Warning. Graphic. Poor Dog, good ending.


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Left To Die In A Trash Heap, Abandoned Dog Gets Remarkable Second Chance

I cannot un see what I just saw. I had to follow it thru. And I sat here...and truly, literally cried. Hubby came in to see what was wrong....and then he began to cry to.

HOW can someone do this to another living being? HOW? And why did it take so long for someone to DO something? Why didn't the person who told the guy that saved her, do something HIMSELF? WHY WHY WHY? That is all that I can think of at this moment. WHY.

I am no longer crying. I am in a murderous rage.
Don't anyone delete this thread! I watched the video, and yes, it is sad, but to see the progress Miley makes, and the trust she has in the person who rescued her, is so heartwarming! What a gorgeous animal she is! :)
I take in rescues. My heart swelled when I saw this. Who knows why we do what we do, but these animals reach deep down into my soul and bring out a love I have never known and a level of compassion and understanding that stays with me throughout my lifetime and theirs.

It was snowing yesterday pretty heavily and a bird got zonked....my son went over to it and comforted it and we left it by a bench at our pond. It regained it's bearings and became all poofy to insulate it from the wind and cold. After a while we went back it was gone. Hopefully it flew away.
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rescues...what a mess they can be...and how loyal they will turn out to be to the human that stepped in and saved them....we adopted a starved doberman...everyone said we were crazy to do it....he was 6 months old and weight right at 18 lbs....just like this dog he had the mange and all....had to do the medicated baths...i was lucky a vet donated all the meds...all i had to do was pay for staff time..they said he would never be 50 lbs...i got him over that...will continued love and care...we could never overcome the bone and joint problems that the malnutrition caused early on...rickets and such....he was a great dog....we were lucky to have him for the time we did....

you need to handle the bird carefully...take it in.....let it warm up and then give it a wee bit of water....yes this will result in bird flying in house...while you curse the moment you looked away...the kid will love it and get to see many different birds and yes some will not make it...that is part of life..

as a wise women once told me...you cant save them all....and as the old story goes...about the girl tossing starfish back in the ocean after a high tide...the old man tells her.....you cant save them all you cant make a difference....she tosses one more back in...and replies...i made a difference to that one...

you want to get on my bad side for good....be sadistic to animals and the wee ones....i prefer the company and conversation with my animals over those with humans...i lost all respect for this board over this issue....
Whomever deleted my posts from last night....THANK YOU.
I was all embarassed this morning and couldn't remember exactly what I was being all dramatic about but I know it was not good. My apologies for that. And yes...now that my brain is back to normal...it is a good story but I refuse to watch it again. As you could see last night (those that saw it all before it was womd), I can't read, watch or hear about stuff like this. I just can't.

Anyway....thank you for doing what you did, Mods/Admins. I was pretty much afraid to come back here because I know I made an ass of myself.
This is why I always rescue dogs. It was a sad but also sweet video. I'd take those two in right now if I could. It really was touching at the end there.
I want Miley. But I am betting everyone under the sun wants her too. And I am not as spry as I used to be. She looked like a young dog.

Anyway...there ARE angels on this earth. Yes, there are. I forgot that last night. But at least now some of you know why I say I can't see that stuff. I go bonkers.

But..I also placed an ad in Craigslist last night too (which reminds me that I need to go check it for spelling..I was pretty loaded last night) for anyone that is collecting warm blankets for the local dog pound so they don't have to sleep on cement. No calls so far. I will have to send them via my sister in law cuz I can't go to the pound. I used to go to take treats, give blankies, etc...but they kicked me out when I went bonkers over some schmuck that was bringing in their elderly dog because "she can't run and play with the kids any more" the day I was there delivering the goodies.
I don't get sad at stories like that and the one above. I get crazy ANGRY.
I told my vet the other day I was thinking about getting another dog. She said I should. But then I had a little chat with Someone and asked for wisdom on doing it, what with my limitations and known future of living in this house and then having to move and finding someone that would allow 3 or more dogs. And the "sign" I got in my dreams...and todays antics with moki and karma...I think the pack I have now is enough. Unless I run across a dog somewhere that I didn't go looking for. In short...if I am meant to have another one...the situation will present itself. Then I will act.
I used to volunteer at the Human Society. The rewarding part was that where I was at taking care of the dogs, they were all going to be adopted out. I just had to work with the dogs, help socialize them, answer questions of the public so the right dog went with the right person, etc.

I could never work in intake. Some of the reasons people bring in dogs makes me so mad I would definitely end up hurting someone and getting arrested if I worked in that area. No joke. It really pisses me off if someone gets a dog and thinks they can just drop it off because they don't want to take care of it any more for whatever stupid reason. Dog is too big, has too much energy, too much work, needs too much attention, etc. Then don't get the damn dog in the first place you loser!! Yeah, I wouldn't last long talking to those folks.

Can't stand that. :mad:
I used to volunteer at the Human Society. The rewarding part was that where I was at taking care of the dogs, they were all going to be adopted out. I just had to work with the dogs, help socialize them, answer questions of the public so the right dog went with the right person, etc.

I could never work in intake. Some of the reasons people bring in dogs makes me so mad I would definitely end up hurting someone and getting arrested if I worked in that area. No joke. It really pisses me off if someone gets a dog and thinks they can just drop it off because they don't want to take care of it any more for whatever stupid reason. Dog is too big, has too much energy, too much work, needs too much attention, etc. Then don't get the damn dog in the first place you loser!! Yeah, I wouldn't last long talking to those folks.

Can't stand that. :mad:

I only had one dog that was 'my' dog. I grew up in a family that always had dogs and cats, but as an adult, I only had the one dog, and I got her, a lab, for running with me. You have to run with a dog that is at least a year old because long distance running is bad for them until their bone structure is fully developed. So, I was looking around and found one in the paper that a family had to give up. The father had an on the job injury and lost his job. He was retrained to do office work, and the family had to move to an apartment where they couldn't have a big dog, and with no yard, etc., to make it feasible to have such a big dog. I understand there are some valid reasons people have to give up a pet. This guy was heartbroken when I took her. But she had the best life as an only dog and all my total love and attention. I would, and did, make my life plans around keeping her and taking care of her. I don't understand people who give up an animal when they don't need to. They think the animals are toys, things, instead of living beings who are dependent on them as a child is dependent on a parent. Once you take on a pet, you take on the reponsibility for a living, breathing, feeling being. It's a serious thing.

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