WARNING: Obama Campaign About To Get REALLY Dirty


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Fifteen days left before November 6th and even the most ardent Obama supporter will admit that Governor Romney has a slight lead and the momentum (although smaller than Gallup's margin). With the window for him to reverse the tide, there are rumors that the Campaign to Reelect the President (CREEP) is about to get really dirty with the help of the mainstream media and the barrister of bull-crap, Gloria Allred.

According to NRO Online CREEP is working with the mainstream media to label Romney a flip-flopper on China

NRO hears that the latest attempt by the President’s team to check Romney’s momentum will come via a years-old video in which Romney sounds more conciliatory toward the PRC. Romney, of course, will be portrayed as a flip-flopper. It will be another instance of “Romnesia.”

Our understanding is that the Obama campaign is working closely with media outlets to broadcast the video below, part of a 2007 talk Romney delivered in Pittsburgh.

Much more @ "The Lid": WARNING: Obama Campaign About To Get REALLY Dirty

It's "REALLY dirty" to use a "years-old video" against someone, eh?

Thanks for that benchmark.

So you believed that crap when Romney said he was going to get tough on China? LOL. His bosses at the US (China) Chamber of commerce know better and so should you.
It's "REALLY dirty" to use a "years-old video" against someone, eh?

Thanks for that benchmark.


So, when Hannity and the GOP attempted to use a "years old" video from Obama speaking about wealth redistribution just a few weeks ago, was that "REALLY DIRTY" too?
It's "REALLY dirty" to use a "years-old video" against someone, eh?

Thanks for that benchmark.


So, when Hannity and the GOP attempted to use a "years old" video from Obama speaking about wealth redistribution just a few weeks ago, was that "REALLY DIRTY" too?

Man, the Democratic party is in for some tuff times ahead no matter if Obama win's or if he loses.
Obama favors The Born Alive Infant Slaughter Act.

Oh wait. I meant to say that he merely OPPOSES the Born Alive Infant PROTECTION Act.

Huge difference there.

But, he may waffle on that, too, depending on which group he is pandering to on any given day.
By the way, the original NRO article never mentions CRP: Obama, Media Reportedly Preparing to Slam Romney as Flip-Flopper on China - By Eliana Johnson - The Corner - National Review Online

It's interesting how short spork doesn't know how to fact-check his informational postings.

It's almost like he's a paid political hack, just like TM.

Fact check? Have you seen how he just spammed this board with multiple postings? Did you see his sources? I am actually surprised he can read based on the drivel he is posting.
I LOVE the NRO Online comment about Pres. 0bama's OWN "record" on China:
The Obama campaign is desperate to find any new flip-flopping charge, and perhaps realizes the president’s record on China isn’t anything to brag about. He, after all, sent the Dalai Lama out the trash exit of the White House, for fear of angering China.
-- Obama, Media Reportedly Preparing to Slam Romney as Flip-Flopper on China - By Eliana Johnson - The Corner - National Review Online

And for those of you (0bama supporters in all likelihood) who "forget" that little incident, eat it:
Probably too late for that. They already blew their wad. I mean, they started out their Campaign with calling Romney an 'Evil Rich Racist.' So i'm not sure where they can go now. If most Americans don't buy that shite, it's all over for their Dear Leader. Stooping even lower probably won't help them at this point.
Probably too late for that. They already blew their wad. I mean, they started out their Campaign with calling Romney an 'Evil Rich Racist.' So i'm not sure where they can go now. If most Americans don't buy that shite, it's all over for their Dear Leader. Stooping even lower probably won't help them at this point.

There is no CREEP supporting Obama, you dumbass.

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