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Feb 29, 2012
So, Obama is doing everything he can to hold gas prices down? Here's some of the crap the administration is putting out.

SPIN: “Oil production last year rose to its highest level since 2003.”

Gee, how could that be when it takes so long for oil wells to be drilled and oil to start flowing? Oh, there's one small detail he left out. That's oil that Bush actually got going in his administration.

SPIN: “Onshore oil production from public lands has also increased over the last year, from 109 million barrels in 2009 to 114 million barrels in 2010.”

Once again, Obama is taking credit for what the Bush administration did. The slight increase in onshore production from federal lands is due to lease sales approved by previous Administrations—not the Obama Administration, which had barely taken office. Obama was pushing Health Care in 2009 & '10, not oil production. Production will actually start decreasing in the coming years due to Obama closing wells in the Gulf and closing off shore drilling areas that Bush had opened.

Obama would rather lie than eat when he's hungry.
So, Obama is doing everything he can to hold gas prices down? Here's some of the crap the administration is putting out.

SPIN: “Oil production last year rose to its highest level since 2003.”

Gee, how could that be when it takes so long for oil wells to be drilled and oil to start flowing? Oh, there's one small detail he left out. That's oil that Bush actually got going in his administration.

SPIN: “Onshore oil production from public lands has also increased over the last year, from 109 million barrels in 2009 to 114 million barrels in 2010.”

Once again, Obama is taking credit for what the Bush administration did. The slight increase in onshore production from federal lands is due to lease sales approved by previous Administrations—not the Obama Administration, which had barely taken office. Obama was pushing Health Care in 2009 & '10, not oil production. Production will actually start decreasing in the coming years due to Obama closing wells in the Gulf and closing off shore drilling areas that Bush had opened.

Obama would rather lie than eat when he's hungry.

Well, Bush pushed the tab for Iraq and Afghanistan wars onto the 2009 books..that's $1,000,000,000,000. So fair's fair I guess.

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