Warning : todays rant - stoopid Americans


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
The United States
This really irks me, stupid Americans, all the Americans in Libya getting evacuated. What happened to personal responsibility? They willingly and freely went over there on their own let them get out on their own.

The four Americans that were killed by the pirates, really? of all the water in the world, which is considerable, off the coast of Somalia is were you want to go?

The hikers who accidentally wandered into Iran, really? of all the mountains in the world to go hiking, Iran is your destination?

The female journalists who were caught by the North Koreans, really? North Korea, from the Chinese side no less? of all the places in the world, North Korea?

If your going to go that close perhaps they should remember that sometimes you get the bull, and sometimes bull gets you.

Of all the hungry, homeless, and poor in this country we still would rather help anyone in a third world country than our own. The aid workers and christian missionaries who go into Darfur and then expect us to rescue them from the rebels who captured them for ransom, have no concept of anything. How did they not factor in that something like that has a good chance of occuring? What was their plan?

I think they should have to repay the state department for every penny spent on their behalf to rescue them. This is just my opinion.
This really irks me, stupid Americans, all the Americans in Libya getting evacuated. What happened to personal responsibility? They willingly and freely went over there on their own let them get out on their own.

The four Americans that were killed by the pirates, really? of all the water in the world, which is considerable, off the coast of Somalia is were you want to go?

The hikers who accidentally wandered into Iran, really? of all the mountains in the world to go hiking, Iran is your destination?

The female journalists who were caught by the North Koreans, really? North Korea, from the Chinese side no less? of all the places in the world, North Korea?

If your going to go that close perhaps they should remember that sometimes you get the bull, and sometimes bull gets you.

Of all the hungry, homeless, and poor in this country we still would rather help anyone in a third world country than our own. The aid workers and christian missionaries who go into Darfur and then expect us to rescue them from the rebels who captured them for ransom, have no concept of anything. How did they not factor in that something like that has a good chance of occuring? What was their plan?

I think they should have to repay the state department for every penny spent on their behalf to rescue them. This is just my opinion.

Lol. You nailed it. Whiney little Americans are always expecting to get "helped" for their stupidity. No opinion, just fact.
This really irks me, stupid Americans, all the Americans in Libya getting evacuated. What happened to personal responsibility? They willingly and freely went over there on their own let them get out on their own.

The four Americans that were killed by the pirates, really? of all the water in the world, which is considerable, off the coast of Somalia is were you want to go?

The hikers who accidentally wandered into Iran, really? of all the mountains in the world to go hiking, Iran is your destination?

The female journalists who were caught by the North Koreans, really? North Korea, from the Chinese side no less? of all the places in the world, North Korea?

If your going to go that close perhaps they should remember that sometimes you get the bull, and sometimes bull gets you.

Of all the hungry, homeless, and poor in this country we still would rather help anyone in a third world country than our own. The aid workers and christian missionaries who go into Darfur and then expect us to rescue them from the rebels who captured them for ransom, have no concept of anything. How did they not factor in that something like that has a good chance of occuring? What was their plan?

I think they should have to repay the state department for every penny spent on their behalf to rescue them. This is just my opinion.

If only the US government could hear the pleas of beseiged Americans being attacked by Mexicans on US soil.:eusa_whistle:
spectrum, you are absolutely 100% dead on. If these people choose to go wandering the globe, they need to be responsible for themselves....

You wanna smuggle bibles into China, be my guest, just don't expect us to come and bail your ass out when you get caught.

I don't even think it should be a matter of having them refund the expenses, I just think we shouldn't do it. SOME Americans need to comprehend that once you step past the boundaries of the United States, all those pretty little civil liberties, rights, etc... all disappear into a puff of smoke. "I'm an American Citizen. I get a phone call." doesn't work in a jail in Nicaragua or China or Darfur.

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