of exploratory writing, not out of anything else.
My friend that I mentioned here that died recently? He was a writer. Author.
He had his works stolen. Once you write it on a message board or anywhere on the net..it no longer belongs to you. It belongs to the message board. When he asked to have it removed, they refused. When he asked to be let back in (he was banned) to retrieve it, he was refused.
Once on the net...ALWAYS on the net. This means pics, too.

Just sayin'.
Publishers as in hard cover in book stores is pretty much dead and nook and Kindle own epublications. I prefer publishing initially on nook because I can compose on pubit get it translated to kindle format dirt cheap. For years now the publishers slush pile has been self publication of ebooks. By the way is there is a cross review thread in the writing section here?
Isn't anyone else eagerly awaiting installment 2. I am dying to know if our protagonist was caught consorting with children of the enemy!

Wait....he now lives in peace. WTF?
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